It's literally fucking nothing. Pic related.
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Reminder that Russian shills are very real
So basically if dudes porn laptop was affected by the same malware that was DL'd by Podesta when he got tricked by a phishing email, that would lead me to believe this is just your average malware picked up by old ppl and other idiots.
Why would Russia sponsor a hack for some electric plant employee's home computer?
This whole Russia hack thing stinks of pre Iraq war propaganda.
There's also a fuckton of malware and viruses on the internet that originate from Russia. But that doesn't mean they originated from the fuckin Kremlin.
I know our govt employs some very smart cyber security dudes, but how the fuck can they honestly link malware in a phishing email to a foreign govt? Unless that foreign govt is pants on head retarded?
They can subconnect to the main router of the electrical grid via an employee's computer
>shut down power gird
>unironically ignoring the fact that it would take months (if not longer) to power-up a downed grid (*assuming no damage... which would be extensive)
>you can now blame Russia if you get caught watching questionable porn sites at work
What a time to be alive.
His home computer?
And how many electric company employees are there in the US...? Doesn't it seem just as plausible that he just picked up some malware when he was browsing dodgy porn sites?
I know my way around comps alright, but my bro in law is hired by companies to find vulnerabilities and hack their shit. I was talking with him over Christmas about this hacking stuff and he said that if they think it's Russia then it was prolly Russian malware, but it'd be pretty much impossible to know if it came from the Russian govt.
I can't wait till they find Podesta's pizza stashes
>M-muh R-Russians!
Oh, Russian hackers were only poking our power grid? Nevermind then; Putin rocks!
You'll find that if the whole worlds power goes out and stays out. In 1 year, 90% of the world population would be dead
>I warned the legacy grid what I was capable of
Yep. Just like 2003.
>That's about all, peace out
The Washington Post publishes fake news, what a shocker.
So Obama's trying to hand Trump a war with Russia like how Bush handed Obama a collapsed economy full of "failing" banks?
Fucking cunts, why can't we get rid of politicians already and replace them all with pop/reality stars?
I work for a utility. Our retards routinely open phishing emails and Nigerian prince scams. Such is life at a company with an affirmative action hiring policy.
Everybody's Russian
It's just more anti-Russia fervor. It's really getting quite boring and predictable. It could be a keylogger. It could be literally fucking anything.
Hack the planet broskis! WEEEEEEEeeeeeee!
They're preparing for world war 3.
Seriously why can't they just leave everyone alone instead of risking blowing the entire world up? I'm not ready for IRL Fallout.
This. Hope you're stocked up and ready to go. Martial law and war is coming within the next two weeks. It's happening and none of us can stop it. Be ready to pick a side and choose carefully.
Rushing to do what?
Nah. Obama is desperate and fishing for a reaction, but he's not respected enough to even warrant one. Think about that. Obama took steps to send back another world power's diplomats through sanctions and it didn't even warrant a response other than the Russian embassy trolling and Trump/Putin laughing at him. Obama is a foreign policy disaster because nobody fears him.
Putin knows Trump gets sworn in in a few weeks. Obama can keep fishing but he's not gonna get any bites. Just more embarrassment.
>a bunch of drunks in sweatpants hacked the most "powerful and secure" nation in the world
>Only 1 laptop
Haha. The worm has already planted and they haven't detected it yet.
Fine work as always Guy...
All the articles say "a code"
Do they mean an executable program someone wrote? Are they really that tech illiterate?
anyone who believes it was the russians are the same idiots back in 2008 that believed obama was the devil reincarnated, muslim from kenya. obama is an idiot, but isn't the devil. it could have been some fat man from russia, but not the russian government. russia isn't THAT stupid and let alone, if they were going to do something like that, they wouldn't have been NAIVE to leave obvious """""""clues""""""" that it was them.
you know what, to play devils advocate here, lets say the russian government did do it. for obama and his lapdog administration to come out and accuse a sovereign nation like russia of hacking is quite hypocritical of him to do so when he has equal blood on his hands. first thing that springs to my mind was the Iranian centrifuge sabotage and the entire destabilization of the middle east in places like Egypt and Syria where he, and hillary, where large influences to these unnecessary bloody conflicts. bloody conflicts that are leading to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but more unjustified bloodshed.
i find trump to be an arrogant fool, but acting like obama has been any better simply because he aligns more to YOUR distorted views is hysterical.
We never stood a chance.
This is like that stupid Cia movie they made where the premise was that the rogue agent was going to unleash a computer virus that could hack through the electricity. Aka retarded.
Someone planted a petrol bomb at a Sydney substation. IT WAS AMERICANS. Fucken rogue govt.
The war was over before it started
>Goatfuckers in caves
>Drunks in trackies
Gotta go watch Top Gun again to top up on some superpower rhetoric brb
yeah and some goat fuckers from the desert high jacked three planes with PLASTIC BOX CUTTERS and took down two of some of the tallest buildings in the world.
The beauty of it is, if the power goes out for, say, just a month... most of the liberals will die first.
All of their hive cities rely entirely on the other 95% red counties to live. Their food is trucked in. Even their water must be supplied to them.
A widespread electrical outage, or a massive EMP, kills libs dead. All the niggers starve to death when their welfare cards stop working and the liquor stores are looted clean within the first few days. The cities whither and die while the rest of the population just fires up the grill.
>originate from Russia
Russia is also the exchange hub for tools between designers or mass-information hacks and end-user criminals (the kind who will take the tools and then hack a target or comb the bulk data purchased for usable information like social security numbers, passwords, etc).
A significant amount (if a majority) of malware, rootkits, decryption, and other assorted cyber criminal activity will have some connection to Russia.
Which is all the more reason to be skeptical of what our current Obama admin is doing. Sure, maybe Podesta got phished w/some malware that in some way came from or through Russia, but that's a lot diff than Putin ordering the hack on the DNC to influence our election and help Trump.
If we had proof of that? We'd be at war.
Why are Americans such cucks nowadays? You either wanna suck Russian dick, Nip dingaling, Jewish penises or the BBC.
Actual sensitive shit is kept disconnected from "the world wide web" and can't be "hacked" like it is in Hollywood movies and TV shows where a quirky fat woman with brightly colored hair can hack through the strongest firewalls by pinging her IP through NINE PROXIES!!!
These stories of RUSSIAN HACKERS, I can't help but think about the epic "Sup Forums hackers explode vans" meme from Faux News.
Imma hack u. My friend tolya is setting up the firewalls.
I thought Australians were supposed to be less shitty posters than Canucks.
Sounds comfy