>White man: You absolutely can be racist against people of any skin color or ethnicity and you're just defining racism so you can be as racist as you want toward people of other skin colors without getting called on it, as proven by the fact that no dictionary defines racism with any regard to power dynamics.
Robert Fisher
Jose Nelson
Ask them to elaborate one what they mean by "institutional racism." Which institution is the racist one? If they ca even name an institution, ask them what specifically the institution does that's racist. Then explain that if you just say "it's institutional racism" that's just a cop out and there's no way we can even stop it because the left can't point to anything tangible.
Gabriel Gomez
you put it on a boat to africa?
Nicholas Evans
>White man: Aren't you being racist right now? >arguing from the far-left moral standard
That's when you lost, cuck.
Jordan Jones
>I'm jewish
Sebastian Perez
Just call them a fucking nigger
Jordan Cruz
This, channel the power of Allah and chop their head off with a boot knife my brother. Peace be with you.
Jayden Campbell
if caucasians had "stayed in their lanes" this bitch would have been pounding igneous rocks against a boulder and fastening the chips to the end of long sticks instead of delivering a shitty powerpoint presentation.
Joseph Carter
No point arguing with retards.
Blake Morris
That they can take their welfare money and go back to Africa any time, as nothing and no one is keeping them in the U.S. except themselves. If it is SO BAD for a black person in the U.S. why are they still here, and why are they gladly accepting free food, cash money, apartment, and insurance?
Then follow up with asking them why do they blame whitey for them being in the U.S. when the U.S. gave blacks full travel back to Africa and apparently their great great grandparents refused to fucking go back
Its all bullshit - they just want free shit and special status like the feminists to do, say, and get everything they want.
Aaron Clark
Aww, isn't that cute. A black girl using white technology to show off that she hates white people. How fucking ironic and hilarious is that.
I always argue with these types of people (using a black FB account to avoid all the buzzwords), and you just can't get through to them, no matter what. They will always say "WHITEY STOLE OUR TECHNOLOGY LMFAOOOOO, NO WONDER THE U.S IS THE WAY IT IS TODAY, BECAUSE OF BLACK PEOPLE THAT BUILT IT LOOOOOOLL 0-100 BAKA DESU"
It's like arguing with a fucking brick wall.
Wyatt Bell
Now i suffer racism too my nigga, the one of being a stranger in my country.
Jayden Garcia
Don't call him racist, call him anti-white.
Isaiah Sanders
You can't win an argument against a dumb nigger
Adam Hughes
Let me re-phrase that "The U.S is only successful because black people were slaves, and they built most of the things"
They actually believe that the majority of the country did not do one thing, and made slaves do all the things. Where do they get this from?
Aaron Green
>trying reason with apes
Gavin Nelson
Woah nigger use turn signals before switching lanes
Matthew Green
>How to win this argument Sup Forums plz help "Look, if you're going to go around redefining words, then you can carpet the hedgehog right outta here"
Or some other nonsense. I know, speaking in nonsense will put them at a homefield advantage, but what other choice do you have? If they'd listen to reason, then they wouldn't believe in reverse-racism anyway
Gavin Davis
"If it weren't for white men civilizing your ancestors you'd be dying of typhus on the savanna clothed only in a dirty loincloth (you worthless, bootlipped coon)!
Henry Kelly
>How to win this argument lynching
Austin Clark
You: Would you agree that racism is to do harm to another person based upon their race, or to attempt to liquidate a certain race?
Them: Yes.
You: To be racist in the sense that one is harming another person based upon their race, or attempting to liquidate that race is precisely what you are advocating.
Them: But muh powah structures!
You: Critiques of power structures are a separate debate. We're talking about you being racist because you support affirmative action and white genocide.
Them: No, racism means that whites are oppressors!
You: Is it not oppression for blacks to advocate for the killing of white police, or for non-whites to advocated for the depopulation of native Europeans?
Them: But muh powah structures!
You: [turning to audience] And that right there is an exhibition of the level of intellectualism with which we are dealing.
Thomas Hughes
Blake Howard
i get so tired of this bullshit. fucking US exporting their virtue signalling all over the world. even the united nations defines racism as the same thing as racial prejudice because if if some entitled nigger were to try to pull this 'systemic', 'institutionalized' bullshit in the middle of fucking south sudan for instance they'd be laughed at before being slaughtered and set alight because they weren't the right kind of black person. it blows my mind how the ONLY people who complain about systemic racism come from positions of privilege and comfort.
Christian Morgan
Ignore and take solace in the fact that Nig Nogs are the most doomed demographic in America and will never be able to come at us like Nig Nogs do in South Africa. Seriously guys it's the immigration we need to worry about the most right now. The Negro is loud and arrogant but he will never amount to the Brown dawn scenario Mexicans are trying a hand at.
Ryder Lewis
What's with that guy with a wig on the picture? I'm seeing him everywhere online
Jose Kelly
Juan Mitchell
white soldiers died to free the slaves in the civil war.
Jonathan Edwards
Carson Long
>if whites stayed in Europe
dear god, Vikings with Nukes.
I mean, the chinese developed gunpowder. Eventually the tech would find its way to Europe. SO Vikings with AKs.
But the Jews invented nukes. They're not white, so eventually we'd get that tech too.
IMagine a tribal warrior culture with nuclear weapons. I mean, you know, Iran.
Camden Cook
>reasoning with an animal
good luck
Julian Jackson
Basic counterpoints to these tired arguments
>Aren't you entirely redefining racism to better suit your argument? If they are unironically advocating for the culling of whites, I'd immediately point out they were in fact calling for racial genocide
>Is racism objectively a force of evil, aren't affirmative action programs forces for societal good and equality even though they themselves are discriminatory?
>Where exactly is racism institutionalized as a tenet of law? What exact laws can be cited?
Chase Roberts
Gawd dayum, what the fuck kinda knifes you got in your boots son, a muhfuggin Mah-chet-tay?
Thomas Stewart
This, use the "not an argument" argument on (((institutional racism))) forcing them to provide stastics will probably trigger them outright, if they can, define how that institution is likely already diversified through quotas (assuming its governmemt, lead that into a point about "Arent quotas by definition antithetical to a meritocracy", stuff like "If merit at all costs were the end goal wouldnt success and merit create their own quotas if equality is observed as true naturally?" You will trigger a meltdown likely.
Joseph Turner
when are white men going to start chimping out?
Christopher Long
>you can't reverse racism in a crackkker country
That argument is bullshit, and akin to playing a game of "not it" with a 5 year old.
Luke Fisher
>Had Caycasuans stayed in Europe
It sure if nice that we live to the ripe old age of 80, too bad for those brown fellows ot the South who live to 30 and then fall over from preventable diseases. Those yellowish guys to the east at least make it to 50, but that wet rice farming technique just doesn't make a man live like he should.
Evan Rogers
Firstly, what is "institutionalised" racism and how does white privilege exist is most white people are trying to stop it?
Benjamin Moore
You know, user, I've used the "not an argument" to people on FB. It actually works. They either don't reply, bring up some shitty statistics, or go into "I win, I win!!!" mode.
Logan Nguyen
Posting my most powerful cap ever found on on Sup Forums. (Been here years)
Jeremiah Barnes
More good stuff in this post as well, especially going RIGHT after white genocide, no one can defend a genocide as a liberal. Can't be done.
Ethan Price
Location irrelevant. Demand evidence of institutionalized racism.
Its still racist. What is the problem?
Wyatt Walker
>the British would have starved you to death And this is why British rule is best rule
Brody Gonzalez
>reverse racism I never understood this. Is this like praising someone because of their race? Sounds good to me
Grayson Howard
Why would you bother trying to have a conversation with a nigger?
Liam Clark
That map is utter bullcrap
Liam Miller
kick em out back to Africa 1488 brother
Lincoln Gomez
>nigger unironically propagating a version of Blut und Boden
The future is dank.
Jonathan Evans
American global leadership is awful. 'The Empire' was superior in every way. Whites had pride in themselves and uplifted others, but we didn't bullshit ourselves that they were our equal. The cultural pozzing American leadership is giving the white world alone warrants the end of American leadership. America was not a mistake, but the wrong side won the civil war.
Benjamin Torres
ehh Britain pozzed itself as well to an extent with equality rubbish but was still fine with slaughtering millions of people
Asher Jenkins
>How to win this argument Sup Forums
Snubnose .38, two shots in the sternum at close range. Under the ribs, angled up slightly. Close enough to look them in their yellow eyes as they die.
It's the only way to fix a nigger.
Evan Jackson
So how many niggers are actually in Putin land
Bentley Murphy
Nope. South seceded over that but the war was fought because who the fuck wants to lose half their country
Charles Campbell
January 20, 2017
Daniel Butler
lmfao why is a picture of Joanna the Scammer up there? Man I'm glad I left college before it became a (huge) meme.
Ian Baker
It's just a bullshit definition that allows you to excuse the fact that you are a bigoted racist piece of shit.
Juan Richardson
Society changes the definitions of things all the time. Racism as we know it here in the states at least, has a clear power dynamic to it.
>Black person: Does my prejudice affect you? No? Then I'm not racist. >White person: Does my prejudice affect you? Yes? I'm racist.
Lucas Lopez
Petey Greene says it best at about the 2:30 mark. EVERYONES racist.
SJW define racism as prejudice + power. I'm not prejudiced, and no one can prove me otherwise. No one will label me either. Unequal power is just life. Everyone has a boss. Deal with it.
Caleb King
define "affect"
Carter Hughes
Mfw my birthday is 1/4/88 Mfw my last name is almost unpronouncably German Mfw my wife's maiden name is "White"
Aaron Jackson
So? Power dynamics exist. As a group whites are superior to blacks. Racism is a natural evolutionary trait to tell an interloping group to fuck off WITHOUT violence. Today 'Racism' is no longer recognized as a natural phenomenon, instead it has become what chairman Mao called a 'magic word'. You simply invoke the 'R' word to win, or at least end any argument.
Around 200-300k I think. They make up less than 0.01% of the population, so it's hard to find any statistics on them. Most of them are first-gen African migrants that barely speak Russian, which pisses people off like hell.
Anthony Richardson
Slavery (A) led to secession (B) resulting in war (C)
Google "transitive property", then maybe walk off a building
Christopher Smith
you kill the shitskins until they become too afraid to talk back
Eli Campbell
You don't need to win the argument. You just need to do everything in power to keep black people down.
Work a job that involves interacting with the public?
Make sure whites receive preferential treatment.
Etc. etc.
Blake Martinez
>my tweet when the left is imploding
can't stop winning desu
Nicholas Miller
Simple answer to that presentation: She wouldn't be there as she is the result of miscegenation.
Justin Barnes
You respond with a >but that's racist! and then you keep calling them racist while you make a face of disgust. That's how you win, that's what they always do actually.
Owen Wood
You say your a black women, in America, a country with a black president. Considered the most powerful in the world, by your own definition your a racist.
Nathaniel Rogers
nice digits happy birthday
Caleb Powell
For example, most HR departments and small business lenders are white and unsurprisingly, blacks struggle with employment and opening businesses. When does this ever happen vice versa?
Thomas Hall
>"Had Caucasians stayed in their lanes and in europe"
Does this retarded she-boon not realize that had whites not brought her ancestors to america, she would still be living in a mud hut in africa?
Josiah Ramirez
Fear of Race Realism and the Denial of Human Differences
Gene science denial is the equivalent of climate science denial. Both are politically motivated idiocy.
Angel Rodriguez
Niggers are unable to invent anything so they can't grasp the concept that things need to be invented in the first place in order to exist. They simply live in a world where they take everything for granted, just like very young children, they are animals that live by consuming whatever nature offers them. The simplistic and unevolved negro mind is truly a fascinating thing.
Jordan Jackson
Society yes. Not a small collection of left wing niggers who decided it was inconvenient that their white hatred was by definition racism so they altered the definition to make themselves immune from accusations while allowing them to paint every white person they wanted as a racist.
The agenda is hilariously transparent
Grayson Smith
HR harpies are the ones pushing affirmative action, how the fuck are they the ones keeping the blacks down?
Nolan Davis
Why are you talking to black people?
David Diaz
>How to win this argument
It's not an argument.
Nathaniel Clark
>institutionalized So there is a system of formal laws designed to keep blacks down?
Oh no, wait, there's affirmative action which lowers the bar for blacks and they are still fuckups.
Maybe blacks aren't allowed to run for office. Oh wait, we just let a literal chimp hold the highest office and ruin the healthcare system and the state of global politics, just because muh equality.
Adam Barnes
I can't handle guy's jew voice, it makes me want to hunt his rat ass down and toss him in an oven
Aiden Peterson
Jeremiah Lee
wall you say?
Sebastian Evans
You don't argue with the cockroach, you don't make arguments and try to reason with it. You step on it.
Jace Foster
Try the book?
Lincoln Long
Ignore it. Ignore it like most black people. The common reaction among most blacks to this type of rhetoric is to roll their eyes, suck their teeth, and proclaim "THIS nigga."
Aaron Hall
not in disagreement, but where's the source on that second paragraph
need for personal use
Samuel Wilson
underappreciated filename
Carson Turner
>Both are politically motivated idiocy. Calm down there, Alex Jones.
Andrew Garcia
surely you mean theyd be living in the magic pyramid starships laughing as they orbit us whitey apes
Jordan Price
Make up your own unfalsifiable bullshit postmodernist words and use them right back. "But institutionalized power is culture plus law, and white people have no culture." Why argue against unreasonable, intransigent, and hostile assholes when you can BE the unreasonable, intransigent, hostile asshole?
Sebastian Jones
Probably referring to the founding of Liberia. It's not how he makes it sound. The offer to go back was rather limited and involved relatively few.
Kevin Wilson
If whites had "stayed in their lane" you probably would not have had the luxury of going to college, give a presentation using modern technology invented by whites, or have western privileges. A lot of your countries also wouldn't have sewer, railroads, or technology which was given by whites.
Do black people think that if whites never colonized other countries that Africa would have been a Utopia?
Bentley Thompson
>blacks struggle with employment Do they? I see them working all manners of jobs all day long.
>and opening businesses How do the Arabs & Indians do it so easily then? Surely the big, bad white supremacist machine doesn't want them opening shit either?
Brayden Richardson
African muslims enslaved millions of europeans 8 centuries before the first european boat stopped at Africa with people setting foot in it. 1 x 1 its a draw, just because one happened after the other it doesn't change the fact that both did the same absurdity of slavery. Racism against blacks is a term coined by muslims in the Arab world and brought to Europe on the XVIII century, because niggers were lazy people in regards to their religion. When the Brits tried to stop slavery throughout the world the regions that wanted it to continue were Africa and Asia, because they would have fundamental changes on their culture if the institution of slavery were to end. Africa still has slavery to this day. You are the racists, you subject your own people to slavery. Before trying to preach your judgement over me, go fix Africa, and go back there if you think living here is too bad for you.