California Democrats legalize child prostitution

I almost nearly cannot believe that this is real.

Amerifags, what are we going to do about California?

What's your solution, keep arresting exploited kids?

would you expect anything less?

send the exploiters back to central america for starters

What is wrong with these people?


No one in Sup Forums will care of course, but they decriminalized it _for the child_ only. It is still illegal for the john, and most importantly, for the pimp. The point is to not have a situation where the victim picks up a felony record by being party to their own exploitation (which is what previously happened). It also establishes a very clear authority to remove children found in this situation to the custody of the state.

This state's retarded. Earthquake please . Need to move somewhere comfy

this law doesn't change that, the exploiters are still going to get charged. the kid's won't be, how is that a problem?

>I almost nearly cannot believe that this is real.

Because it's not. Clickbait bullshit.

>it's ok to be a hooker kids
just glass my shit up

Made this OC just for this thread, wish we aught to meme this into reality.

This fucking state ffs
I hope commiefornia falls into the ocean

A distinction without a difference. Human beings have agency and free will or they do not.

This is just more Fabian incrementalism on the part of the (((Kultural Bolshevism Machine))). This year it's decriminalized for the boy prostitutes, next year it'll be decriminalized for the chickenhawks, and the year after that, for their pimps. Little by little does the (((Party Vanguard))) smash Cultural Hegemony wherever they find it, in their never-ending quest to render civilization unsustainable and smash culture and family down to atoms, so that the proles will clap the irons onto their own legs just for a promise to restore some kind of livable order. "Tikkun olam." "We will destroy the nations and remake them to our own liking."

California needs to go. What is the opposite of secession? When you just give a state away? We need that. Fuck california tbqhfam

It's not a real. Child prostitution is still illegal but the children will not face criminal charges now.

Pic related is what happens

>getting rid of the largest economy in the US

The simple answer is to wait for the DPRK to announce secession officially (see also, "Calexit"), declare Soviet Kalifornistan to be in a state of rebellion, then move in with troops, strip it of its statehood, revert it to the status of a territory (with no representation in Congress or the Electoral College), put all elected officials who had any part in this, or in the "sanctuary cities" policies they promulgate in collaboration with a hostile invading foreign army. Hang the lot for high treason, appoint a Territorial Governor, have the Border Patrol go door to door to round up every last wetback and ship them back across the border, and allow California to petition for readmission to the Union with the status of sovereign State after a waiting period of, say, twenty-five years, once the corruption has been cleaned up, the invaders have been ejected, and corrupt politicians and "community organizers" have all been tried and executed. Done and done.

The only possible barrier would be the Supreme Court, but as we all know, the Left uses Leftist justices and politicized court decisions to get shit done. Congress should pass a law that due to the increased demands on the Supreme Court there need to be thirteen Justices instead of nine. Trump appoints five Justices who will toe the line and rubber-stamp conservative initiatives. Done and done. Leftists can't bitch about it because this is the way they've done it for a century now.

only Sup Forums would think that treating victims of exploitation as such, instead of criminals, would cause a sudden influx of child prostitution.

as if laws against it were preventing an army of 10 year old girls from becoming wiling prostitutes

>Child prostitution is still illegal but the children will not face criminal charges now.

Then in what sense is it still illegal?!


Why would the teen prostitute tell who their pimp is if they don't have fear of prosecution?
Its not like they have guns pointed at their heads

It's a funny thing that shitlibs pretend they don't understand. Reward something and you get more of it. Punish something, by taxation or otherwise, and you get less of it. This is a historical universal truth.

>prosecuting kids for hooking
>instead of the pedo johns

Sup ForumsĀ®

>(((Hollywood))) isn't leaving for Canada and Florida
>Tech companies wouldn't just set up elsewhere
>Maryland isn't the wealthiest state in the union
>Virginia isn't the home to the wealthiest counties in the Union

Fuck yourself Commiefornian, beaners and Democrats raped that state.

>Its not like they have guns pointed at their heads
is a 55 year old penis pointed at their head any better?

As long as they get money and their dope at the end of it I don't think they care much desu

Ding ding ding ding!

It's not a bug, it's a feature.

Which is why you punish the men who want to purchase child sex, and the pimp that provides access to child sex. Not the girl who has been forced into child sex.

It's like you think there aren't poor children who would turn to this lifestyle because they can make quick money and get away with it. It really is a terrible thing and I think all pedophiles should be thrown into a vat of molten steel where they can bounce around on top till they burn to death

The point is they should have spent more time pursuing the criminals as opposed to the children. The solution isn't making child prostitution legal; that implies that what the perpetrators are doing is fine and won't be punished. What should have happened a long time ago was the people of California preventing child prostitution from happening to begin with and helping the children. With this law in effect, California essentially becomes the red light district of America, especially when you already take into account the obnoxious SJW's and the heavy LGBTQA+ population.


Your whiteknightness sickitates me. If listening to liberals has taught me anything, it's that age is just a number, the Patriarchy oppresses young Womyn by denying their agency and their sexual self-expression through the archaic and fascistic institution of the nuclear family, and grrrls are the moral, intellectual, and physical equals of adult men in every way. Grrrl powah! Grrrls can take care of themselves. Why you gotta be sexist and ageist and paint them as victims? That's not PC.

If a 10 year old girl is so desperate to turn to pedophile sex as a way to make money, of her own volition, then she needs therapy and help. Not a fucking jail cell

How would charging her with a crime and locking up a 10 year old help her?

they didnt legalize child prostitution. Read the fucking law. If you have sex with a kid, you still go to jail. The only difference is now that when the cops bust a pedophile and the pimp, the kid who was forced to be a whore doesnt get arrested as well, which makes sense from a moral perspective if you assume the majority of underaged hookers are doing it against their will.

What this law does do is allow underaged whores to whore without consequences which may in create an environment that encourages regular adult prositution some time in the future, and so we might get into a situation where a young person, predominately homeless, might start hooking to survive, and then when they hit 18 the courts throw the book at them based on the fallacious idea that 'lol ur 18 ur no longer a victim of circumstances'.

Point to a single news article of a 10 year old charged with prostitution

This bill is for underage teens walking the streets not little kid victims

no need to go to Asia or Mexico anymore, now pedos can get on a flight to San Francisco.
What a world we live in today

>purchase underage sex
Sure because they totally believe they're paying for an underaged girl and not one that's either 18 or 19.

It doesn't, except in the sense that it makes it clear to her that there are rules and lines that a civilized society doesn't allow anyone to cross without consequences.

It does help society. Every step across a line moves the line. The criminal justice system exists to protect society, not to reward individual criminals.

>The point is they should have spent more time pursuing the criminals as opposed to the children

But thats not how the real world works. In the real world, cops/judges/lawyers are lazy fucks like the rest of society and they prefer easy jobs over hard jobs. Arresting some coked out teenager who doesnt even know what the fuck is going on is way easier than arresting the 30 year old guy with a legal team or the slick dick professional pimp who keeps his bitches in line with multiple degrees of separation and therefore makes it hard to convict him.

>underage loitering is illegal
>underage loitering for the purpose of selling sex is legal

"sorry officer, I was just trying to get someone to fuck me in the pussy for 10 dollars"

Regardless if they are underage and have to walk the streets to survive they need help not prison. If you get them therapy and some education they might live a productive life.

If you throw them in jail when they come out they will have no other choice but to go back to walking the streets.

(((against their will)))

What i don't understand is why children are forced into being prostitutes but legal age women are not.

if it was actually about protecting people from abusive pimps, all prostitution would be legal if you're being pimped.

You know, there are lots of old faggots out there who prefer boys before the age of eight. They call themselves "chickenhawks." Lots of them have money and are more than willing to pay to play.


ITT: Slippery slopes and missing context.

>and have to walk the streets to survive they need help
Literally no one has to hook to 'survive' in the USA
Maybe 'survive' as in get their next fix

Child trafficking is still illegal. the law just treats children who became prostitutes as victims instead of criminals.

If you are against this law you are retarded

exploiters are usually niggers pimping out white and mexican girls here in california because there is no market for niglets

>If you get them therapy and some education they might live a productive life.

Ok so in your scenario we have an underage person, addicted to drugs, engaged in pedophile sex for money and the best solution is to throw them in prison for many years instead of therapy, education, and getting a job

>as if laws against it were preventing an army of 10 year old girls from becoming wiling prostitutes

it's clear to anyone with a brain that this isn't about imaginary 10 year old hookers and is actually about 15/16/17 year olds. Usually they get mixed up with drugs, or are pimped by their boyfriends because they are too dumb to know any better. some of them are victims, some of them are willing participants. I get what you are saying and to an extent I agree, but this really does open up a bunch of crazy hypotheticals that may or may not happen.

Young girls basically just got a get out of jail free card. They no longer have to pretend they were raped when they regret sex, they can just say 'i was hooking' to blackmail someone.

>tfw live in new York
>California of other side of country

wouldn't be surprised if cuckachusetts out degnerates the rest of the northeast and copies California first. Massachusetts should be given to EU

And there is guys that search for elderly women too but that doesn't mean that the vast majority of people paying for sex in the USA aren't just trying to bust a nut with another consenting adult between the ages of 18-30 for cash.

>throw them in prison for many years
Since when do minors go to 'prison' for many years?
Since when does ANYONE go to prison for many years for hooking?

>The law protects the sold and not the seller
>These threads literally just exist to shit on California for the 1000th time this hour

>Be prominent Cali Democrat
>Pay kid to bring child prostitute to show up
>Kid does Bass to Mouth
>When authorities see the kid leave they can't approach them
>Kid goes off with the John and later says nothing happen and they dindu nuffin


OP is a faggot

Not scientifically possible, sorry you guys take shitty John Cusack movies and bands for methheads more seriously than actual science

Kek, Washington examiner

Don't worry, they'll infiltrate Texshit soon enough. Any 2bh pham you morbid obese cucks deserve every minute of it.

We've forced their hand, they have to make the shit they've done in pizzagate legal before they are caught.

>The law protects the sold and not the seller
As a few people have pointed out
It protects the 'seller' too

>Takes shitty memes for a legit thing
Careful before you think its actually habbening

California deserves it. What a joke of a state.

Im not from Taxis though

A child can't sell herself for sex, she can't give consent. All sex with children is rape therefore the child is always the victim by default.

The end game is catching the pimp and breaking up his ring.
Unless someone is willing to snitch he'll continue to exploit women.
Goal of charging underage women is to get her state appointed attorney to convince her to say the pimp was behind it in a courtroom instead of spending a second in jail.

Damn. It's always the most degenerate places that are the most economically powerful, like germany. This just makes it more likely liberals will see this as the "next step" and a more intellectual way to live. It's actually going to happen, there will be people legally fucking dogs and children within 20 years.


it's literally just a law to keep exploited minors from getting in trouble. the traffickers/pimps/customers still get in trouble. child prostitution is still illegal. it's likely in place to encourage more to come forward about their situations.

that's not to say it definitely won't have any side effects, we'll see.

I'm not the one who believes in fairy tales made up by fanny flustered flyoverfags.

There were more red counties than blue this year. The problem is San Francisco is an absolute cancer. SF is the source of the cancer, and it spread down to LA and Sandy Eggo and the PNW.

SF needs to be nuked bad.

I'm in commiefornia and a black girl offered to suck my dick for "medium fries" from Burger King.

You were so close to being red this election. Why'd you fuck up?

In other news, Catholic priests embark on a mass migration to the west coast.

how was it?

bretty gud deal tbqh m8

Seems like you get trigged by them though

NOVA is where all the leftists and government government workers from DC live, the Governor pardoned 60k felons so they could vote and they allow illegals to set up shop in NOVA.

But Lucifer dindu nuffin

Californian here OP, close but no cigar. I am still unable to stroll down to my local ghetto and legally pay for a 16 year old prostitute.

What has happened tho, is if I were to do this, the 16 year old prostitute would be considered to be the victim and would face no charges... the 16 year old prostitute could legally walk right out the hotel door and start picking up tricks again in front of the hotel

>double government
Am i losing my mind or am i just too tired

Hmm I can now get some ti--

nah it's not worth it, nuke us, but give Sup Forumsacks stuck here a signal before you do

It doesn't go into effect till January 1st, wait till New Years if you are looking to diddle kids, pedo.

>be me
>be visiting cousins in CA last fall
>staying in shitty airbnb in SJ
>walking back from bus stop one night, passing run down strip mall full of asian businesses
>think "i bet i can get a tug job here"
>walk up, immediately see massage parlor
>walk in, old Vietnamese woman gratefully takes $40 off me and directs me to a room... starts grabbing at the cock until i push her off and make clear i'm here for her daughter
>young (maybe 21, hard to tell) vietnamese girl comes in, yoga pants, smokin' ass.
>proceeds to coax another $20 from me, then lubes up hands and proceeds to make cock vomit happen

i have no trouble believing any of it.

> b-but what will you do without commiefornia?!
> 31st state

kek. we will live. drown faggot

mcdonalds fries are better

Can't wait for the pendulum to swing the other way
>Underage sluts whoring themselves out
>Underaged male has sex with an also underage female
Male is a criminal, he gets a record and prison time. Not the female, of course. Even if they are the same age.

Where is this bias against males coming from?

>Largest economy that is only so big due to surrounding states lending resources to fuel economy
You'll sound just like Texas when they had their independence movement squashed by flooding.

This leaf might be onto something

You fucking retards are falling hard for clickbait. It's still illegal to buy a child prostitute (just like it is any prostitute), and you'll still get fucked up the ass if you do this.

The idea is to not punish children who have been forced into it. So that they don't hesitate to go to law enforcement for protection.

I hate Cuckifornia as much as the next guy, but you guys need to at least understand what exactly they did.

So how is that whole "abstinence teaching = less teen pregnancy" thing going on the South?

Oh, and how about that war on drugs? Almost as successful as prohibition!

.....are you seriously asking why do children need to be protected from sexual exploitation?

>I almost nearly cannot believe that this is real.
It's been more real than this before. What kind of sheltered world do you seriously live in?

Especially with the free coupon ;)

Jk I didn't do it

But so could a guy.

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with California

Do you have to ask?
Its the most Sweden/Canadian tier state in the Union.

Enjoy you're AIDS

Juvy hall

Theyre underage retard