>There's proabably intelligence agents from all over the world lurking on Sup Forums.
>They're writing detailed reports on our shitposting and sending it to their superiors.
There's proabably intelligence agents from all over the world lurking on Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Just what is "poo poo pee pee" exactly? Those bastards outwit us at every turn.
I pity the poor guys who would have to do that
Write this down faggots:
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
Have a gander at the last two numbers.
No doubt about it. And they know we know that they know we know.
Sup Forums is everything that the internet was meant to be. Chaos and anarchy in it's own little way.
DARPA analyst here, unfettered free speech is a dangerous thing
My penis was more dangerous for your mother
Too bad we're the famous hacker known as Sup Forums.
My dossier will preventme from getting a yankee white clearance.
Totally worth it.
>A state waste money to supervise shitpost central
Intelligence agencies have been testing psyops and subversion tactics on Sup Forums recently to see what works and what doesn't, they're planning on cranking this up to 11 after Trump gets elected to destroy Sup Forums
oh shit boyo! fukin rekt
>yfw it becomes a source of entertainment for them and they slowly become redpilled
>we're losing the war for national survival to these people
god fucking damn it i hate myself
Terrified. Hello.
>being this new
The FBI and CIA have been lurking for years. Hell, the NSA probably lurks too
>MFW they take a collateral redpill and slowly take over their organizations from within
Never tempt Kek. This board works in mysterious ways. I went from being a centrist to a right winger in less than a year because of this place.
Fuck they might even be following you around.
Srry user. I dont lurk "outside" much but I think you mean reddit and facebook.
As if any of these idiots could understand shitposting or how we operate with it.
Most of us are just talking bantz and badmouthing each other for shits and giggles for the most part.
before the election we had tons of honey pot presidential assasination threads.
I bet dozens of people were put on watch lists for posting in those
Correction: except FSB. Oh boy they sure love Trump.
Knowing what I know, I can guarantee it.
It wouldn't be a waste, you can learn how to spread a narrative and how to discredit other narratives by following patterns of how shit spreads between humans on here.
The problem with their agenda, is that their only best option is to observe. If they interfere, the discussion turns; the board perpetuates itself on the content appearing at the front page; if someone constantly infects pol, it causes pol to become shit. Alt right members will create their own websites if they can't have this one. What they need to do is observe and listen in on the discussion, learn, etc. It would take centuries for the world to get its next Evola, Marx or Trump; on the internet, a matter of hours.
Our information was compromised years ago when feds took over Sup Forums. There's literally no reason to stay anonymous anymore. Our expertise is needed on twitter, wikipedia, fb, youtube, and other front lines.
Go back to Ireland potatoe nigger.
And I say to those that are lurking: Join us. We'll create a better world that will actually give you meaning. We'll achieve real peace. Your children will grow up safe.
Diversity is not strength. Consumerism is nihilism. Globalism is oppression by a satanic elite.
The sad thing is that it has worked wonderfully. Well, for them anyway. It's sad that this board isn't as smart as I had hoped.
It just feels good maaaan.
No, I have become quite keen on staying for them Idaho potatoes.
They are trying to make some issues too toxic to talk about by playing both sides and posing as shills so that Sup Forums will either tear itself apart when talking about these issues or force Sup Forums to repress the discussion of these issues (which will also be exploited in a careful and controlled manner).
Right now is only a test run, they're anticipating certain actions from the incoming Trump presidency which they think can be used to splinter the community.
can any agent tell me when the next happening is?
It's almost fun.
Nah...it is fun.
It kind of bums me out they can make their special needs citizens more useful to their society than we can make most our "cognitively healthy" people
>implying they haven't been already redpilled
Some time before the election there was a (claimed) guy, an FBI user 2 or some other agency who did an AMA - he sounded plausible. He said Sup Forums was a low priority, that first off it was muslim sites, then, some group with '3' in the name that helps guard the Mexican borders. The 'alt-right' didn't rank high on his radar.
But then, he /would/ say that :)
But I find it plausible that groups that are much more prone to action would be higher on their list.
It's b tards that fall for the fucking garbage they put out..
Inb4 op is alphabet
I'd say the NSA probably does the most of it along with the FBI.
Who gives a fuck? They monitor every fucking thing these days. That's why they're building massive data centers so they can literally monitor the entire internet.
Oh well, if you are truly a person that lives by whats right and are truly moral and you feel it in your blood and they still kill you because we live in tyranny and coercion which is beyond your control then you did your best and died for whats right.
You can't win against the sure unlimited power of autism, it wins every time.
This. Or they're highly compartmentalized and think they're doing the right thing.
>Israel happening
They are trying to faction us off before Inauguration Day.
Still breathing. Ask me if I care.
The NSA doesn't 'lurk', they guzzle it all down and do who knows what with it.
I'm in incognito mode though u fucking idiot
>>There's proabably intelligence agents from all over the world lurking on Sup Forums.
>>They're writing detailed reports on our shitposting and sending it to their superiors.
Day of the rope for russkie useful idiots.
That thing must be full of frogs and benis
They know not the powers with which they meddle!!!!
>Implying Incognito mode prevents the Feds from monitoring you
Seriously dude?
Only when you try to stop it.
If you want smart you're looking for Sup Forums on double chan:
8ch \ net /
i use incognito mode all the time. It werks.
Those niggers aren't any smarter than cuck chan. Just more insane.
They've been here since forever m8. Get used to it.
Dude. They can see you on satellite. When will you get this thru your heads. They can seeeeeee youuuuuu!!!!!!
US intelligence doesn't need to read every shitpost you guys make. All threads are actively cataloged, IPs and all, and auto-search programs are run to find key terms. If they are relevant enough, they are personally reviewed by an officer for context.
>they have your IPs
>they know who you are
Go back to x faggot
I am Russian hacker, we found these file in a laptop I'm vertmont
Oh shit, everybody scatter!!!!!!
Fuck off retard, you're delusional if you think you're going to outwit the fucking security apparatus by clicking a tab on a browser.
Maybe so your mom can't see what porn you are looking at but the Feds can get touch you through even fucking tor if you make the slightest mistake.
They also seed files on a lot of p2p and torrent networks to watch where they go.
If they are lurking, then they have nothing on me, as I take on different personas depending on the shit post/meme I am trying to push. therefore, their evidence is unreliable.
I don't belive you. -_-
Kin Kardashian was kidnapped by ISIS.
we see you, tim ;^)
schizoposting is the final redpill
extra red if you transcend the internet and become a real life schizo.
And it's not like the government doesn't literally tell Tech companies to build backdoor into web browsers to enable them to monitor people.
I don't belive you ;D
Yep, this is how Donald was elected. I mean just look back at the FBI shit smacking Hillary right before Nov 8
someone say potato?
>they think they're in our heads
>we are actually in theirs
My understanding is that They strongly request. I hear that Some companies (dell im looking at you) comply. Others (apple, Amazon) don't
The security state is already here. Shit fucking sucks but the thing is you have to really provoke them to give a fuck about you, otherwise you're white noise.
Sup Forums memed the election. For sure it's monitored.
>Intelligence communities thinking they stand a chance against Kek
Why not use both?
Afraid people will figure out too much?
I feel like they might be mad. Just a little.
Of course they have they need to see a barometer of what people know.
NSA and google compile the whole thing along with your IP and if your using a VPN.
Its the way it is. They know what you know. Just remember last time communism came around people would just disappear into the night never to be heard from again.
Amen brother, and Kek willing one day we'll show them the true power of our autism and reveal our true selves to the world!
>"we've got hollywood"
Holy shit these kikes even admit it; American media, bought and paid for.
They take the most retarded parts of 4/pol/ and exacerbate it.
So they take the bait? Bait can be an effective technique when used correctly.
Yeah, but what are you personally doing that will warrant them going after YOU?
If you're just casually shitposting and cracking jokes, probably not much.
The real Irish pepe
>some agent will have to describe this image in detail to his boss
That and a long and complicated history with tptb. What can I say? They are evil and sadistic eugenicists of the me feel breed who torture innocent civilians for pleasure. I'm fine though.