What the fuck is happening in Brazilian universities?
What the fuck is happening in Brazilian universities?
I don't understand Portuguese. What is that Twitter page about?
check the images on the account, left hand side
OMFG, just scrolling down seeing all those people change into freaks is crazy!
F for Brazil
Liberals and weed
>our own sjws
We western nao
Oh, once again, they are back at it, based acc.
We are just exposing what happens when cultural marxism brainwashes people's heads.
>cultural marxism
I don't understand, why would the government want more commies?
inb4 jews
>A fucking Brazil Nut
You mean nigger toes, user?
It says: Check out the effects of the federal on a young person's life (before / after brazilian federal college) contacts or photo suggestions: send dm
Antes / Depois = Before / After
boa !
Same shit that happens here and up there, leaf. At least they give you extra avoidance warnings via shitty tattoos and multicolored hair.
They actually even do parties for newcomers, for example, soccer games where the people crossdress.
Might not be permanent, might be.
There are a lot of lesbians and gays here, and a reminder that the operation to change sex is covered by the Public Health System.
wtf, that's actually true, how much more degenerate can this country gets?
Holy fuck am I glad I'm choosing to go to trade school
What should I do guys, auto mechanic or boat mechanic?
I know boat mechanic sounds weird but I spent quite sometime at sea during my enlistment and I miss it
Auto mechanic because dagumi
Barely started, we follow any international trend with no intellectual defense whatsoever.
The United States of America has a conservative defense, in a couple more years there will be preaching towards "tolerance" and I wouldn't be surprised if we started accepting more muslims than we have now.
They usually are assimilated, but again, some of the so-called moderates on Europe and the United States of America were too to an extent.
Good, now the crazies are more obvious. Saves a lot of trouble.
Mixed race mongrels are abominations that should be purged from the earth. I unironically believe this.
It's not the government who is in charge in what happens in the universities, despite the fact they tried to disrupt the brainwashing to continue with the whole Escola Sem Partido thing.
You mean the government that spends more than 700 million per university to preach that bullshit on everyone?...
Yeah, they're totally not in power, it's called "Federal" university for a reason.
We have the worse grades in the whole world, because every single teacher is a commissar of the people preaching his ideology instead of teaching anything.
I just watched a video on it. I think I understand. It's like an evolution of communism, under a different brand, so there's some people that buy it.
But just shouting cultural marxism make you sound like a retard. Why would they care? It's like them calling you something -phobic. It just creates more division. I think it's better to argue with them as if there were communist. (if that's possible)
And WHY would they do that? You can't blame PT now.
Degeneracy in all levels of irrelevant humans sciences; what else has to be said op?
It's only that now, with widespread social media and the huge amount of people achieving graduation in those subjects only so they can have "college education", we perceive them eagerly arguing about subjects they know little about.
My white friend, understand something, it's pretty simple, really...
We don't have, a single, one, UM, somente um! conservative party.
We have center-left and straight up communist parties, if you talk about conservatives here you're instantly called a nazi or a fascist.
And let me be even more clear to you, try to defend a conservative idea or argument against your teachers on the college when they talk about Karl Marx, if they don't make your life a living hell until you quit, I'll shake hands with you, is that ok? Hell, I could even pay you money for it.
It's not about PT, our country has an HEGEMONY, of the left, everyone thinks as a marxist and act like one, because it is a "thought-crime" to do otherwise. We have verbal barriers, and everyone is treated like an idiot or completely ostracized if he doesn't follow along on their rethoric.
Do you understand this?
B-but ambient is my favorite genre
My friend, you don't "convince" enemies, you destroy them, it's a simple truth.
You're not convincing the one's that are brainwashing everyone, if you speak out against something that happens here which is blatantly immoral and incorrect you lose your job, you threaten your career and your own family.
Don't come here talking about "respecting" ideas or anything of the sort, a communist only want one thing, and that is their revolution by hook or by crook.
And the only hope, even for people that help them accomplish such, is a bullet on the neck.
Read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - Cancer Ward and Arthur Koestler - Darkness at Noon.
Both were commies, and both felt the weight of what they themselves helped to create.
On their books you'll see compilations of what they knew and lived through throughout their lives.
true man, I have been to college and if you aren't a communist, you get bullied by the others.
>white friend
Ceará pardo here, have no autism flags because I'm on Linux
Well I'm still in Ensino Médio (inb4 ban), here both full retard SJW and bolsominions speak freely, and our philosophy teacher is pretty cool, he's a theologian, and discusses politics and religion in his class, dealing with different opinions just fine. I guess I'll see. I want to go to a federal university (poorfag), but least I'm going for STEM.
I believe in free speech, user. They are not my enemies, despite how retarded their ideology is.
those people are actually looking to push down our throats their ideology, they don't deserve free speech.
You're young, we speak a different tongue.
If you're going STEM it's not a useless degree, law school, medicine, and civil engineering would be good calls - atleast to my knowledge.
But I will be straight foward with you, avoid ideology like the plague, don't stick to one just because it "feels right" or because it's something that add up to you, following determined ideas don't give us more rights than other people, neither make us better.
We, as individuals, add value to whatever we think it's good.
Leftists see the world in different terms, no Ensino Médio você vai ter liberdade pra dizer o que quiser, quando quiser, e ninguém vai te culpar por isso. Na universidade a história é diferente, você é "perseguido" e "forçado" a tomar uma posição e as pessoas tentam te encaixar entre "amigo" e "inimigo". Don't ever let that kind of people get to your head.
It's the only advice I can give you, you mentioned you have a philosophy teacher that is outspoken and wants discussion, I understand that, and I understand that the method he uses is letting everyone speak until they reach a consensus, there is never anyone more right or more wrong than the other, right?
That, too, is a way to shape people the way you want.
Lê Pascal Bernardin - Maquiável Pedagogo, e aproveita pra ler Império Ecológico, do mesmo autor. Porque nosso próximo presidente é:
a) Luís Inácio Lula da Silva
b) Marina Silva
Se quiser pode dar print no post.
I don't believe Lula will get to be the next president, not with all the corruption scandals.
I do believe they will try to push down a black or a woman in the media.
Dear Brazilians
We here in Cali invented this monster, I'm sorry.
I am so sorry.
t. califag
No, Russia made up marxism, and they spread it with their secret service throughout the world. Check the archives of Moscow, they were opened for a while.
They own the electronic urns, they have the same means as Hillary Clinton had in the United States of America.
The globalists push both, Lula and Marina (Trilateral Comission, the owner of CNN gave Marina Silva a prize a few years ago). There are no adversaries here against them, no matter where you dig you won't fine anybody upright to hold the avalanche of bullshit they can spread against other people, and they have unlimited money.
huehues are crazy
I embrace the meme ideology (radical centrism).
But seriously, you're right, it's good advice. Thanks. I'm an atheist but I have a good friend who's 18 and a devout christian, and he's in the same uni and same course that I want. I'll just ask him for advice, too. I just never knew people people in universities were this intolerant.
Actually I hate this fucking board. I just wanted to see what it would be like here now that the (you)s are back, and then I noticed this thread. My main board is actually Sup Forums. But I'm glad I did now.
I don't deal well with another hues, no matter the situation. Just one thing, the university students here in Brazil read 2 books per year, 2 fucking books... don't take the garbage the teachers will push for you to read and ignore everything else.
There is a whole bibliography of 2.000 years + for us to read, o cara faz 18 anos de idade aqui no país e acha que já pode julgar o mundo. É aquela filosofia de futebol, de mesa de bar, todo mundo nesse país tem opinião sobre tudo e todo mundo, mesmo sem saber do que está falando.
Não seja um deles, leia os dois lados da história pra depois formar opinião.
Lê Lima Barreto - Bruzundanga, você vai dar risada demais mas só tem verdade naquela porra.
>No, Russia made up marxism
Yeah, I mean everyone knows Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were Russian.
Valeu pela dica. Mas vou dormir agora. Porra, achei que ia dormir antes da meia-noite. Mas acho que valeu a pena. Você também deveria. Já são 4 horas aqui, sem o horário de verão.
Shamefur dispray from my fellow countryman, slavic bro.
However, it's still true that your people took communism to a whole new level.
My wife is in an art class. The professor literally forced her to do feminist art for one piece. The next time she rebelled against the teacher and got into a big fight because she insisted she wasn't feminist and didn't want to push liberal propaganda.
All her conservative art pieces are shot down. You NEED the teacher's aproval before you can get started on any assignment and they choose the topic.
Then these hypocrites have the GALL to say "You have to find your voice as an artist and be free to express yourself."
P.S. this is in Canada, not Brazil
P.P.S. This is for Bachelor of Illustration too, not some bullshit fine arts crap
same thing happen here, they are all big hypocrites.
>Bachelor in anything art
>not expecting brainwashed liberals
you really cant be mad at the russian peasants for being jewed
>White people can't be racist because there's no such thing as the white race
... But still lose
I hate to say it but all art schools are a scam. The only good ones are private ones where you go on your own time and paint/draw from life models. Anyone who thinks they have authority over the subjectivity of art is a shit person
What they don't know is the power of your secret service in all the world.
>unlimited budget
>parliament has no access to their expenditures
I understand you guys are really humble about it though.
500,000 employees on USSR alone, that dealt exclusively with first world countries and problems inside Russia.
Every "satellite country" had their own division to deal with 3rd world countries. I wish they had kept the archives of Moscow open, but it wasn't too good for PR.
Sorry guys...men need to be more feminine and women need to be more masculine until gender is moot almost completely
this is how true peace comes about
Stay away from crazy friends. You don't want a girl with daddy issues.
The only "peace" a leftist have towards other people is the one of perpetual obedience or the shot in the neck, but they need to make a point to feel good about themselves in the process - even shooting you in the neck you have to pity them.
I went to art school. I thrashed all the feminist bullshit, called them out for always being cliche and over dramatic. This was before the full blown SJW invasion, and I didn't really see how feminism was toxic... I just knew it was a bunch of bullshit. Before I graduated they started implementing gender studies courses. Im sure that place is more of a hell hole now.
Either way, Im still friends with many of my peers on kikebook and holy fuck they have transformed into full blown marxist fags. I really dont know how I managed to leave with conservative values intact. I hope your wife makes it unscathed.
you are lucky they didn't kill you then
Don't forget this gem
Looks like Brazilian universities are thoroughly pozzed.
It seems like attempts to control art (creativity) or philosophy (thought) via curricula and academic institutes often leads to repression of anything that breaks the mold. This cancer then metastasizes. This cancer may be what happens to any hiearchy that becomes established and then rigidifies.
It's the case for marxism in the universities here, if you go against it, you are fucked
She went from 7/10 to 3/10
Disgusting. Don't these people realize how greasy they look?
>effects of the federal universities**
These people were weak to begin with.
They had it coming. It was their shitty fate
Looks like he's all but given up the transgender story now. Not that it wasn't an obvious troll from the start but a lot of people seemed to believe he was serious.
In brazil, the most prestigious universities are federal, but it has 200% communist brainwashing in it. The page is named "Before and after the federal [university]", and just shows pictures of people before and after the brainwashing
Huge brainwashing by cultural marxism
They tried it in Mexico too in the 60s but our based army massacred them all
Sorry brbrhuehues you are fucked
my fellow huelander, I recomend you watch the interviews with Yuri Bezmenov, you can easily find them on youtube.
Bezmenov was an ex-KGB agent who fled from the USSR and exposed the modus operandi to make a country socialist. In it, he does talk about university and education control in general and how it is used to get a country to become socialist
Man Mexico is much more based, seems like you guys know how to solve problems.
from 7/10 to -3/10
enjoy studying in PUC you lazy bastard
this has gone too far
in a few years they will be back to normal appearence, it's just a fad.
Kek no, these people never recover because they surround themselves with others just like them
Thanks user, thats all i needed to see
Where's the based Brazilian when you need him?
don't look too based to me, just stupid, going against a mob.
Brazil imported all the sjw shit that you guys have in your universities and made it worse. Truly a magnificent accomplishment.
I'm having a hard time believing this is real. Please tell me it's a joke. I refuse to believe it.
probably few of them are a joke, but most of them are not, I shit you not, once a brazilian person enters university it gets bombarded with drugs, sex, marxism, and pretty much all that is degenerate after a while they crack and assume a new persona.
>What the fuck is happening in Brazilian universities?
Just the liberal degrees, though. I just graduated from the civil engineering course on a government funded Uni and 99% of my class was white, heterosexual and had a comfortable life (middle/high class and didn't really have to work as soon as graduation, some of them even went for a vacation abroad for a couple months).
>nose rings/septum piercings
When will this meme end?
lol wtf
Is this a brazilian phenomenon? College students look dumb everywhere.
not sure, but people are more stupid in Brazil than let's say Norway, so we get it worse.