One of these guys slaps your girls ass as she walks by in the club. Wat do you do?

One of these guys slaps your girls ass as she walks by in the club. Wat do you do?

I bet all 3 of them have White girlfriends

I dont take my girl to sleazy shitskin clubs. i got class.

Why would you take your girlfriend to a club?


Slap his ass back, make him my ladyboi.

Why are Asian males so ugly?

Fucking your wife.

Have her kill them for violating NAP

> in the club
What would we do with her in such a place?

pull out a magnifying glass, search for their cocks and remove them with a blade.

punch all three of them into a coma.

Nothing because the NAP only applies when they commit agression aggainst me.According to ancap principles my gf would have to either defend herself or pay a private police.

I would tell my wife not to take any shit from these bozos and be assertive as its a good example for her son

laugh at this complete non threat

Is this politics?

kick the shit out of them. they seem weak and stupid

Rape him.

Beat the yellow off those slant eyed motherfuckers.

I'd tune up all three because they look easy.

Be happy that I have a girl.

Proceed to collapsing windpipes

Punch him in the face?

It's not like they're niggers that will shoot you in a drive-by later on. These faggots will probably act shocked and surprised that you knocked one of them the fuck out.

Sell him one of her 50 dollar blowjobs

Tell them I'll drop a third bomb.

even if i had a gf i wouldn't hang out in clubs. normies bore me

Dump the grill. Have good threesome with handsome fuccibois.

They all have that kind of nose that breaks easily.

I call it glass face.

Immediate violence