How woke is your state?
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whats the difference of a province/state/territory?
lol trans voting laws wrf
burgers only thread gtfo leaf
kys burger this is leaf territory
stay in ur lane
Pepe lives in Nebraska?
I had no idea!
When you're from Alaska every other state is a liberal shithole.
>South Dakota
The Good Goy State
Harambe actually making the list is great but tells me there's probably a ton of youth in what I think is Delaware
Also not a single state had the same search I doesn't look like
Is that a sign that each state is growing apart from one another? It seems like those who think a like would be searching the same things
>Also not a single state had the same search I doesn't look like
As the title says, each result is what each state googled more than any other state. Not what they googled the most.
>Pepe meme
>Harper Lee
How boring, will alabama ever get its day in the sun as it so rightly diserves?
top kek missouri and alaska
ohio sucks
>tfw Californian
>merle haggard
Fucking based
That's Rhode Island. Delware is the tumor growing on Maryland.
>Gordie Howe
Never change Michigan. Fuck you Ohii
>"Donald Trump
I believe the term here would be: woke "AF"
>2016 worst year ever?
And you talk shit about leafs.
Ahh, you are correct
Pennsylvania clearly most based state
>zika virus
jesus christ lets just nuke florida already. absolutely subhuman.
>3-1 lead
>California: 2016 worst year ever?
Cali is so stereotypical
>Brock Turner Setence
Arizona's turning into a blue state anyways from the flood of illegals voting democrat.
How much can I believe this is actually true?
> pizzagate
Apparently Alaska orders a lot of pizza.
Alaska. The refuge of pedophiles and other scum of the earth. Either that or Oregon.
Hot damn that looks gorgeous. I need to get up there one day.
It was probably more of normies trying to find out more about what was going on.
I may have gotten a few people to contribute to that search count too before getting stuck on a terrible """vacation""" here.
>dat pic
Needs a tiny Hillary and Bernie under the treads, getting run'd over by the Trumptenk.
>mcdonalds breakfast all day
My state is so pure, it didn't even know what LGBT even ment.
Missouri is most american state confirmed.
Seriously, supermoon my ass.
Why is it that when the moon is closer than it's been in decades, it's not any larger than usual?
I've seen harvest moons three times that size.
>MFW new comey letter
breh, where are you? just moved from kennesaw last summer.
Not sure if chocolate or New Mexico.
The state is literally Mars.
>Why is it that when the moon is closer than it's been in decades, it's not any larger than usual?
Because the moon's apparent diameter only varies by about 14% between apogee and perigee.
>I've seen harvest moons three times that size.
No you haven't. Harvest moons aren't even associated with apparent diameter; they're only called "harvest" moons because they're full moons that occur near the autumnal equinoxes, close to the times that many crops are typically harvested. The only reason they might look larger is because they tend to be viewable late in the afternoon near the horizon, where you have objects nearby to associate size with, a luxury that you don't get when the moon is high in the sky.
Not him. But I'm in Columbus myself
>The only reason they might look larger is because they tend to be viewable late in the afternoon near the horizon, where you have objects nearby to associate size with, a luxury that you don't get when the moon is high in the sky.
what a load of crap
by your explanation you can cover the top half of pic related up and it should look like a big harvest moon
Perspective doesn't translate well between pictures and real life.
In the picture, we have something to compare the size to, even without the horizon. The size of the image, its borders, provide context. You also get to compare side-by-side the moon throughout its ascent/descent.
In real life, you only get to look at what the moon looks at right at that moment. If you don't have the horizon nearby, the only thing you can compare it to is memories of previous observations. Otherwise, you just have the big, open sky, which utterly dwarfs the moon's ~30 arcseconds.
I don't use that word anymore because MTV says it's bad for us whites to use it
how aren't Alaskan leafs?
I just want to point out that this means Kansas doesn't know what that word means
Why be woke when you can get breakfast anytime of the day?
>Ohio sucks
Was it ever a question?
>3-1 lead
Is this referring to the world series
say what you will about Ohio's rusty coast, but they don't have Detroit :^)
can confirm
>Merle Haggard
Country lives on.
>In charge of not falling for a dead celeb' meme
back in the day my first thought used to be that it might be a type of sandwich
Only g food I can think of off the top of my head is gravy but that would t go well with the tomato and lettuce
Alaska here
We invested heavily into Pizzagate
that's actually embarrassing
>juan gabriel
da fuq didn't expect this
>having dry counties
Lol fuck off
>pepe meme
nebraska is woke as fuck.
Transgender voting laws!
>Jew York
>Panama Papers
really makes you think
There's such a lack of degeneracy we don't even know what LGBT are.
It was quite nice seeing a few of my close friends beginning to realise how right Sup Forums is.
based alaska
>posting fake versions
>tfw i had to (((google))) craig sager to find out he is that flamboyant nigger enabler and now i am a statistic
Why? They're stat is very benign.
I wasn't aware Ohioans were considered that way.
Senor Yeb! was always
the answer.
Sage was just a man that loved elves.
>why don't dogs lay eggs
why do platypi lay eggs?
>2016 worst year ever?
God I hate this place
Checks out.
>donald trump/10
thats what im thinking. never met a trans person in nc
Common Core, folks.
Goddamn California is pathetic. They couldn't even google something sensible-yet-liberal to find out about. Just some dumb liberal crybaby hugbox meme. Fucking hell I can't wait to get out of here. OC went blue for the first time in a long while, Trump can't scoop all the Mexicans and San Franciscans out, it'll be blue forever.
Alaska confirmed for tards.
Province, state and commonwealth are essentially the same. A territory or district is a federally administrated area
Montana here
What in the fuck is cupping therapy
based cavs
and fucking faggot calicucks
God i hate my state Cali, full of normies and shit
Nebraska is the chosen land of KEK
Wtf is porbo
both the nba finals where cleaveland caveliers were down 3-1 and came back and 5 months later their MLB team lost the wolrd series to the cuvs despite having a 3-1 lead.
Did Mr. T die this year?
No its fake
Sad thing is I've been asked how much it costs to use our bathrooms more than once.
I doubt this is real but whoever made it did a decent job to make it seem realistic