Is being a moralfag snitch red pilled?

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Based. He absolutely did the right thing.

but what if he had been wrong? who wants some dude snitching on you for what he think he heard you say? a police raid can get folks killed. is this a slippery slope?

Seriously? What else could it have been?


Waaa I should be able to do what I want and not follow rules and laws WAAAAHHH

you never fucking snitch


Only retarded anarchists and niggers use this term because they want to get away with breaking the law with out paying the consequences.

fuck off nigger

no snitching desu

just like a shitskin to know what sex trafficking looks like

You ever heard of better safe thgan sorry?


snitching only applies if you're in the organization. criminals like to try to apply to people who just hate having low life scum around

Do you guys think that the John is going to beat the charges?

Unless a John talks to an undercover cop how can they prove in court that he was soliciting the services of a prostitute?

"I was da cab driver and I heard blah blah blah."

That's just motherfucking hearsay. You don't get convicted of a crime based on what some motherfucker said, you get convicted based on evidence.

I think the charges against the John get thrown out, but I suspect the police had a reason for wanting him arrested...publicly shaming him. If you get arrested for something like this, and are found 'not guilty', it still is extremely damaging to your professional and personal life.

Nigger. Obey the fucking law and you wouldn't be so worried about 'snitching' you fucking thief


>calling others shitskins

The Philippines sound like a fun place.

>20-year-old Disney Vang

Reasonable doubt is for libtards. Based on the dialogue he heard, this guy was 100% in the right.

I hope you're never on a jury.


Heroes can always find a way

Nigger detected.

>reasonable doubt is for libtards

Reasonable doubt is a term used in jurisdiction of Anglo-Saxon countries. Evidence that is beyond reasonable doubt is the standard of evidence required to validate a criminal conviction in most adversarial legal systems.[1]

cornerstone of western law buddy.

I hope Duterte gives you a free helicopter ride :^)

Get the fuck out faggot

reasonable doubt is for juries you fucking moron not informing the police

no wonder shitskin countries are so terrible, you could witness a murder and refuse to tell anyone because "maybe it was just a hallucination caused by aliens"

You would be a bunch of snitches.

Statism or hot young sex slaves?

Choose carefully, betas.

>maybe they just decapitated themselves

I'm glad I saw this thanks OP, you weren't a faggot

>t. Philippines
>reasonable doubt

That's funny

what is it with libertarians being so drawn towards child sex trafficking?

pedophile detected

snitches and talkers get stitches and walkers


>Phillipine flag

Yeah I'm not surprised you brought that up, you stupid shit-skinned chink.

But then, you're probably used to being surrounded by pimps, whores, and sex traffickers.

Ancap pls go

Its the way of men.

Too bad the article is about spics and niggers and gooks lol betas.

Nice nursery rhymes, nigger

No snitches.
Relying on the state to fix problems.


you mean jews?

there are the perps BTW. and no I'm not ok with sex trafficking. I'm more concerned with getting some random dude anywhere overhearing my conversation and reporting me to the po-po. thats fucking statism. see something say something? its a slippery slope even if what he did had good consequences.

Broke ass pimps use Uber for their hoes now?


Did you read this article? What privacy do you think you have in the back of someone elses car or in public?

The 'anti-snitching' campaign is a big reason as to why there's so much crime in the black community.

Because telling the authorities who it was that murdered your mother is worse than actually murdering someone.

>just Mexicans and nignogs

well nevermind then

this story is of literally no consequence.

t. alberto barbaso

The problem is snitches become an enemy of their community cause most of the people around them commit crimes or are supportive of criminals.

>Sacramento, CA

Sactown represent


HAHAHA Enjoy getting fucked in prison Jamal and Tyrone :D

its not snitching when youre not part of the sitch, he absulutely did the right thing, especially because there's a child involved

kys you fucking edgy degenerate

He's an ardent Trump supporter.

He's /our guy/

10 year LEO here. Only people I ever hear whining about snitches are little cunts who aren't man enough to face the weasley shit they've done.
Be a fucking man and don't do shit you're ashamed of.

i think its a matter of basic respect of privacy to not repeat your clients conversations. especially when they don't involve you.

all he had to go on was his gut feeling. he had no real "gnosis" from experience. he interpreted the ladys words they way he heard them.

now what if i heard or saw what looked like a crime in progress? does that mean i am right? should i report it anyway? how is this not a slippery slope?

>in public
ever hear of stories where a guy is taking photos in a park and then is accused of being a pedo by some well meaning citizen?

Reminds me of taxi driver. White knights and moral fags are the greatest cucks

Read the article... they were extremely suspicious and up to no good

Fuck off faggot, I hope someone pimps out your daughter and no one "snitches" scum shitbag

>Be a fucking man and don't do shit you're ashamed of.

I'm not ashamed. Like most people I just don't want my life ruined over a victimless crime.

The nigger definition of snitching is anyone reporting a crime they witnessed regardless of the relation to the victim and criminal. If some gangbanger murders your neighbor, telling the police what he looked like is considered snitching in nigger culture.

In actual civilized society, snitching translates to reporting your friends for petty crimes victimless crimes. Image related.

lol, really when you think about it that "happy" ending was just his delusion of what was going to happen after, as he slowly bleed out and died.

>that "happy" ending was just his delusion of what was going to happen after, as he slowly bleed out and died.

The ending in reality is he is a sad loser who inflates his ego by "going after the bad guys" and "saving little girls.". The hard truth is no one wants him as a savior or otherwise.

>Authorities have arrested Destiny Pettway, 25, and Maria Westley, 31, and charged them both with pimping


>Fuck off faggot, I hope someone pimps out your daughter and no one "snitches" scum shitbag

Whores all suffer from the same personality disorder imprinted in them through bad parenting. Whoever's kid is going to be a whore will be one with or without a pimp.

What the fuck did I just see?

Yeah man. Right Wing Safety Squad for life.
"snitching" is a term niggers use to shame people who interfere with their nigger tier crimes,as if there's some moral imperative to allow evil to operate freely. It's not a crime to drop a dime m8


Are you retarded?


He also likes to photograph 15-year old girls.

wrong, he was in the papers, and praised by his peers. re watch it homeslice.

>there's some moral imperative to allow evil to operate freely

Gawd listen to this shit. Some bigger slings dope and he doesn't want the police to know so he doesn't have to be locked in a cage. Now we are talking about morals and evil.

We were guaranteed the right to do what most of these gangs do. It's the state's prohibition that leads to the black markets and their shady behavior.


Black security guards don't do their jobs and let other niggers steal stuff from the store. Is that okay in your book?

>Are you retarded?

Have you ever met a hooker? Most don't even have pimps.

>wahhhhhhhh I am baby wahhh

>Black security guards don't do their jobs and let other niggers steal stuff from the store. Is that okay in your book?

And the owners of the store demand tomatoes to be picked at $0.01/lbs and rely on our tax money to keep their employees fed. Who is the criminal here?

Never snitch.
dont think things just cause they sound weird
how about dont be a bitch? thot pol would know better.
lmao kek
racist crackas. never snitch cuz!
fucking strayann acting all tough guy. look out spider behind your ass ahaha!!!
you sound like a punk.
yeah man its normal.
for realll!!!yeah its normal.
wow baka.

yeah its normal.

for real? you think god know? moral no moral a nigga cant snitch.



>is being a moralfag snitch red pilled?

It's being a fucking human being instead of a cowardly fuck that accommodates scum..

>you never fucking snitch

Are you a nigger?

Hello fellow black men

You are the distilled essence of a worthless nigger.

Psychopath next door eating kids.

Does not call the cops because 'don't snitch'

Spastic nigger.

Uber driver is a faget, so is op

the owners dont demand shit you retard, they just buy produce that lets them be competitive
fucking liberals

Safe as fuck.

>never snitch

>Suspected John, 20 year old Disney Vang

What to heck???

>obvious sandnigger
>ratting out a 12 year old prostitot

LOL jealous faggot was jealous.
Probably wishes he lived in Sweden where he could have raped and murdered her with impunity.

He did the right thing.

Sup Forums stop acting like nigger's and give credit when it'due.

Good job uber fag.

Regardless of whats moral, hes fucked. This man may feel like a hero for a few hours but it will soon hit him like a ton of bricks that our world has changed drastically. Every person now hates this guys guts and there is a prison system full of people that think he's worse than a child rapist. If he lives in a liberal county, the DA also feels the same way. He fame is really a kind of curse. Dont snitch huh? Its not because of morals that one says this but because we live in tyranny. A better way to put it would be if you do x you will have y happen to you. Where do you draw the line? Do you just let niggers do what they want and turn your cheek?

>You never stop degeneracy
neck yourself, nigger

Niggers detected

A beheading video

This is literally why we can't have nice things. carlin approves and so did the previous generation.
Niw millenials will snitch on anyone for sjw gb points. Be it feminazis or stormderps or so called redpillers

This man merely performed his civic and moral duty.



Your uber driver is not your fucking psychologist. There is no client patient privilige.

>Just because you don't understand what yard apes do when you do tell doesn't mean you're immune from getting beat up/killed over it

I'm guessing you also think OJ was innocent?