Tinder and Grindr dating apps linked to more than 500 crimes including murder, rape and child abuse

what did they expect? this is degeneracy gone mainstream full speed ahead!

the founders of tinder and grindr are both jews.

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i see this thread is sliding al the way to the bottom. is that cus you degenerates like swiping left for the whores?

don't worry goy, it's pure coincidence


You swipe right. Get it straight.

excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me for not being a degenerate pervert.

Is pol ever wrong?

i have downloaded grindr and other gay apps as research (inb4) as i am an app designer and i always thought that it would be a good way for criminals to find marks. it gets traffic late at night, people do it on the downlow and are secretive about using it. gays guys seem to be thirsty and open to inviting strangers to meet them.

it is a recipe to get robbed. i don't know if fags can be sexually assaulted as that is what they are in to already, but you and your homies could just turn up, bust in and take the tv.

this is exactly what has been happening.

>as research as i am an app designer

So who are mainly the victims? Girls or guys? Or both equally?

I can see a majority of desperate guys getting fucked up because they think they're about to meet a hot bitch and end up walking into a trap (or inviting her over and thugs show up instead)

its pretty much exclusively categorically wrong


Wow 500 whole crimes!??!??!?!

Fuck off, it's a statistics game. Literally thousands upon thousands of people use the app, and only 500 crimes happened. That's good.

I got a story about grindr
>Be gay
>Be 21
>People mistake me for being 18 or younger
>Be virgin
>Use grindr and lost my virginity
>Eventually found a fuck buddy
>Yesterday we fucked again
>I'm bottom
>He said that I felt like a little girl
>I froze a bit but finished
>Mfw i'm being fucked by a pedo
>Mfw i'm probably saving a child's innocence because I'm satisfying this pedo's fetishes

You stupid fuck, you're saving nothing. Just because he's sticking his dick into YOU doesn't mean he's not going to stick his dick into someone else.

I know Sup Forums is always wrong... amirite Madame President?

>you didnt kill him

gas yourself

I am a little robot, good looks but shy. Rich but lacking of social skills.

I did a profile in october, literally swaping right every once in a while, currently I have 40 matches but only dated a few girls.

Yesterday I did a second date with this 19yo girl, we brought some booze and talked a lot. She asked me why tinder? I told her "I like to met new people".

She got really drunk then we were getting more close and they things just flew, she took all her clothes off and then she walked naked all over my house up to the guest restroom to puke twice. I was about to call 911 as she only got worst. then she took a shower and asked me for a bed to rest. I literally took care of her like a child, then went back to my living room to clean the mess .

when I came back she was asking me to get inside; told her: "I know you drank a lot, maybe its not alright to take advantage".. she went bersek took my clothes off and sucked me dry, then we had sex for an hour and she passed out.

It was 11pm, Her pussy was tight, shaved and smelt like vainilla (she came ahead with the idea of fucking right?). I was naked looking up at the celing like everyday except a cutie was sleeping in my chest, and if you dont know how it feels to have boobs resting above you its amazing.

Anyway we woke up at 7am, she said sorry for getting too wild we talked more, We fuck till 10am, my family left us breakfast in the kitchen. She called a taxi and we exchanged fb. Now I am texting her to met us in summer (january) at some beach house and spend a weekend alone.

My dad said he was swimming when he saw girl walking naked around the house (feels good son.jpg) , my mom was kinda hype about this girl which I didnt tell who she was-

So Sup Forums say whatever you want about Tinder, but it made a robot user have more action and experience to member than my last year of HS

better ban all cell phones

y luego te caiste de la cama y te despertaste.

Can anyone give some Tinder advice? I have pic related as profile pic but haven't gotten matches.

I want to fuck sluts.

does anyone know arabic??

Only 500? Wow it's safer than I thought.

No jodas huevón, si hasta cuando salí del market y vi mi cara por el retrovisor aun llevaba esa sonrisa de bobo.
pic related

Dude you have no idea

>Grindr hookup with older guy from highschool
>I bottom
>He's really violent and rough, I love it
>Brief cuddling afterwards
>we discuss sexual fantasies and junk
>He tells me his fantasy is to "rape a little boy until he cries"
>mfw I was just the little boy

>tfw when haven't been on a date in a year.
>tfw when thinking about downloading tinder.
>tfw when knowing it'll be all degenerates.

Try this profile pic

kill yourself

Tinder is fucking useless, every match I get is someone I've already dated, someone I met at the bar, or someone I knew on fb.

Tinder is a waste of data, just go into your contacts and drunk dial an ex instead

That's why I don't use it. Useless outside of a big city or college town.

Stop it, stop it now. You are going to end up a pozzed wreck and die young. Just jerk off to 2D porn.

Promiscuity with vaginal sex is degenerate, promiscuity for sodomites is suicidal.

Do it user, pick girls of your similar age and looks. As far as it goes they are as shy as you, why do you think they downloaded the app? Avoid dyed girls (psychos) and bitches showing off (STDs assured). Above all go with an open mind and be yourself, if you fail to have a good date you can always try again.

Cinema and dinners can get weird easily, going shopping, or walking is the best instead. So you can know each other and do "netflix and chill" or have a couple of beers / smoke / swim at your place.

Good thing tinder requires you to have a nosebook account to use it otherwise I might be tempted by some easy pussy.

I wonder what fraction belongs to which app?
>hint grindr is probably 80% of the crimes because fags are depraved beasts.

Eh idk. Without the data we can only speculate. I would think that while women are more vulnerable than men, gays do not have the social safety net of protection from harm that women have and are much more likely to be cautious in meeting new people. Could be lust overtakes sense though.

>t. Desperate tranny

degenerates gona degenerate

nothing new.

>be gay
Stopped there, fucking sodomite

how old are you?

the whole experience sounds quite degenerate

Be white and 8/10 looks

When I was 15 (19 now) I hooked up with tons of dudes on grindr. I don't regret it either, honestly think the age of consent should be lowered but I don't really care since I'm only into older guys.

>Over 1000 partners in a year

I don't have a reaction image capable of accurately displaying my disgust.

Fuck Off Hillary...You lost

pic related

y al final era una paloma.


>i have downloaded grindr and other gay apps as research

that's almost nothing compared to how much those apps are used

How is that even possible? Its 3 partners a day on average.
Unless youre talking about orgies with 50 guys every week it seems ridiculous

That sounds a little bit gay dude

It's most likely 10 a night each weekend instead of 3 every day. Like going into hay bars and just about blowing everyone.
It's the reason why gays have so many diseases.

Same here, its possible to completely delete the profile right?

Literally the first thought I had when I learned of Grindr was "hey, now gay bashing is as easy as installing an app"

Why on earth would you mark yourself like that?

>as research
Was taking a cock in your ass, research too?

Depends, only desperate old dirty dudes are thirsty on that app. Then again if you put up a picture of a hot guy and have several pictures of said guy that you somehow acquired you can lure an older guy that messages you into something. Since also wealthy people use it you can setup a robbery easy this way. Bonus points if the guy was straight or married because he'd be reluctant to tell the real story of how the robbery might've happened.

Pretty much implies he's also making stuff for gay dudes..., which would put his own sexuality into question.

Be very selective, there are really good looking guys who are into younger guys that aren't really promiscuous. I know from experience, you'll find the right person if you are selective and patient.

Cars are linked to over 900000 crimes!!!!

oh silly goy, they're just trying to help shy goys meet people easier. Don't you want to be happy?
Tinder makes it much easier to find that special someone.

If you'd use that on grindr I would at least message you for the reference.
It's quite easy to go around and harass people, yet nobody really does since I haven't ever received any harrasment on the app. And mark yourself like what? That you're looking for another guy? In modern day there are limited options if you're gay and not outgoing (even if you are outgoing those type of faggots in clubs are obnoxious and annoying).

Wow this post actually made me really sad

Thanks a lot, user

I meant literal gay bashing, the baseball bat to the skull kind

If I want to gay bash in the vocal sense I can just shout into the abyss online and hope some fag kills himself because a meanie called him mean names

Mapuche come perro

I can recognize this fag Dutchman everywhere.

oh no, don't be sad goy.
Just make a tinder account using your facebook, put up heaps of good and detailed photos of yourself and start getting matches!

ANYONE can do it, very easy. You'll be very happy.

Wow very surprising. Post your funniest Tinder profiles

Online dating is for fucking losers

Ah, yes of course. But that's why you'd meet usually in a public place. It would be great if you're some Muzzie looking to jihad.

grindr doesn't use facebook tho, but its still very easy to datafarm with and collect pictures. In the past you could actually use the location system to track down other users by distance.

same, i slept with a bunch of guys on grindr when i was underage.
I just told them i was 18 and no one questioned it even though i probably looked closer to 13.
Sex is fun so why not enjoy it, the only people who cry degenerate are virgins who can't get laid.

because pussies like you are all talk and no action ;)

Lol i knew a guys who was 17 or 16? And used this app to find hairy Arab men to fuck cus they're his fetish kek

That's about 5% of what I expected it to be.

Because that's all they've found so far

How can you not recognize the soon to be dominant language of your country and the rest of Europe?

Why are they always like this?
Fucking Jews need to be gassed for real this time.


>only 500
1/10th of what I thought

I really, really dislike faggots.