Sarah Andersen, also known as Sarah "Wonderkind Womb of the West" Anderson, is a prolific white supremacist online comic artist who is listed by INTERPOL as one of the world's most wanted terrorists. State intelligence agencies world-wide have connected the so-called "One White Woman World Revolution" in a series of racist bombings and other assorted killings across the globe. Sources within the Israeli Mossad have stated that there is heavy evidence pointing to Ms. Andersen's involvement in several terrorist bombings in Tel-Aviv from 1989 to the present day. Alleged to have tutored underneath the white supremacist kingpin "Zyklon" Ben Garrison, Sarah "Slut Slayer of Serajavo" Anderson (as she is known amongst some MRA terrorist circles) has the skills and knowledge to engage in successful but limited guerilla and online political warfare. Recent reports indicate that Sarah "Kike Krushing Kunt" Andersen may be attempting to obfuscate her malicious online artistic activities under the guise of a seemingly innocuous Twitter profile, to which she uploads obviously edited versions of her work in order to lull unsuspecting innocents into her brainwashing propaganda cult. Make no mistake, Sarah "Menstrating Mexican Mauler" Andersen is attempting to raise an army of revolutionaries with which to take down our multicultural World Order. Only time will tell if this vile woman is brought to justice.
How is her work still legal even if it's a fom of hate speech?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm too much of a white knight, I can't promote this. saged.
Is she real? I have never heard of her. I am disappoint.
>is a prolific white supremacist
Sounds like a great gal, where do I sign up to join?
I mean...
>it's a Sup Forums gets a crush episode
Comfy t b h
This. We gave her some time released redpills, give it a few weeks, she'll come around for sure
She's cute
Sounds like my sort of gal
That's hilarious oh my god
>Sarah "Menstrating Mexican Mauler" Andersen
Choked on my lemonade. lol
I knew her in high-school. She was very cute then, too.
Oh shit it is a Sarah "Impaling kikes on spikes" Anderson thread?
absolute madman
Sarah "chimp choking is funnier than shopping" Andersen
I love this.
Can we just establish that Sarah is indeed a tranny? X
I know for a fact that she isn't.
Oh? Who are you, faggot?
you got proof of this?
Okay, and you saw her pussy?
What was she easily persuaded by?
Hold up. Listen up.
You kids should stop this.
Leave her alone.
So we're really doing this huh?
Personal favourite
just like ben, she'll be one of us in no time
You should leave
BEN 2.0
I always wondered why we don't give more people the Ben Garrison treatment.
She needs help desu
Literally who?
Posting this everywhere
>doesnt realize its a satirical post
/r Donald is strong in this one
>Salim Shadi Lay
Holy shit !
N1, burger !
Fucking lmao
Gold. Is this OC?
this one is a bit crude mate...
I made the following
couple days ago though
They're really good, please post more if you have them and if not, please continue making more.
someone create a good one with this
Nailed it.
Never underestimate 4chans ability to destroy something or someone
>you guys dont realize the incoming generation that literally thinks just like that comic
The problem solving skills of millennial are hovering around 0. I say hovering around 0 because often times their problem solving skills go negative and they make mountains out of mole hills
She's really cute. I feel bad.
I hope she can at at least see that trump isn't the monster the left portrays him as and help MAGA.
Someone post the lewds, my dick is out.
lol not bad leaf, not bad. Saved it. Also (yous) are back
When did they add them back?
within the past hour
Sasuga, gookmoot
How about i'll be there in 30 mins?
>I waited for hours in the stream
Is that her in the pic? Damn she's cute. We could not have subverted a more lovely girl
OP has posted a bunch of horse shot.. Post some sources OP, then maybe I'll believe you.
If this is the same person I think I've seen her before, she has a jewtube channel. She's hot as fuck, funny and smart. Yeah she's over the top I'll give you that, but terrorist? I highly doubt it. I love her video on the "Homocaust" (the orlando gay club false flag massacre) and her video on "Antisemitox" is hilarious!
.................... recently I guess
So why are we ruining this girls life?
>ruining her life
Did Sup Forums ruin Steven "gas the kikes" Crowder's life?
pol doesn't ruin loives it enhances them. The stupid cunt with the shitty cartoons is now (((verified))) on twatter thanks to us lovely souls. keep on keepin on
Let's make more OC.
what, is she for real a kike? that's even better!
She can't keep getting away with this!
what's >her name again?
lol cheeky cunt. goodstuff
i hate this place sometimes i really do but also A+ work boys
>these terrorists are getting cuter all the time.
Super cute
leaf made me kek
this got meta real quick
You faggots better appreciate this shit.
very nice
Why is the last frame of every comic her with this wide eyes expression?
I think even Sarah would find this one pretty amusing.
What does pol think of doing more like this one
Because she is talentless and has no creativity.
Two (You). Jackpot!
Give me a (You) please, I want to see.
Heil Anderson! 14/88
Have two on me.