I thought guns made us safer?
Aren't gun-free zones more dangerous than gun-free zones?
Why are NRA events and Republican events so frequently gun-free zones?
"Schools shouldn't be gun-free zones and elementary school teachers should be packing weapons but oh we can't have guns around Republican leaders."
Fucking hypocrites
I thought guns made us safer?
Yeah you're right I should've voted HIllary :((
Yeah, I cant imagine why, its like almost half of the country wants him dead. he'll probably have an entire army covering that shit.
fuck gun culture and the gun manufacturers that profit off death desu
I agree there should be more guns
B-but a bad guy with a gun can sneak it in regardless and nothing can stop a bad guy with a gun but a good guy with a gun!!!!
that argument only works for areas where you dont have the best security in the world watching over you.
Drones are already illegal to fly in DC
Guns are obviously unnecessary with the amount of security that will be there.
Selfie sticks should be an automatic death sentence
No the argument doesn't work period, it's just this hero fantasy that gun nuts cling to that very rarely amounts to anything and more often than not the "good guy with a gun" ends up killing more innocents or causes more confusion that leads to more deaths.
>gun-free zones more dangerous than gun-free zones?
Uhhh.... No since they are the same thing the amount of danger will be the same.
More guns = more safety though, that's what the NRA has been saying
Who are we to question the mighty NRA
oops lol
Why are you shilling for Drumpf?
Can't you see the damage he's done to the world?
He knows all of the unhinged liberals would take shots at him
>Cry gun free safe spaces all year
>Cry Trump makes inauguration gun free safe space
Really makes you think
Owning a selfie stick is like owning a dildo.
You can indulge yourself however you like in private, but I find the idea of you bringing it out into public both shameful and disgusting.
You aren't allowed to have firearms within a certain distance of government buildings in DC. Also, is there an actual source for this?
Yeah maybe if you had a worldwide metal detector that argument wouldn't be valid.
That's the law in most CCW states. DC you aren't allowed to have firearms period.
more guns clearly does not equal more safety, you're from the UK you should know this since you don't have constant shootings from gun nuts and white teenage boys like we do
Good because I feel safer in countries and areas with gun bans, because it is factually safer.
DC recently started issuing CCWs. I was pointing it out since the inauguration takes place at the Capitol building, which is subject to the same law.
But I wasn't going to his inauguration, so this doesn't affect me, just a bunch of media edgelords who shit the bed over any little thing. Also, this is law and he can't do anything about it yet
>DC v Heller
>trump personally ordered this
>trump personally handles the minutia of everything
marxshits are literal children
The second amendment folks might be able to do something
>Trump is in charge of banning anything
>not the Secret Service
>implying any of these things were legal around Obama's checkpoints
(((Novak))) is a funny name for a lying kike.
Now post the r^2 of that line. That data doesn't appear to support the trend the red line is showing. On the other hand, Argentina, Canada and the US do have a certain population of people which are heavily over-represented in homicide and crime...
Whereas I feel less safe in a country where people do not carry guns.
There is no gun ban in the UK, by the way. If you want a big black scary AR-15 you can buy one after acquiring a certificate verifying your lack of criminality and your ownership of a secure cabinet in which to put the gun.
And at the same time, when another private venue bans these things "It's a private entity it can do whatever it wants"
I'm going to enjoy these people being permanently removed.
>banning selfie sticks
Trump just keeps getting more amazing.
Ignoring the fact that in places like Switzerland the very vast majority of "gun deaths" are suicides.
Gun free zones only work if you also have 24/7 armed security.
>Trump bans
Who is the Secret Service?
Hopefully they also ban Democrat protestors.
>Whereas I feel less safe in a country where people do not carry guns.
you're wrong in feeling that way then
Where's Mexico on there?
>>implying any of these things were legal around Obama's checkpoints
Did I imply that? Liberals of course that guns are tools designed to kill and that allowing any mentally unstable hick to carry one would make everyone less safe
>implying that he wouldn't want this.
Washington in general is a massive gun free zone to start with.
>Aren't gun-free zones more dangerous than gun-free zones?
safety first
Violent crime in the UK skyrocketed after the carrying of guns was prohibited, and has been soaring ever since.
sry typo
Is this autism? The secret service banned all of those things. Trump doesn't even have a say there.
Wow no president before has ever done this! He must have personally made this policy. It's definitely not standard for any presidential event!
Is this some kind of literal kike subversion.. Why yes, yes it is
>posting from a former gawker site
Why user?
There will be plenty of guns there, just not in the hands of people not protecting the president.
These people will NEVER fucking get it.
Being able to set standards on your property = FREEDOM.
Yes I understand the area is technically not Trump's property, but the main ideas is the same.
Being able to exclude people from private property = FREEDOM
Being able to set standards on your private propety = FREEDOM
Freedom does NOT mean that you can do whatever you want wherever you want
And the irony of it flies way above the head of leftists.
Former Trump supporter here. I'm not going to lie I love watching Trump crash and burn. But seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
A president is not allowing guns at his inauguration? WHAT A TYRANT!
>bans selfie sticks
2nd amendment fags BTFO
Unless you have some secret statistics that are vastly different from the national average, I'd say you're pretty fucking wrong.
It's the secret service, not trump
>black people
solved it
>muh NRA
This is obvious to anyone who isn't an autistic neutered anti-gun faggot.
>former Trump supporter
I commend you for coming to your senses
This country is going to be getting a really big reality check over the next four years as they start seeing that the Republican party has been the party fucking the poor and middle class for decades and what little positive progress Obama has been allowed to make is going to be reverted as we enter our upcoming recession/depression.
Brace for impact
Actually if I was in charge I would make the following law:
All events must allow open carry of guns OR they must provide no less than X number of armed guards per 100 attendees.
I'm not real sure what X should be. 1 might be plenty. That means a stadium of 50,000 people would need 500 armed guards. If that's too low maybe 5 per 100, so 2500 for 50,000 people. Anyone willing to pay that price can ban guns at their event. Basically they are guaranteeing security.
So inaugurations can ban guns because they are going to have assloads of their own security. You don't have to worry about terrorist attacks because there are sufficient numbers of armed professionals there that can frankly do a better job.
But if there was 1 armed guard per 1000 people, that's too low. They cannot guarantee anything so you must be allowed to bring your own guns.
The inauguration will already patrolled by state officers, so civilians there won't need guns to protect themselves and fellow citizens from terrorists and criminals :)
>positive progress
Are you fucking retarded?
He started more fucking wars than Bush.
>how to spot a newfag
I bet you're literally CTR.
Now post data for the black populations in each of those countries.
Bloomberg is a fucking hack and most liberals hate him
the NRA is fucking awful and thrives off death as well
>as they start seeing that the Republican party has been the party fucking the poor and middle class for decades and what little positive progress Obama has been allowed to make is going to be reverted
Protip: Both parties don't give a fuck about poor and middle class people.
And what progress exactly did Obama make? The whole presidency has been a disaster
>weapons manufacturers profiting off black on black gang violence that exists due to several decades of forced segregation and historical circumstance
solved it
>gun related deaths
This could include suicides and accidents, which isn't the point you want to make and thus actually hurts you.
>guns per 100 people
>compared to gun deaths
No shit there's a correlation. I bet you'll find countries with more active volcanoes per 100 people have a lot more volcano-related deaths per 100,000 people too. Again, the facts may support your argument, but this chart simply undermines it.
Try again. This time, compare the number of guns per 100 people to the number of homicides (by any method). If the US is still on top, then you've proven your point. If it's not, then you're just an idiot.
>crazed Libs want him dead
>he takes precaution because of it
woop de doo. 2 already tried to shoot him and this is somehow surprising
>thrives of death
>it's a bunch of regular blokes who like shooting on their land
dey dindu nuffin, excused for savagery till the end of time
Wow, it's literally nothing
(((Bloomberg))) and (((Feinstein))) and tons of other rich/powerful kikes all fund leftist/statist/anti-gun organizations. I'm actually surprised you haven't gotten guns completely banned yet with all the effort you leftcucks put into it. It must be that pesky Constitution.
Everything that was important has already been said so far in this thread.
I'm sure this thread is bait, but I'm posting on the off chance you are serious. If so I want you to know that your thread is shit. I wan't you to be aware of my disdain and hatred for you, your ilk and this thread. It is shared by everyone in this thread except you, because they are not stupid. This thread is bad and you should feel bad.
Stopped reading there. You cant even bring guns into a baseball game.
>starting from the brink of financial collapse
When you're at bottom, you can only go up retard
I was talking about how you can't recognize that the leafpost you responded to was a Sup Forums meme.
Now show mexico
thats because people would kill themselves out of boredom
Bro, nobody can guarantee your life except for yourself. Idc if there are 5,000 guards. I don't have a guard in my back pocket so I'm gonna pack my own protection. Not hard to understand.
>till the end of time
Slavery existed only 3 generations ago, forced segregation existed until the 1960s. Very little effort has been made to allow black people to recover and put them in a place to be well off
this image is retarded
>selfie sticks banned
kek, good
What about africa?
literally because of niggers
oh no shit I'm a newfag
this board is really gross, most of the people on this board are mentally ill, politically illiterate and borderline sociopaths, I don't know what I'm doing here rn desu.
>muh scary salt rifles
All rifles combined account for less than 10% of gun deaths in the US. More people are killed by bare fists.
>muh US has the most gun deaths!
60% of US gun deaths are suicides; and it's the same relative amount of suicide as other countries like the UK and Japan, they just kill themselves in more gruesome ways because they can't get guns.
The US is also 111th in murder-per-capita. Countries like Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil with strict-as-fuck gun laws still have higher murder rates. The reason we have lots of murders is because of shitskins; which leftists want to import more of for some reason.
The major city in the US with the lowest murder rate is Plano, Texas - where lots of people are gun owners, and the gun laws are lax.
>we can take ur guns away if we want, you don't need big magazines, etc.
The Supreme Court case of Heller v. Disctrict of Columbia already ruled that owning a semi-automatic gun is a Constitutional right:
From a philosophical/Constitutional perspective, gun ownership should be a right. The Preamble to the Constitution states that people have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". If citizens have a right to life, that means that they should have a right to defend their life by adequate means. Women, old people, and the disabled can't defeat a gang of dindus in melee combat - thus, guns are necessary.
>but, you don't need guns because you have cops!
The Supreme Court Case Warren v District of Columbia ruled that the police do not have a duty to risk their life to protect you:
Also, aren't you lefty types always shitting on the cops? I thought if a cop gets anywhere near you, it would trigger you.
>Stefan Molyneux shits on gun control:
>Bill Whittle shits on gun control:
Don't spend it all in one place
So what makes you politically literate?
You seem liked a typical pozzed, bluepilled, normie who can't stand hatefacts.
England was blessed with coal and other resources, they also colonized all of Africa due to these advantages.
Many of these countries were colonies of European countries until very recently and then when they were no longer colonies new power struggles and seemingly endless civil wars tore once peaceful areas apart. Do a little bit of research, there are many books on the longterm effects of colonization such as the open veins of latin america that you should read if you don't want to look uninformed but I guess it's ok to be uninformed on this board.
>thrives off death
>is the side not using deaths to push a political agenda
Wew. Lad.
>crime takes place in cities where many people are close together
wow what a revelation