Ask a Venezuelan anything 2.0
Ask a Venezuelan anything 2.0
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Stop being poor
You didn't actually answer any questions in the last thread
how long is the bread line?
Say what
Is it true that one ounce of gold can buy you a house?
What else can one ounce of gold get you?
Yes i did, the serious one. Not the one you and the leafers posted
Tell your brethren to stop coming here.
whats that in leaf fun bucks?
Like a high end phone
What does that mean? I only took one year of spicc in high school
Those are US $
My current balance on muy saving acc
Do you hope for american intervention like most propaganda tells me?
How well are you surviving?
Do common Venezuelans realize the CIA is fucking up your country?
Some do, vast majority doesn't, we know it brings goods and bads, usually more bads
Yeah the Cia is totally running the country 30 years strong
Since I'm working for an American guy and have a good salary (good even in the US) I'm good
(((Venezuelan))) dollars
Have you ever heard of inflation
Those are US$, read above.
As long as you don't ask anything a leaf would ask, which would be retarded, yes.
Why do you smoke ?
Before I got this job I was intensely stressed about how I was going to survive (dumb move, I was spending more) so I started smoking
Are the food stores really almost empty all of the time?
Not empty but there's always something missing that you used to see/buy everyday
Do you get lots of women flocking to you because you have all that money in a shithole with no money?
would an old venezuelan widow be insulted if a shabby, obese, and uncouth neckbeard amerifat gave her a couple hundred dollars when she was visiting the US?
for example, my friend (A) was visiting his friend (B) and A gave B's mom some money just because she's venezuelan. is that racist?
She would say no because it's embarrassing but would not feel offended.
I'm not a show off so I don't say out loud I earn a lot, in fact, that would make me a target
You take any precautions then?
You got a gun or maybe defenses like white families have in South Africa with electric fences and bars/gates on everything?
I don't go to low class areas nor date any girl from there, I even rejected this beauty because she lives in a dangerous area and wasn't worth the risk. A pussy ain't worth more than your safety
How is he relationship between the people and the government right now (if you can post about it without getting arrested. Are anger and tension rising? Do you think it could end with a coup or revolution?
Anyone I can send a care package to venezuelan bros in need? I know its been done on Sup Forums before
You already emigrated to my country, don't you?
About only 10%-15% of the population voted for them in the last election, they lost the national Assembly but retained the supreme Court so any law the assembly (sort of like the Congress for americans) wants to pass is rejected by the supreme Court. And yes you can post anything but if you're famous of widely-known you might be at risk
>How is he relationship
*How is the relationship
What kind of work do you do?
can you give money to my venezuelan friend?
What do you think of Slobodan Milosevic?
Chile is chilly LOL!
To someone yes, if it's for a hospital or something the government will confiscate it
Nah don't like it
Will u be ai gf?
You say there are areas of Venezuela that are not doing too bad. But how much of the country would you say is actually dangerous for you? And are these dangerous places being contained or are they slowly moving in on what good is left?
Marketing and human resources. 5000$ a month plus commission
How would you rate socialism on a scale of 1 to 10?
Send me 300$ so I can finally leave this shithole, BB.
No, muchacho pargo.
This is $130 USD
5K net per month!? Jesus I make 3150$ net.
Remove kebab and ustase.
I didn't say that, I said that I don't go to lower class areas, like ghettos or something. I stay in high class areas, still dangerous but less than others.
Why your people is so coward and do not make a civil war? We are a little bored with the middle east thing...
Is it really as bad in Venezuela as the media portrays? Or is it mostly sensationalism?
The fuck 5000 for HR? Feels like no wasted my life programming I barely have enough to leave.
Leftists in the US like to blame the US government for the crisis in Venezuela. How much of a role do you believe that the US government has had, if any, in your current crisis?
Just doing a little Christmas Shopping in Venezuela, Hope I got enough money for that lump of Coal I've been dreaming of all year!
What part of US dollars you don't get you fucking abo, go eat shit.
This acutally tells me that America doesnt need to play hero every fucking time and most people dont what that either.
The only role Obongo had done is keeping the chavistas in power.
None, it's socialism failing as usual
Civilians can't own guns and military is controlled by the government
Good answer.
Enjoy getting kidnapped and subsequently throw into a River in pieces.
No non-managerial employee in Holland working in HR or Marketing will make 5K. I'm surprised this is possible in Venezuela.
lmao calm down paco
How did you get that money anyway? Coke dealing?
he's probably the child of a politician, military man, or a black market dealer.
m8 if you have that much money, why the fuck haven't you left yet?
As I said my boss is American, me and some German are the only non Americans and we both live in our countries, although the boss is already working on our paperwork so we can move to the IS
I would get killed over her. Totally worth it.
My boss is doing the paperwork so I can move to the US
>child of a politician, military man, or a black market dealer.
Yup, those are the only people in Venezuela with a net worth of more than $50 USD. Sad!
Nope those are billionares. Minister of defence net worth is around 2 billion dollars.
>inb4 you call me amerifag pussy.
I used to sell drugs with mexicans in TX. A degenerate. I know how the game works.
Nah people here land good jobs overseas from here, Education stills 'decent', but honestly 5000$ sounds like a lot specially for outsourced work, the fuck seriously.
>Tfw outsourcing for 6 months
>Left because bosses were abusive as shit
>Only 410$ balance on my PayPal
Kill me senpai.
How likely is the outbreak of a full blown civil war this year?
Not him but never.
Veo que no soy el unico, ¿todo bien? Aqui ando bebiendo whisky
I'm venezuelan too. My grandparents are still there. keep them safe for me bro and stay safe yourself!
Do you work as a bar tender?
What time is it in Venezuela
Huh, well is it true that Maduro has a shit load of gang members hired as mercenaries to cause chaos if he is thrown from power or people start to legitimately rebel?
All we see up here are articles about memery. What is life like right now? Food? Meds? Are there gangs? One NYT article was talking of pirates fleets.
Yeah that's true, also has the army.
How many dicks have you sucked in your life?
Breh, sounds like you're the pussy.
fugg, guess there's not much the average dude can do then except for hope gas prices go up.
Wanna end myself desu. I'm supposed to leave first trimester for the next year.
Which one should I go for now?
blue cap in the back left
>Not American proxy.
I've seen enough about Venezuela on TV to know nobody lives like that there. Nice LARPing faggot.
1 persons opinion on 1 specific example and it's a closed case for you? That's some detailed research right there, leaf.
Of course we don't need to play hero every time you slope faced troglodyte. We only 'play hero' when we want to overthrow a government or make a puppet state, you've got to be absolutely fucking retarded to believe the spreading democracy and nation building tripe they use as an excuse.
The cost of our help is your entire nation. Always has been, always will be. In fact, we regularly ignore all kinds of human rights disasters because those place and people don't have shit we want.
You can feel free to help them all you want but we both know you won't because you're both irrelevant and on your way to join them in socialist hell.