Has it occurred to you that maybe Russia actually did hack us?
Has it occurred to you that maybe Russia actually did hack us?
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hack what specifically?
you say "the election" you lose.
hack what specifically?
The only claim being made is that Russian actors "hacked" the DNC
no evidence is being given
the media and politicians are then extrapolating that claim to include not only the podesta emails but also a vague "hacking" of the election which even the niggerpotus came out and said did not occur.
Russia did not hack the elections or John Podesta.
There is no evidence that they hacked the DNC and wikileaks also claims that Russia is not the source.
This entire hacking media frenzy is leftists grasping at straws to attempt to invalidate Trump in some sort of midterm bid.
The hacking is a CIA lie, but Russia is indeed a satanic state.
did it occur to you that some of us are glad?
if they hacked us, i'd say we're about even for the rigging hilldog caused.
Staymad libscum
Who cares Trump won we won
Has it occurred to you that maybe the left are just utterly worthless failures?
I was not hacked