Has it occurred to you that maybe Russia actually did hack us?
Has it occurred to you that maybe Russia actually did hack us?
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hack what specifically?
you say "the election" you lose.
hack what specifically?
The only claim being made is that Russian actors "hacked" the DNC
no evidence is being given
the media and politicians are then extrapolating that claim to include not only the podesta emails but also a vague "hacking" of the election which even the niggerpotus came out and said did not occur.
Russia did not hack the elections or John Podesta.
There is no evidence that they hacked the DNC and wikileaks also claims that Russia is not the source.
This entire hacking media frenzy is leftists grasping at straws to attempt to invalidate Trump in some sort of midterm bid.
The hacking is a CIA lie, but Russia is indeed a satanic state.
did it occur to you that some of us are glad?
if they hacked us, i'd say we're about even for the rigging hilldog caused.
Staymad libscum
Who cares Trump won we won
Has it occurred to you that maybe the left are just utterly worthless failures?
I was not hacked
I'm gonna need something more concrete.
So what if they did?
>russians hack DNC to reveal massive amounts of corruption
>the Russians are the bad guys
that's what the Russian want you to think! Good Comrade.
Maybe isn't proof of anything.
Supply real proof.
1 post by this faggot OP.
What about all the other hackings by China? Nobody even knows about those because they are that unimportant.
> russia exposed to corruption, greed and lies of Hillary'siz camp
Somehow this is bad.
It was me. I am the fire starter
I really don't care that the Democrats got hacked, they shouldn't have been incompetent and corrupt.
>hurr durr but what if it was the Republicans!
if the Republicans had been hacked by a foreign government revealing this level of corruption you and all your buddies in the media would be having a fucking field day with it, Putin would be Time's man of the year and Obama would probably give him a medal of honor. Piss off.
Yup, but I don't care. I can't trust the US gov so much that they need to be torn down till I can believe them again
>liberals raving about russian cyber spying. While China steals all of your trade military secrets.
Really gets the gray matter moving
that not how justice system works
If you think that the RNC was any better or didn't get hacked, then you're delusional. We have shit politicians and it's in Russian interest that we have the worst possible one in charge.
I figure everybody hacks everybody.
>MFW when they aren't even communist and liberals walk around in red star hats and Che Guevara shirts.
I'm gonna need real proofs.
>They Wuz Pizzagate
>Russia dindu nuthin
Ok, fellas.
>Russia actually did hack us
Who cares, if it's true they did us a favor anyway. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Remember all the hacking that was revealed by Snowden?
Don't shoot the messenger
>hack a ballot machine that isn't connected to the internet
Yea sure. Obongo's next excuse is "social hacking."
Hold on...lemme look.
Yup. I'm good
Checked based uber haxor
I just farted a big one.
It was really pleasant coming out of my ANUS, and the smell is strong and divine, mmmh.
I love how the world is changed from "hacking the DNC" to "hacking the election."
Has it appeared to you that you're a fucking cuck
Totally, but since precincts in Detroit had more votes for Clinton than they do voters, and Clinton still lost Michigan, it's more of a hack-battle.
I'm content with the winner. DNC should have hacked harder.
Hacked what? Voting machines? Hacked news sites? Hacked people's thoughts? No nothing happened. This election was a big fuck you to the elites. They lost so bad they were trying to make up votes for hours into the night. I didn't get to bed until 4am that night
Guys it was me. I figured out that Hillary's email password was 'chelsea' and started snooping around and shitting brix.
I went to wiki leaks to avoid being perma v& by the fbi. It wasn't Russia. It was me anonymous
Nice propaganda huh?
I'm gonna need some evidence of that.
OK, fine. So the Russians "hacked" the United States. What does that even mean?
Who exactly did the hacking? What exactly was hacked. How exactly did it affect the election?
>Pro Tip: every intelligence agency hacks all major countries on a constant basis. The U.S. intelligence agencies have hacked more countries in the last eight years than all other years combined.
>Pro Tip #2: Germany, France, and the U.K. have hacked the U.S. nearly as much as China has.
>Pro Tip #3: China's military already has a trained hacking army.
Pic relate. What is PLA Unit 61398
>Has it occurred to you that maybe Russia actually did hack us?
How did they hack us?
>By showing us all these emails which exposed a corrupt politician
So you mean they hacked us and made our election more transparent to the voters OP?
Yup. That totally happened sempai.
DNC was a leak. That leaves Podesta who fell for a phishing email. Was it sent by a Russian? Maybe. But if it was, that's the extent of the "hacking."
Russia blaming Nato for that plane crash
I do have to give it to them, they've very skillfully twisted this story to their own goals
>they hacked us
What do you mean by "hacking"?
Also, where's the evidence?
Can't you see that your nigger president is just bitter and butthurt because he is being made fun in the entire world, after he and that old whore lost?
Can't believe nobody is talking about this as well as the Russian and NATO assassinations
>tfw assigned to elite PLA hacking unit but not authorized to wear headphone
Nope, because I don't buy into the cuckery of 'muh pussy riot!'
I think we all know Obama is insane and took down a Russian airliner. EVERYBODY KNOWS WHAT YOU DID OBAMA
>Russia hacked us, the CIA confirmed it!
>Where's the proof?
>It's secretive, but we can tell Mainstream Media outlets, just not the general public
serious hebbenings now til jan 20
waiting for the next shoe to drop
this is the first time i've seen them say remote-hack
We can do stuff too.
>Has it occurred to you that maybe Russia actually did hack us?
You mean that they might have given us true information? Like, that they actually made our government transparent for the first time since 9/11? Oh no! Anything but that! We'd better go have a war with them.
The DNC is a private organization.
You and I are not part of it.
Maybe they did hack it, but I'll reserve judgment until evidence is presented.
it's so secret we can't even show the electors. We have to make sure the hacked election is certified.
Well yeah, I guess we did
God they try so hard. Really. It's amazing all the effort and the lengths some twisted minds in government will go to.
Yeah...I'll just leave these links to Turkey's claims of evidence that the US is funding terror and that Russia claims to have found mass graves with the bullets in the skullzskis. Hush hush though. Don't want this getting out.
Walking away...
For those of you who didn't read between the lines of that post, let me explain what is happening. The Democrat party is waging a propaganda campaign designed to discredit the Russians in the eyes of the American public. That campaign is meant to block Trump from doing business deals with Russia.
Here's why. Here's what Trump wants to do: Trump knows that the last 25 years was the rise of China as an economic power. He knows that their rise has slowed and that the Chinese economy is a hot mess. Trump also knows that the next 25 years will be the rise of India as the next great economic superpower. Trump is going to strengthen three economies at once and ignite the Indian economy by brokering deals between Russia, India, and the U.S. The Democrats know that if Trump is successful in that endeavor he will have ushered in a new golden age of prosperity in the U.S. and around the globe that will elevate him to one of the greatest presidents of all time.
>country hacking another country
Internet has no borders. It's an ultimate form of Marxism.
Who's Russia? You mean Putin? He hired Sup Forums to hack. Sup Forums full of hack.
Suuuuuurrrrreeee is my response to everyone including you
But how long will it take them to write Shakespeare?
every country hacks each other. The election? no.
His name was Seth Rich
has that been claimed?
That has specifically been denied by JA who released that content
Podesta was 'Phished' which is 400 lb autist tier crap
Ruskies want to get into the power grid banking , military and government infrastructure
>next 25 years will be the rise of India as the next great economic superpower
It's in the wording. Amazing that Obama doesn't care about radicalizing people against the only other major superpower next to China. Safe move. Real classy too.
Be ready for poo on the moon memes.
holy shit turn off your TV's now. Trump won. Theres nothing else to see. Even watching to laugh at their tears keeps them alive. You turn your TV off and they have nothing. Turn it off bro.
Has it occurred to you that you're a fucking fag?
Democrats blaming Russia for the lost election is like if a security guard telling your boss that you were skimming money out of the cash drawer/safe and then getting mad at the security guard for getting you fired.
india just needs to get its shit together
u wait and see
Do you think the country just stops now that Trump won?
Sup Forums is crazy for thinking everything is just gonna be smooth sailing from now on.
wat did they fined?
Has it occured to you that we would be grateful to Russia for stopping Hillary from getting into office?
Good, cause I was going to move to Russia if Hillary won.
Get out of here Prodigy, I already bought your one good album.
not stop. It keeps going like it always has after an election. Thats the point. The earth kept spinning after obama got elected. He was a shit president for 4 years, 8 years, and guess what happened. The world kept turning.
They fucking hacked my overwatch account
The new songs are good. Don't know about the album
I, too, love Jilted Generation.
>Has it occurred to you that maybe Russia actually did hack us?
Yeadh the DNC mails but not the podesta stuff.
What they are doing interfering in western politics and media is a lot broader than hacking, it is more subversion.
Ultimately it will wind up with a lot of dead russians and justifiably so thats what happens if you fuck around with other countries to the extent russia feels it is entitled too.
just repeat it long enought untill it gets into the heads of retards and then spreads around throught discourse.
will martsharter ever learn ?
>edgy Irishmen
We used to call you niggers too
>>edgy Irishmen
>We used to call you niggers too
Call me what you like you russkie corpse unlike you I carry pride in myself and am not a lying slave.
If the Russians hacked "us" all they did was do what the media is supposed to do.
No, they are saying now that the Russians hacked Hillary's emails, posted them to Wiki-Leaks and that is the reason for the hacking claim.
If Wiki-Leaks is the hack, it was a poor attempt at a hack at the elections, if they literally hacked the literal votes and changed them, that would be something, but they didn't.
Sounds like bullshit, btw, I voted on a paper ballot, how do you hack that shit.
Hillary mindhacked the entire media and hollywood complex to endorse her. Think about that one sonny.
Are you independently wealthy or some shit? No? You're a fucking slave, leprechaun
I used to think this gross faggot was the epitome of cool
it's sad how easily children are brainwashed and led astray
it's sadder that parents allow it to happen
it's saddest that they have no choice other than to let it happen because they're ZOG slaves who are forced to plow and reap for the rabbis all day instead of spending their time raising their kids