What is their endgame? How do they manage to affect French political life so much? How did the succeed with string pulling Sarkozy? Seems like Russians are ordering shots not only around the White House. Rumours are that they are backing Fillon
Their clip you should absolutely check out:
Bogdanoff take on politics:
What is their endgame? How do they manage to affect French political life so much...
They are from old Russian aristocratic house. They do ridiculous party stuff, but they own half of Paris and Southern France. UMP leadership and Sarkozy are somehow in their pockets.
>own several castles and media companies
>have connections to the former Italian Royal House
>have connections with the Romanian Royal House
>personal friend of Sarkozy and UMP leaders
>use bankruptcy laws to get even more money
Also, they are the first old house to get literally blacked(their grandma gave a birth to a halfcaste with yank negro jazzman) and use "age renovation" and plastic surgery. Pioneers of degeneracy in """aristocracy"""
is that plastic surgery gone wild or some sort of genetic condition?
One of them is married to a french princess
They also co-own Channel+ via holding and have shares in Hollywood
What is their endgame?
Some in French life speculate they are aliens and were never born in the south of France.
plastic surgery some say
Is this some sort of joke? These gross looking faggots actually have power in France?
What the hell did Key and Peele do to their faces?
They own half of Paris
id say they achieved their goal to look like Rocky Dennis
to steal all the SKUB
Yeah they approach people and people give them power so they fuck off and don't have to look at their alien as fuck faces anymore.
How do these two men own so much of France?
>own several castles and media companies
>have connections to the former Italian Royal House
>have connections with the Romanian Royal House
>personal friend of Sarkozy and UMP leaders
>use bankruptcy laws to get even more money
What is their endgame???
What the fuck is wrong with their faces?
one of them has a wife and six children.
What the fuck man they've got more lip pump going on than Angelina Jolie.
Jesus Christ frogs, even your diabolical shadow governments look like a pair of between-op transvestites. Get it together, come on.
>getting there
The future will be one of trials and tribulations but one thing we can count on is the Guiding Force of the Bogdanoffs.
It is scary but know in your heart the Bogdanoffs will guide us to new and exciting heights never imagined before by humans.
They know only love, though it may seem like hate to those not aware of the bigger picture.
Cosmic forces revere the Bogdanoff Mind for it is the most wisest and fairest of the all of Humanity.
The Archangel Gabriel is rumored to have appeared before them - instilling in them the knowledge of Heaven & Earth.
The Bogdanoff Mind is incomprehensible - untouchable - a true Force of Nature.
They are the culmination of God's greatest ideas.
The Bogdanoffs never began and will never end - they are eternal.
There will never be anything greater than Bogdanoff - They are The Magnum Opus of Creation.
Know that the Bogdanoffs want only happiness and enlightenment for Humanity and we must let them take us there.
Breathe Bogdanoff - Live Bogdanoff
Surrender yourself to Bogdanoff.
Become Bogdanoff.
kek, i forgot about carrotcakes transmogrification.
Damn I hope the property brothers don't get into nonsense like this.
From what I heard they took levels of HGH beyond what is comprehensible to most medical professionals.