Will blacks ever get jobs? 41% on government assistance.
Will blacks ever get jobs? 41% on government assistance
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jobz is racis
How can i get government assistance?
Step 1: be a nigger
Step 2:???
Step 3:profit
Pretty easy, just have nothing owned in your name and have no income.
If I'm white, but a third worlder and go there, do I still get neet bux?
What do they do all day except,
"Where the white women ayt?"
From the left: 1,4,2,3
You get a white privilege gift basket including a college degree, a guaranteed job, good parents, kids who are ecstatic when you get home and a wife who loves and supports you.
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. Watching this guy's campaign crash and burn is fucking hilarious. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!
That sounds like a scam
you bitches own me and my people for the enslavement of your great great grandparent of my great great grandparents...415 is to low should be at 90% or higher
it really is amazing how fucking disgusting sluts are to look at when you're not horny. The gas chambers is all they deserve
Why would they bother getting a job for? They are in a pattern like a kid or a cunt where the more they whine and complain the more YT gives them. It's the way the govt has trained niggers. That and the media licking their assholes for the past 30+ years and everyone rolling out the red carpet everywhere they go do you think they just might have an attitude? Not like niggers can do anything anyway except make noise and steal shit.
you bitches own me
>own me
You damn right, and lets keep it that way
They have no incentive
Sure thing schlomo, a ((((former trump supporter)))) has spoken up his so fucking important opinion , ya lot should listen to him :^)
Of only we had these in the 1700's. Just think about how much you'd be enjoying Africa right now.
Nope. They are the most pathetic race on Earth.
mfw I lived next door to John Cena for a few years and he is a fucking awesome neighbor doing nonstop baller shit.
Every time I see the guy it reminds of all the awesome shit we got into.
>How can i get government assistance?
A real answer?
First off, be single and don't live with your parents. If you share income with anyone else, it makes things very complicated and it's impossible to pull off without committing fraud.
Now, do very thorough research into high-functioning autism. I mean, 300+ pages worth. Learn it inside and out.
Go to a psychiatrist/psycologist and have them diagnose you. Get it in writing.
Become unemployed, keep your bank account under $2000 (and don't try hidden accounts or anything).
Apply for Supplemental Security Income at your local social security office. Your eligibility is dependent on that diagnosis and your income.
Once it's approved, you will get about $750 a month, plus medicare. If you want to go the extra mile, apply for foodstamps at the Department of Human Services which is a seperate organization (It's state. Social Security is fed). They'll give you some food money and medicaid. (so you'll have 2 health insurances)
If you've been consistently employed for 5-10 years, you will be granted SSI/D (social security disability) instead of SSI. SSI/D is only given to people that have paid enough into Social Security (the type they take out of your paycheck). The difference is that SSI/D can't be touched. Ever. It is permenant. No change in your income or situation can cancel it. SSI can be cancelled at the drop of a hat if your situation changes (you get a job, inheritance, get married, etc).
Just keep your bank account under $2000, don't get a job, don't get married, don't have anyone that can claim you as a dependent, don't live with anyone free of charge (or fake a lease, that works). The goal is to make yourself appear to be in poverty.
Every 3 years or so they will call you in to an appoint to make sure "you're still disabled" and haven't recovered. So keep up your acting skills. I recommend seeing your psychologist twice a year just to keep up appearances, as well.
I know a lot of black men with jobs [in prison]
why can't I spoiler in Sup Forums
Oh, by the way, I have no idea about welfare. I know it comes from the DHS (like food stamps and section 8 housing).
I know the SSI system from first hand experience. When I was 20 (this was 15 years ago), my wife ran out on us for some guy she met online. It was just me and my kid. She took the only car. She cleaned out my accounts. She sold everything she could easily move that was worth value, and left us with nothing. So got sum dem programs for 2 years while we pulled ourselves together. My son has moderate-autism, hence the SSI and also why my ex-wife fled - she couldn't handle it. He got transferred to SSI/D based on how much I paid into Social Security which is a method that's more complicated and not relevant to the point.
Thanks for that, brings back memories.
>hey John, let's go to Ybor City pick up some sluts
>fuck yeah $100 says I ass fuck mine in your pool
>fuck you I'm ass fucking mine on your pool you'll have to change your water
Good times,
Never told anyone the guy was smart, he just had the right personality at the right time to make a good bit of money he could have some fun with. That he got duped into spreading jewery is no surprise at all, I should call and make fun of him.
cool man you seem to know what you are talking about.
Remove government assistance, 41% magically disappear.
Can't be a bad thing user
>Remove government assistance, 41% magically disappear.
Crime goes up 4000%. Do you honestly think these wastes of space are going to get jobs? Hell, most of US can't even find jobs.
then the degenerate shit from all sides will be removed then. Simple
Got a master's in infosec can't get a job anywhere when i do they won't train me you know how many blacks I see without a 4 year degree and one IT ceritifcation? Or a Indian with no degree? Shit your fucking retarded I can't even begin to count the blacks at any fortune 500 company or government agency with barely any education and maybe one it cert. Whitey's gotta get a graduate degree and pay fucking couple hundred grand to get trained. No one trains a white male in IT your fucked and your fucking stupid to even think this. Every IT company is in the cuckold liberal shitskin city. Pretty soon doctor's won't even need the degree if they are black and liberal cucks will see them understanding that diversity gave them the job and their racism means they should like the shit treatment.
You're stupid.
A lot of them probably have jobs. You think people who make minimum wage can afford food and housing without government assistance? That shit is like $7 per hour in some states.
If you want people off government assistance, then make the minimum wage a living wage. It's exploitation to pay someone $7 and motivates the hiring of illegal alien spics.
>41% on government assistance.
how many of those are single moms though
I don't get these Shlomo vs Trump guys. Do you know anything about Trump's kids?
I like how subtle you are about your shitpost, disguising as a newfag, you probably won't even get replies. bravo. wow
not at this point.
it would take a fucking miracle by trump to pull this off.
And it comes full circle back to Hitler and gas chambers. Sup Forums has a knack for that.
Be single without a job. It actually doesn't matter if you live with someone. Apply for food stamps and medicaid. You don't need much else.