Healthcare is a RIGHT not a privlege

Healthcare is a RIGHT not a privlege.

How can Americans on Sup Forums call themselves 1st worlders while not have universal healthcare? Your country is African tier garbage.

Other urls found in this thread:

*checks constitution*

i don't see free healthcare listed here

>be canadian
>go on holiday in Hawaii
>have a baby
>return to Canada
>be billed a million dollars

(((Free))) Canadian """healthcare""" everybody

>Healthcare is a RIGHT not a privlege.

What the fuck does that even mean. People have to create medications from materials. It takes time, resources and lots of testing. People have to act as doctors, they have to get years of training. Everything that is "healthcare" is the result of people's work, resources and time.

How do you have a "right" to that?


No, it's your responsibility alone to save up for in the case of a financial crisis.
What is not your fault however is all the fucking red tape that has formed in place to slowly suck money out of people, simply because hospitals know that they will always get their money, thus making it prime source for slush funds and etc

>a fucking leaf thinking what Americans should want
Another day goes by on Sup Forums, and the fort mcmurray fire continues to burn.

Ops a nigger...

>Healthcare is a RIGHT
according to who?


Gun ownership is a right, government still doesn't pay for it.

It's literally evolution






Americans are not 1st world, barely even developing tier but yet not at least 3rd world, but barely dodging that bullet by every other developing country standard.


Hmm what could go wrong?


Because there is no higher-tier country for the US to use as a sugar daddy like your meme country does to us.


Gotta roll, gib 76 or at least gib 20 and send me back in time.

If the government stayed out of the healthcare industry it would be affordable.


wel fug >>:D


Do you not remember what was happening with the government staying out of healthcare between 2002 and 2009? People were being charged ludicrous sums of money for insurance to the point that it was affordable for the majority of Americans. If you didn't get it through work you were fucked. The US has always had the most expensive healthcare in the world with and is one of the poorest quality among first world countries.

There is absolutely no reason that in the richest country in the world there should be people without healthcare. If insurance and healthcare was not a for profit industry then insurance wouldn't be so fucking expensive.

Universal healthcare is a wealth transfer from healthy people to unhealthy people.

It removes an incentive to maintaining one's health through, for example, diet and exercise, since healthcare would be free for healthy and unhealthy people alike.

Universal healthcare inevitably leads to shortages of healthcare services, leading to far longer wait times compared to private healthcare.

Also, the US has Obamacare and a plethora of government-funded healthcare programs, which combine to create what is essentially universal healthcare.

There are enough intelligent people that want to do medicine for this to be a viable option. We just have a culture where medicine "pays soooo much money but it's soooooo hard!! so few can do it!" but we have a highly educated population now where perfectly qualified med school students get denied for no good reason. There should be a baseline (but rigorous) set of requirements for med school where everyone that meets it gets accepted, then we can have lots of doctors at low rates!


>Do you not remember what was happening with the government staying out of healthcare between 2002 and 2009?

Massive government regulation of the private healthcare industry


When healthcare is "free" (payed for by the taxpayer) government bodies determine who has access to healthcare based on likelihood of success and resources devoted to healthcare by the government of the day. Thus, your 'right' to healthcare is not guaranteed unless you are the healthiest/youngest person in need of care. Furthermore, less resources are devoted to actual healthcare and more to healthcare bureaucracy. In the United States, healthcare is the highest quality, most innovative, and most accessible in the world. You'll never be told you can't be fit in, unless you are unwilling to pay for it, and in that case, you probably don't need it.

>expensive healthcare in the world with and is one of the poorest quality among first world countries

Simply untrue.


Reminder, your country's penis size is in direct proportion to the strength of your military.

Cubans have free healthcare and their MDs will leave the island at the first opportunity to make a living elsewhere. My doctor is born and trained in Canada, but he practices here, why is that? Because the free market attracts the best and brightest. Get fucked commie.

>Do you not remember what was happening with the government staying out of healthcare between 2002 and 2009?
Wow what a shock, 70+ years after our whole economic system was already fucked up, there were problems brought on by the absolutely retarded regulations put in place in every institution!
What's the solution? More regulation! xddd
Government interference is the biggest scourge upon the US industry and needs to be eliminated. The market cannot function when it's hindered by bureaucrats who don't know a fucking thing putting in place rules written by the highest bidder.

If any of those countries had universal healthcare, we wouldn't need it as we are in the same universe.

checkmate bernie

You're right. Go to a hospital and they HAVE to treat you. But you still HAVE to pay for eventually. Acquiring an income is not a right, merely a privilege and a byproduct of capitalism.

Stupid. Fucking. Leaf.

You do not have a right to the fruit of someone else's labor. It is that fucking simple.

Do the world a favor and drink bleach.

>most accessible in the world.

But >australia

Why even reply.


Because our healthcare system is pretty fucked, mate.

I don't understand why you retards still use pics like that. Any time series growing at a steady rate will eventually become like that. It's the nature of exponential series.

The first world is literally defined by us

Look, I get it, most people on here hate Obama, but as someone who had to purchase their own healthcare between 2004 and 2007, it was a fucking nightmare. I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in 2005 and my rates when through the fucking roof. I was dropped in 2007 and had to quit what was a high paying job because I was labeled as uninsurable and could not get insurance at any price. The only way I could get health insurance was through a company that provided it to employees.

Further, the company hired an in-house doctor to lower their health insurance costs. You had to get a referral through the companies doctor before you could even use your health insurance

you people are as bad as the fucking libtards, I lived through this and remember it like it was yesterday. The affordable care act could have been a lot better but the RINO's in congress thought it was more important to cuddle up next to their campaign contributors.

I'm tired of people supporting the RINO's and DINO's that keep destroying our country. And it seems like people only support them because their talking points make them feel good. You people are the least redpilled motherfuckers I've ever talked to

We don't live in fucking cuba you twat, the US isn't a third world country so stop comparing it to one. I'm tired of hearing that bullshit argument.

between 2002 and 2009 US government policy was very much laissez faire. That attitude is what created the 2009 economic crisis in the first place

The only reason we don't have it is because conservatives can't stand the idea that even once cent of government money would go to someone who isn't white, that has always been their biggest problem with government programs

>I lived through this and remember it like it was yesterday

What you haven't lived through, friendo, is 'free' healthcare. What you don't get is that what you assume is shit healthcare, regardless of cost, is the HIGHEST QUALITY and MOST INNOVATIVE healthcare in the world.

Treatments in the United States which have been used extensively as THE standard of care are still 'cutting edge', 'high risk' and not covered in Australia, therefore, 100% inaccessible, even if it is the only treatment that would work for a given ailment.

we do have that. that's why they never turn away anyone from the emergency room regardless if you don't have insurance. everyone has the right to receive healthcare, but it's not the government's responsibility to provide it. /thread

>implying getting cancer is a choice

Are u dumb??

Oh, and those 'free' doctors? All trained in third world countries.
Want a quality doctor? You pay more than you would in the states.

This thread ended here But I am glad someone else was able to point this out

that's why a lot of niggers and illegal immigrants get welfare and food stamps, right?



>people should be left to die cause they can't afford to pay $400,000 for cancer treatment

Okay 3rd worlder, whatever you say.

I'm not asking for free healthcare, I'm asking for healthcare that doesn't cost me $15,000 a year and then I get dropped when I go to use it.

What free doctors? My companies doctor was paid a very nice Salary and we could stop in any time we wanted. We also received incentives for using the company gym and keeping ourselves in good health.(no smoker, healthy weight, ect.) We literally got paid to live healthy lifestyles because it was cheaper to have healthy employees that didn't need to use their insurance than it was to have unhealthy employees who frequently needed to use their insurance.

>We don't live in fucking cuba you twat, the US isn't a third world country so stop comparing it to one. I'm tired of hearing that bullshit argument.

Yet thousands of third world MDs come here to practice medicine because they can offer something more than rolling chicken bones on the floor and sacrificing a goat on a full moon.

>>I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in 2005 and my rates when through the fucking roof. I was dropped in 2007 and had to quit what was a high paying job because I was labeled as uninsurable and could not get insurance at any price. The only way I could get health insurance was through a company that provided it to employees.

>>Further, the company hired an in-house doctor to lower their health insurance costs. You had to get a referral through the companies doctor before you could even use your health insurance.

This shit goes on in 'Free' healthcare markets, its just the Government bureaucracies that fuck you, not your employer.

Pic related is the trend of inflation and deflation prior to that point. Notice how the spikes are more volatile, but follow a trend of equilibrium by having deflation counter the inflation. We don't have that anymore, just un-mitigated inflation. Do you honestly believe that bubble is sustainable?

I apologise, took your post as arguing for Canadian/Australian style 'free' healthcare.

>Industralization is a bubble


Most americans are too fat and lazy for a universal health care system to be feasible. I would support a plan that only offered it to people who could walk a couple miles without collapsing

we can't do it with almost half the country overweight.

>Industrialization happened in the 1950s


>people should have to pay for cancer they don't have

Okay commie. You don't have a right to something that other people provide you.

Inflation is in a bubble, you fucking dunce. What are you even trying to say?


Hoping for leaf

user deflation stopped because we went off the gold standard and we just print a shit ton of money because our currency isn't tied to a commodity


Do you seriously believe that we've been on a 70 year bubble?

Holy fuck, kill yourself.


You either pay for it, or someone else pays for it.
You have no right to the property of other people.

>Guns are a RIGHT not a privlege

What the fuck does that even mean? People have to create bullets from materials. It takes time, resources, and lots of testing. People have to act as safety instructors, they have to get years of training. Everything that is "gun rights" is the result of people's work, resources and time.

How do you have a "right" to that?

(editor's note: you pay for healthcare like you pay for guns)

To be considered a right, heathcare must be provided to everyone. Healthcare does not just "happen", however. It takes money, talent, hard work, and time, and all of these things must be provided by people.

If you have a right to healthcare, then you must also have a right to the labor of others. The labor of everyone from doctors and pharmaceutical engineers to hospital construction workers and janitors must occur to provide you your right.

Hypothetical: All of the doctors and nurses in the world quit their jobs. Who provides your "right" to you? Do you force somebody to do it? How?

you have a right to cumguzzle you retarded inbred fucker

Why would you want to be treated by a third world MD? The doctors that come to the US are here because they want to make money more than they want to help their countrymen. They are traitors to their country who are in it for nothing more than money.

Being employed by a company that provided health insurance was the only way I was able to get covered. I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here. I am very thankful to my employer as they have been able to help give me access to the treatment I needed to put my sarcoidosis in remission. In 2007 I was looking at maybe needing a lung transplant because I did not have sufficient access to treatment and it spiraled out of control. After 4 years with my current employer I am happy to say I still have my original lungs.

Cmoooon China or Japan

Someone's mad.

not an argument


I agree with you.

But can't the same logic be applied to guns? What if all the gun manufacturers shut down?

You have a right to but guns not to have one handed to you, so please come up with less stupid examples leaf.

You're confusing positive and negative rights.

Gun rights are a negative right, whereby a person cannot be denied access to firearm ownership. To become a positive right, firearms would have to be made available and/or provided to every person.

Universal Healthcare is a positive right, which according to OP must be provided, even in the absence of the ability to pay for it. To become a negative right, access to healthcare must be unable to be denied.

There is a huge difference.


>equating the right to purchase a good/service with the right to receive a good/service for free

fucking what faggot

>What if all the gun manufacturers shut down?

See my comment Access to firearms is a negative right, and if everybody stopped making guns, gun rights would not be violated.

I already feel my posting getting worse

rell. Also the queen will die tonight

>What the fuck does that even mean.
A right is a set of promises made by the government.
Try to keep up.

Don't worry, Trudeau will flood your country with MENA shit till you have all the 'diversity' and lack of rights you so envy your southern brother for.

>a fucking leaf

>A right is a set of promises made by the government.

A government cannot create healthcare, it can only coerce individuals to give away goods and services.

That's a good answer. Well said. Thanks.

We've been in a bubble since the Federal Reserve was created. Common core education has taken your ability to argue your viewpoint with rationality.

But you dont have free speech. You arent allowed to espouse this opinion.
