Our king is live get in here!
Cernovich Live
kys shill
I fucking love Cernovich!
Kek loves Cernovich too!
Pleathe buy my book, Mandrill Mentality
>kike shill returns again
who the fuck cares either way whether you support some irrelevant right wing twitter personality or want to troll him. terrible thread
He is a Jew that just wants money. Shocking.
Fuck all jews that think they can make shekels by pretending & co-opting
Do you have proof he is a jew?
>Our king is live get in here!
he's a cucking
who cares fuck off
well, for one thing, a bunch of leaves are supporting him
He deleted the tweets.
Didn't save any of the screenshots but they are out there.
Jokes on you I'm a US citizen
mike, you're much less convincing when you're not on the gas
nobody will buy the book of a pencil-necked fag
go get a refill while the sun still shines a little bit on you
He's drinking to us Sup Forums
Is he wearing a yamulke?
He's /our/ guy
This guy is pissed drunk
>muh racism is b-bad
>our leader
wtf is this retard talking about
he's drunk as hell
enjoy it
He's mad he sent his nudes to some guy who was catfishing him with a pic of a hot chick.
Cernovich is a pipsqueak faggot.
Leslie Jones mindset
>my brand is not damaged
>our king
>anti-racist Jew opportunist
>He's /our/ guy
yeah.. no
he's no match for my 1000 degree knife.
what thbbbbbbup guyth
buy my bookth
>He's already backing down
lol Mike really did misread his audience. He thought it was 90% normies and 10% WNs when it was more like 60% WNs and 40% normies.
Plus he misread himself. When will he realize he's a autist sperg?
Man I LOVE sucking tranny cock too!!
It was 90% normies until he red pilled half the normies into becoming WN without realizing it.
Fuck off, Kike Thernobitch.
Theriouthly, kill yourthelf.
You couldn't lead your way out of a wet paper bag.
Shit the TPM tweet is real.
Alimony Mindset
What an idiot.
I lost
if it looks like a duck
talks like a duck
and acts like a duck
it might as well be a duck
don't forget he said not to give money to (((people))) who hate us
>File: 1482898983009.jpg (130 KB, 600x850)
Jesus he looks like shit, what a fucking embarrassment. He looks like a man who's spent the last week barely sleeping because he's so worried about what 20-year olds on Twitter think about him. That's kind of pathetic dude.
did we really make josh snap ? never heard of the guy and i basically live on this board
>People actually follow his Bonobo Brainwave principles.
he seems... subdued
LOL twitter.com
His book dwindling book sales and alimony isn't enough to sustain the Thernovith on the Cali Coast with a wife and mixed child lol I mean look at this shit. His book sales are only 5k in gross profit after amajew fees!
Kek. That thread yesterday really got to him. Now he's talking about his past.
That thread was topkek.
link ?
He's so rattled.
Hey, I have JS pro too, you do FBA PL?
His brand is too big. He's unstoppable
Yes indeed.
can you check Howard Zinn "A People's History of the United States"?