Satanic Ritual Abuse of children has never ended. Pizzagate is real.
Satanic Ritual Abuse of children has never ended. Pizzagate is real.
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not an argument for pizzagate, but ironically a great argument against the alleged campus rape epidemic
This happened here in San Diego. The guy helped babysit at the church where the CEO of Jank in the Box and his wife attended and his crazy wife started a Satanic Ritual Abuse panic over a physically deformed guy. The children testified, among other things, that he forced them to watch him perform ritual sacrifices of a giraffe and an elephant.
He sued and bought an Orange Julius franchise.
Wow thanks for sharing that. This stuff is everywhere and it's a little unnerving. Can't believe the chargers lost to the browns
Unrelatedish but was browsing Atrocity Propaganda
And it mentioned attacking high up officials.
In a sense of it's being covered up across campuses or it's not really an issue? I can see it being a widespread issue
can't stand when dipshits claim there are no victims who have come forward. this shit was on oprah back in the day
how about this girl who an expert believes is wholeheartedly telling the truth, and admits that this is an incredibly widespread problem?
Thanks for sharing will view
>Laurel Rose Willson (August 18, 1941 – April 8, 2002) was an American woman born in Washington, whose allegations of satanic ritual abuse were published under the alias Lauren Stratford, which she would later adopt as her legal name. Later, Willson assumed the guise of a Holocaust survivor, and adopted the alias of Laura Grabowski.
bump for interest
Kek is listening. prepare for his wisdom
victims of ritual abuse and regular old child molestation frequently develop multiple personality disorder in order to cope with the literally mind-shattering trauma they endure. I've never heard of this woman before. If I'm not mistaken it's a symptom of MK Ultra style mind control. One schizophrenic making up stories doesn't discredit hundreds of others telling the truth.
please do!!
don't forget about Jay Parker
Real. The Jewish lady in the Oprah episode reported on this:
The Chicago Rogers Park JCC 1984 mass sexual molestation case, and why those currently attacking the Awareness Center are ignoring it.
The answer is simple, in their zeal to destroy a Jewish woman, Vicki Polin, and the Awareness Center, which advocates for the survivors of sexual abuse (some of these are survivors of the Rabbonim supported directly by those who attack the Awareness Center), they have chosen to ignore anything that indicates that her story is not unique.
Numerous Jewish children at the Chicago Rogers Park JCC reported identical allegations. The police and child family services investigated and physical evidence was found.
Back in 1984, Giuliani was U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. During that time, allegations began to surface about physical and sexual abuse perpetrated on children at the day care center at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. The allegations were addressed by West Point officials in a significant manner after a 3 year old girl was seen by a military physician for a lacerated vagina. With two of the alleged abusers being civilian workers at the day care, the matter was turned over to the FBI to investigate, and Giuliani was in charge of the case. After Giuliani failed to indict any one for the abuse, some of the parents filed a civil suit and were eventually awarded $2.7 million from the government in 1991.
Incredible. Thanks for sharing this. Need to bring this to light again, it's happening all over again
It happens in Israel too. Just last year in fact. People taking children out of schools through secret tunnels so they wouldn't be seen on the cameras. Satanic ritual abuse, sacrificed animals, just like McMartin.
Very covered up though, even by the Orthodox Jewish watchdog web site "failed messiah".
Conspiracy of Silence. Satanic elements of that. Dennis Hastert was probably one of them, or joined the DC molester club shortly after this documentary was made.
Come on.
As a former liberal I must tell you this.
The satanic panic in the 80's-90's was a major part of me not getting redpilled earlier. It's just too fucking stupid
And your going to start this superstitious shit up again?
Your winning. Why fuck yourselves over with this crap?
Fucking hell.
get your fingers out of your ears or fuck off
Every time I wonder why I haven't gone fully right wing I remember you guys believe in retarded moral panics and conspiracy therories that you can't let go of even after it's clear there isn't the evidence to prove your paranoid claims. You end up wasting a lot of money and getting a lot of people hurt because pic related.
This shit is what got retarded people worried Dungeons and Dragons was drawing kids into the clutches of satanism
evil rituals =/= superstition
Nicole Kidman's father was a top satanist pedophile in Australia. Is your name Moshey Feinstein by any chance?
Says it's hysteria.
SPIES - LORDS & PREDATORS - The Pedophile Ring in UK
Ted Gunderson said there was tunnels!
Fucking leaf shitposters
Here you go confirmed and with payout
Fiona Barnett The 'Candy Girl' Documentary
Australian documentary about Nicole Kidman's father and his elite satanic pedophile cannibal club. Nichole saw a whole lot of shit! Her father recently killed himself because he was due in court for being a satanic pedophile ring leader
Like, there is nothing like a cause that sounds morally righteous on the face of it, like "protecting children from pedophile satanists" to whip people into a retarded frenzy where they make everything worse.
The moral argument for doing something is so straightforward, and realizing it's wrong takes sober thought and going "Hey guys, maybe if we don't have proof people are doing terrible things, we shouldn't spam conspiracy theories in case the lack of proof is a result of them being innocent rather than just devious"
It's like Duterte in the phillipines, everybody talks about how based he is, nobody realizes how a society of lawlessness is going to result in coverups and political killings and undermining the anti-corruption drive that is the actual solution to the problems in the Phillipines. People love solutions that make sense if you think about them for 5 seconds.
People have gone to trial and be found not guilty in a court of law literally decades ago and you guys will still fucking go on about it because muh morals.
That is a conceivable assertion, yes.
It's almost like civil suits have a lower standard of evidence, really makes me think.
I find it incredibly likely that Trump knows full well about the Satanic/pedophile ring stuff. I would bet Guliani found somebody higher up/or some kind of group involved and couldn't act. It's no surprise he's on Trump's side, and that Trump seems to know a lot of things + making very accurate predictions beyond simply being smart (he is).
Thanks for the videos and links! Interesting and scary stuff
Why the fuck is it always some faggot Canadian spewing the this isn't true shit? There is a mass amount of evidence, albeit circumstantial, that points to pedophilia on a larger scale, human trafficking, and we know people like John Podesta are committing black magic rituals (spirit cooking) -- it isn't art leaf faggot there's malicious intent to it.
Brains full of syrup
>There is a mass amount of evidence, albeit circumstantial
This is how everything retarded gets justified from coffee enemas to cure cancer to dick enlargement exercises.
Is your name Father O'Phile?
Shills have been dressed in the leaf since CTR was de-funded.
Jewish whistleblowers have their lives destroyed. That is one big reason why they are so hush hush.
Wait what exactly is Pizzagate? Satanism or just bill Clinton having sex with kids?
I'm confused as fuck
>He doesn't want a bigger dick
Ok cuck. You can watch as I plow your gf with my massive BWC.
>Sousaphone vore
I think I'm going to turn off the computer for the night. I Didn't think I'd ever see anything that could compare with the were-diaper.
I explain it like this. A bunch of autists were playing Russian roulette with Podesta's leaked emails. Evidence began to come out of widespread corruption in the Clinton foundation via people making links. Odd emails were also discovered such as the famous "pizza related handkerchief."
At this point people started to think pedophilia, but nothing much was there minus odd emails. More and more emails were released as well as other connections from other places, eventually it was a massive widescale human trafficking issue (FBI user mentioned it too).
Then emails about Podesta practicing spirit cooking were found (100% confirmed -- this is not speculation). It's satanic black magic shit under the guise of modern art. It's gross vile shit. Many other links such as Podesta's art taste and people surrounding him's art taste and odd messages...
Dots, dots, dots connected. Huge widescale pedophile ring in DC. James Alefantis former Gay lover of David Brock (owner of Correct the Record), etc etc.
That's pizzagate. Read this: dcpizzagate.wordpress.com
What is sick about drinking cum on earthquake nights?
There's always an earthquake somewhere. Think about the dedication it would take.
thanks for the link and comment senpai
You don't actually believe in this bullshit, do you?
Yeah you don't buy any of this right, user?
>Dear Tony, I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your
brother is joining? All my love, Marina
From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 2015-06-28 01:48
Subject: Fwd: Dinner
Are you in NYC Thursday July 9
Marina wants you to come to dinner
Original user here. Thanks for clearing it up for me
You're right. I'm wrong.
That is SOLID proof that Podesta fucks little kids.
Np, be careful what you read if you're a bit squeamish. There's some really creepy pedoish pictures in there that some people get bothered by. Plus realizing the gravity of the situation... it reminds me of when I first considered myself a nazi.
I'm not going to sit here and link piece after piece for you to just ignore it. Read the summary or fucking kill yourself: dcpizzagate.wordpress.com
Discussion over shill
I know all the bullshit you guys say.
I watch reality calls' videos - such a sexy voice.
>Satanic Ritual Abuse of children has never ended. Pizzagate is real.
The satanic panic of the late 80's/early 90's was sensationalist hysteria with no basis in reality. If you actually read into the phenomenon at all, you'd know there was no substance to any claims made during that period.
I do think SRA has happened and continues to happen, but believing the ridiculous cases from that period robs you of credibility.
Get the heck out of here with that maple covered bullshit
Now this is what I'm looking for!
We dont know that for sure, its a lot of speculation at this point. (and creepy stuff)
Has anybody decrypted the allegedly stegnography stuff?
Does anybody know?
Conspiracy of Silence
I have to watch this. Such a sad image, all the victims/witnesses gone
>there is a wikipedia article on exactly why the holocaust is fake
Let this timeline stay with us till the end.
fuck off nigger, if you think there is no evidence for ritual abuse simply open google, it has nothing to do with religion or anything
>Google ritual child sex abuse
Yeah, no thanks.
club soda kenny's going to jail now
You're commingling organized pedophilia rings together with Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Yes, the former is very real. The latter is a form of mass hysteria.
If you really think Dale Akiki, a mentally handicapped man, snuck elephants and giraffes into the church daycare and forced children to watch as he sacrificed them to Satan then you're an imbecile.
I want to believe it's just one guy.
Satanism != Devil worshiping
Pizzagate 1.0 right here.
(((satanic ritual abuse)))
azalia banks?
This is a must read for understanding their religion, it also contains victim testimonials, documenting their rituals.