What is he overcompensating for?
Has this ever happened in American history that a President is so petty he does crazy shit in the last days? Did Bush leave gracefully?
Israel, Russia, Pakistan etc. yet and more to come!
What is he overcompensating for?
Has this ever happened in American history that a President is so petty he does crazy shit in the last days? Did Bush leave gracefully?
Israel, Russia, Pakistan etc. yet and more to come!
He's mad because he felt the election looked like a reality tv show and that Santa didn't bring him what he wanted this year. Also he's a baby.
I thought long about this... do you think this immaturity is because he is half black? Could it have anything to do with that?
his massive BBC.
his wife's
What he's overcompensating because of all that Bobby Rush crap in Chicago?
He knows Trump is going to wipe all his "progress," while making him look like a lazy jackass. His higher-ups are disappointed in him.
Wtf. I like Obama now.
>His higher-ups
>Pic related
He will never have the memes. Sad. Many such cases.
Niggers always trash houses before getting evicted
Maybe there's hope.
Obama bin liftin
He's just mad because he feels like a weak little girl compared to other leaders like Trump.
>that baby weight
And people are psysically intimidated by negroes lmao
oh my god what the fuck is he wearing? who the hell wears that to the gym?
How dare you compare Trump to that faggot Raiden
Enter the dark side when?
>God gives this man a chance
>Fucks it up by putting shitty tats on white hands.
Can't trust niggers with anything nice
Yeah you right. Nigs be niggin.
He's basically just a male model. A puppet for the Jews. Hasn't even got a hot wife. His kids look like dorks.
Now he's gonna go around making gay ass virtue signalling speeches for tonnes of money to a bunch of idiots.
He's a black man from Chicago.
His post-election outbursts come from the first rule of urban niggers - "snitches get stitches"
>He's a black man from Chicago.
He's a faggot mulatto raised by white women from Hawaii.
He's always been an incompetent narcissistic anti-white ideologue. He only really cared about American national security when he could use it to advance his political agenda. Trump's victory was a tremendous blow to his fragile ego. He's doing this shit to fuck over Trump and no other reason. This is what happens when you're told by white liberals your whole life that you shit rainbows, because they're compensating for their white guilt.
And it's not going to stop. Even after he's out of office the media is constantly going be giving him a voice to be Trump's biggest critic. Any other President would have just bowed out, like Bush did. Obama isn't any other President though, clearly.
Yes Bush left gracefully. Bush retired gracefully and Bush was a good leader saddled with a bullshit situation where he made awful choices in hindsight. Laura was a class first lady as well.
He's getting pretty good at painting too
>Being a kiss-ass this hard
Yes. He had the worst terrorist attack in history on American soil happen 8 months into his presidency after Clinton let the savages run free (just like Obongo). The dims were pushing Sadam had WMD before he got into office and 155 voted for war. He got a bad rap but rolled with the punches.
>no backbone
>low testosterone despite being a nigger
Dude probably has a tiny dick
he's done that shit before though? what's crazy about that? like he's done it years before dude
>He's always been an incompetent narcissistic
Thought you were talking about Trump for a second there.
Trump isn't even President yet and Obama's already making sure there's a huge mess to clean up when he starts.
Rolling with the punches is exactly why he got a bad rap. Bush ended up being completely spineless and his handlers took over everything.
yeah 'cause trump is really great with the first and sixth amendments
totally not one of the most anti-constitution presidents we'll have ever had
fuck off /leftypol/, not everything is about you
go read huffinglue post or something jesus christ
that's the way our politics roll. the successor must fail so the party who lost gets into power while we all lose. except for (((them)))
that poster is too incompetent and narcissistic xerself to realize
>ywn be Putin's uki during a judo practice session
Fuck you. I don't want to fight Bush. He's alright in my mind
It's what's referred to in the vernacular as a "chimp-out".
Great. Now I'm going to have this song stuck in my head for the rest of the day
>defending Trump
Should I even respond? Trump is by far the LEAST qualified person to ever win the presidency. If you can't see that, you're even more incompetent than he is.
He's just as qualified as the others. Trump graduated from President school and spent 5 years doing a Presidency apprenticeship just like every other US President.
Can't unsee his right knee
>Well Mr Tump, Trump at least I can say I WAS President of the United States if if if if if if you think people will fall for uh you know a bunch of...okie doke...and laugh at your tweets because they're provocative then y'know
Jimmy Carter was better than this oaf. The only worthwhile thing he's done in 8 years is rek the Israelis.
He didn't know the first thing about it, like, oh, all those people that work for him in the white house? Several thousand of them? He had no idea he was going to have to find new people to fill all those positions. Tell me how qualified he is? Guy just does not do his homework at all - probably paid someone else to do it for him college. He's a born-rich con man, plain and simple.
>muh qualifications
8 years bitch
>con man
So he is qualified then?
Lay off the fake news, dude.
>Did Bush leave gracefully?
Yes, however Bill Clinton damaged a whole bunch of computers, they stole Lincoln's china which Hillary was eventually forced to return (with some pieces still missing), they ripped out a bunch of wiring, no shit, and basically stole a MESS of stuff.
It was a scandal.
Clinton did the same thing. Pretty sure it's a democrat thing to be a piece of shit.
I hope you guys enjoy your 8 years of Donald "this is a bigger job than I thought" Trump, Dunce-in-Chief, President of the United States of the Land of Fucking Dunces.
replace your flag with a leaf and I will forgive this shitpost
I'll enjoy the right wing death squads ripping you from your bed and gunning you down in front of your wife's children.
he very well knows how big of a job it is though, that's why he's moving to remove himself from his foundations and letting his kids take control for a while
He's going to be the best President we've had since Ronald "trickle down I stole from JFK" Reagan
Hey, now.
He's from Indonesia and Pakistan
You know he's the right man for the job if the establishment and elites are shitting their pants in panic. Your tiny brainwashed mind just doesn't see that.
>8 years
even the shills are realizing the DNC is vaporware from now on
>that shoulder press range
wow. such form.
I've been getting a spooky number of digits lately, could I be a prophet of kek? Or just extreme autism shitposting?
No you fucking faggot
Its complete luck
Or maybe they're shitting their pants because he's a woefully uninformed man, that can't help but constantly shoot his mouth off, who somehow conned his way into being in control of the most powerful military and largest economy on the planet. He is absolutely recklessly dangerous, to an extreme degree, unlike anything we've ever seen. If you're not deeply concerned, you're deluded.
It's not COMPLETE luck.
Republicans are just butthurt about how trump kicked their asses in the primary so now they're gloating because red team won. He's not one of them and they lost the presidency before there was even a presidential run. Both teams lost the election and now it's a free for all.
How is he dangerous or anything of the like faggot? I just see you whining but not giving any examples. Hurrdurr he says mean things hurr
There are only 3 requirements for being president. Age, American Born, and having more electors vote you in. Everything else is in your feeble mind.
he has this disease called white penis.
>it's a free for all.
Not true, what's happening is that the people who are loyal to the USA allied with Trump, and people who have other allegiances are now in the process of slowly revealing themselves. It's brilliant. I suspect McCain's either working for the remains of COMINTERN or the Saudis, BTW, and he will reveal this more and more as time goes on.
You people are so dangerous
My favorite Trump track is "Very Long (And Very Beautiful)"
With any luck, soon McCain will get Paul Walker'd.
>What is he overcompensating for?
the fact he couldnt even beat a drunk russian manlet
>Niggers always trash houses before getting evicted
laughed way harder than i should have
How is he dangerous? Gee, I don't know. Maybe because he's in charge of the nuclear codes, for starters? He could literally wipe out all life on Earth, if it struck his fancy.
>1. a quality or accomplishment that makes someone suitable for a particular job or activity.
>2. the action or fact of qualifying or being eligible for something.
Now which of these definitions do you think I meant, numbnuts? I guess I can't expect too much of someone who supports this moron.
>free weights, building functional strength
>machines, isolating muscle groups like a little bitch
You obviously don't know anything about N6clear armaments since like 1970. N6clear Winter doesn't exist and thousands of nukes would never be fired,accuracy, speed and yield advancesmean civilian centers arent primary or even secondary targets for any countries. Missile sites, military targets, then production facilities for things like steel are the main targets.
Even if a nuclear war happened, you'd probably be fine. Further, "Nuclear codes" literally do not exist the way you think they do. There's a massive process that must occur, Trump would be ousted if he went all Mad King Targaryen.
Sure thing user, nuclear warheads exploding over major cities is totally hunky-dory - no worse than a bad sunburn, really! And that whole nuclear football thing is just a made up story to trick the ruskies. Shh, don't tell anyone!
>Compensating this hard
Holy shit this all makes so much sense now!
They do not hit cities.
they had to during the 60s when speed and accuracy were in question, thus they had to fire everything everywhere.
This, he's desperate to make a name for himself.
Okay user, nice to know you know where Russia has their nukes aimed. Also nice to know that radioactive fallout isn't a thing, and the wind doesn't blow, and we don't use most of our land for anything, like growing crops or timber or anything silly like that.
Do some research. Maybe next time you'll know what you're talking about instead of burping back worthless Hollywood imagery.
>Make'n it great (High Enegry Remix)
>Another Foot Higher
>Rake all the Dayo - featuring Kanye West
Some of my personal fav Trump hits.
Did Obama skullfuck the pakis too? Holy shit this nigger is based. Obama literally greatest president of all time.
Peace prize well deserved.
But seriously, what did Obama do about pakistan?
Basically, he sanctioned their national MISSILE COMPANY(NESCOM).
I'm not the one trying to subvert the election with lies about hacking.
I like the idea of him eternally shouting, nobody's listening...
The fucking madman. Obama for GOAT