Does /pol give unasked opinions around fat black women?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck white people
Do fit niggers really like fatties?
mayber if they learned how to cook instead of eating processed pigslop they wouldnt be so fat
Niggers will fuck anything. A N Y T H I N G
>white people getting into black people's business
>implying it's not the other way around
really makes you think
oh shit whitey got roasted
how can white men even compete
you're fucking white males
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
I want to die
Lmao whitey got scared quick. Thats how it is in real life. Just look at worldstar. Every whitey who gets in a fight gets his ass knocked out and nearly dead.
I am not generally in the company of fat niggers
Life is good
this is actual real life
>going outside
what am I watching here exactly
This. Their cultures do not involve magnanimous relationships. They just fuck whatever. African culture:
What did he do wrong exactly?
Other than being black.
Every fucking time
The only way they ever win is if it's 5 on 1 and they grab a pipe or some shit
Christians praying and then a nigga came with a soundbox playing muslim nigga shit
If the races were reversed you guys would say that he was chimping out
also: who the fuck asked you?
>talking to niggers
That's not on the list
Why the fuck would I be around fat black women?
You're trapped in a room with them, a Jew, an Australian, and an Asian.
You have one gun with only one bullet.
wtf i love obesity now!
Shoot the sheboon. You can escape while the jew is searching her pockets, the asian is chopping her arms off for take out, and the aussie is trying to fuck her dead body.
good list
>spending time near non whites
>> asked
>tfw me and my redpilled family are browsing this thread together
>and the aussie is trying to fuck her dead body
French Christians praying against gay marriage, when a nigger comes protesting.
>shower curtain in the middle of the room
Niggers really are savages
-wearing fake hair
Opps, I answered this question... only then did I realize I didn't need to pull the trigger.. sawwy
alot of niggers are gay but keep it secret, thats why they make up large percentage of the aids cases
Why do people shit on blacks when Indians and Pakis are a thousand times worse?
No. I just think it.
Im pretty sure i have never spoken to a dindu before
a Somalian is basically a dindu. you fucking krout.
>t. Black Sup Forumsack
Because we don't have to deal with many of them, but often have to deal with blacks.
>Does /pol give unasked opinions around fat black women?
All the time. I often have conversations with and spend time with black women.
So you'd deal with a condescending poo in the loo over a loud kneegrow? I'd rather an hero.
/k/ selected species in action.
On the fambly computer?
>Why do people shit on mosquitoes when mosquitoes and mosquitoes are a thousand times worse?
he interrupted their prayers in asking God to protect the destruction of their Church, in France. Nigger got told, and by told I mean decimated.
I guarantee you this has happened to the person who made this once. And he just assumed all white people were like that rather than the person who walked up to the giving his opinion to strangers being a douche.
>tfw normies have given this animal documentary a positive rating.
>tfw female normies are obviously 'intrigued' by this crazy sex-dance stuff.
I feel like shit now. The hopelessness has returned.
As in Kommando or K as in the archetype of eating/fucking everything you can?
white people avoid niggas where this comic even coming from
See, black women can do the fat acceptance thing because most of them can carry it well. Whites....not so much.
Hopefully your dad punched you in the face for posting anime like a fag.
The proper reply is
>and no one asked you to be a fat piece of shit
I was being sarcastic. It's obviously extreme r-type behavior. At least I know that the Malthusian collapse of Africa is inevitable.
>/k/ selected species
Why does that cunt hang around with niggers? Fucking fag cuck
Do I know you blokes?
what the fuck is this
Holy shit, they unironically drew that race guy edit that Sup Forums did to troll hot topic.
The memes are out of control.
No, this is
>Does /pol give unasked opinions around fat black women?
I have no use for fat black women so why would I talk to one? I can't speak ape anyway.
Nah mate. Carry on.
None of them can carry it well. They're all disgusting.
>being around black people
damn I love living rural
Is that Lil Wayne?
Post your body, faget.
they love it
It is not advisable to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener.
The guy is clearly downs.
never met a fat black women
>never been outside
He lives in canada, they probably don't have blacks outside of the ontario peninsula.
No one has to.
brb moving to canada
Thats some obvious autistic playfight where the nigger just slinged his arms around and the fat kid eventually slipped.
You couldve thrown a paperball at him and he wouldve dropped.
Funny how yet again niggers only just wildly swing their arms through the air instead of actually punching.
I bleieve it. I had to pick up some dead nigga the other day for my job and he was a dope dealer. Dude was in some gay dudes apartment and OD'd. Had a shitload of heroin on him and the gay dude was in disbelief. 99.9% sure he was there to do some gay people stuff.