Has degeneracy in film gone too far or am I just crazy?

Has degeneracy in film gone too far or am I just crazy?

Am I fucked up? Has Sup Forums ruined me???

I just realized Dakota Fanning has done a nude scene. That sweet little girl from Man on Fire has done a nude scene...

Are there any actresses who actually have respect for themselves anymore, and don't do these sorts of things?

Should this not bother me? I don't like seeing these sorts of actresses, who are very popular, doing stupid shit when they influence so many little girls.

Emilia Clarke, after her degenerate garbage in GoT has gotten a role in the next Star Wars movie. This has actually pissed me off and I don't think I can watch it now because of her. The female leads in the last two star wars flicks have each done nude scenes. I try to block that out, and I enjoyed TFA, but Clarke has done ass cheek smacking, full on whore sex scenes.

I have nothing against porn, or even the most degenerate forms of porn, but I don't think it belongs in film. Keep that garbage out of actual movies.

I never did like sex scenes or nudity in movies, even before I knew about Sup Forums, but it never actually annoyed me to the degree it does now.

> am I just crazy?
>Am I fucked up? Has Sup Forums ruined me???
Yes and no
You're just a boring shitty prude, it's not Sup Forums's fault.

How am I being prudish?

The Acting industry is all about using your physical body to entertain other people

ladies have dem tits

theyre gonna use 'em

as for degeneracy? this is why men played female roles in shake spear times


Also society and feminism have warped sexuality in movies and media to be a thing that has to be "realistic", meaning fewer angles, less use of lighting, fatter women with more hair and fridge-like bodies (Silverman, anyone?)

This has a negative affect on how men view sexuality in media, where it is either extreme (porn/internet) or feminist friendly. Finding good ole "sit back and enjoy it" cheesecake is tougher now than ever, and even when it is there you have to get out of your own way to enjoy it.

Your image, for example, is of a woman that hater her sexuality and status as a sexual icon. That subtlety erodes our conscious pleasure unconsciously, and we grow less attracted or enjoy the fantasy less than we did before.

Sure, the acting industry may be about entertainment, but theres no reason to put fucking porn in movies, let alone tv shows. If you can't make a good film without tits and ass then you're a shitty fucking writer/director...

GoT and Spartacus seemed like shows I would've loved, but I just can't bring myself to watch either. The first 5 minutes of Spartacus episode 1 of season 1 turned me off of the show for life. I'll never watch it.

The idea of Disney hiring actresses to play lead parts who have appeared nude is actually startling to me too.
I guess they don't give a fuck about promoting degeneracy. RO was a blatant fuck-white-men multikult propaganda film.

Culture represents a nation, and the degeneracy present in American films at the moment is simply a result of that. That will change soon enough, I hope.

They literally just have sex on camera now for sex scenes.

The real crime however, is that it's never long enough to masturbate to.


You've just been watching shit movies I'm afraid. Man on Fire sucked, post original trilogy Star Wars is just a cashgrab, doesn't even use any of the millions of Oscar-worthy fan scripts and novels.

Also the explosion of sex in film is just another "trendy" thing that hasn't ended since the 60s. You just have to navigate yourself to the better forms of entertainment (which is hardly film nowadays).


pic fucking saved that is god damn hilarious im crying over here

i mean im sorry she died and all but god damn my sides that is funny

Yeah, I guess... but there are some legitimately great films (Fort Bliss, Blue Valentine) that are defiled by nearly explicit sex scenes. There are kids in both of those movies who can't watch the movies they were in without being exposed to that garbage. It's amazing to me that these directors did this shit.

In any case, feels bad being this uptight, but I just can't help it.

Yeah... funny pic. Found it in one of the Carrie threads on Sup Forums

Honestly I have no issue with nudity itself. The human body shouldn't be taboo. What irks me is how people flip their shit over contextually appropriate and tasteful nudity or sexual references, but tolerate widespread viewing of gratuitous violence and messages that accept the degradation of human beings.

Reminds me of the older version of Romeo and Juliet. The actress playing Juliet was very young (but legal) and was once barred from viewing the film in theaters because she was supposedly too young to see her own breasts.


Hol up!!! Dakota fanning did a nude scene ??? I need to rewatch the movie she was in with Denzel. It was that one right?

>yes you are crazy...and gay.

What this guy said, when!? Where!?

She was my childhood waifu

This. Tell us what film faggot.

A goddamn leaf and a south african...

Of course you fucks encourage this shit.

I don't know what movie it was. Just Google it. Should come up...

Stop being a fag, nudity has been part of western art since forever. Not that Hollywood is really western art, it's more like (((western))) art. But stop with the double standard anyway. Nudity =/= Pornography.

Stop worshiping celebrities.

I too am shocked and appalled, what film was this?

You haven't gone crazy.

We all know what kind of degenerates run Disney and how they're notorious for kiddie diddling.

It's no coincidence that there are actresses who have done nude scenes acting in Star Wars now that Disney is running it. They are ground zero for social engineering. Nothing they do is without an agenda.

I don't worship any celebrities you fucking kike...

Except for Ryan Gosling. He's pretty cool, but that's it...

There's reasonable nudity like in The Abyss, Braveheart, Apocalypto, and then there's full on BangBros like in GoT and Spartacus...

There's no reason for the latter whatsoever whereas I can be fine with the former.

I don't encourage it, and I won't fap to it. But that doesn't mean I don't find her sexually attractive and don't want to see it.

>Not supporting the jew with money

Well I honestly don't know the name of the movie. It's a beach scene where her and a friend get naked and rUn into the beach. It can be found on Youtube.

carrie fisher was a coke whore jewess who was blowing the director to get the job. she would later spout some drivel about muh womenz powah and "not letting them make you a slave" she was, and always was, trash-tier dickbait. nothing more. I'm going to be really honest with you, user. western women are trash. (hold on i'll let you get a glass of water to swallow that redpill) they're selfish, insipid tarts who wallow in degeneracy

Can't agree with you, don't know about Spartacus, but sex is used to tell the dirty story in GOT, as in the books.

The relationship between khalisi and drogo was shown to change, as he kind of raped in in the start and how it changed later to love.

Same as the incest twins. In the beginning it was consensual, then lustful when she didn't want to, etc

I'm not the biggest fan but I wouldn't say it's pointless scenes to just keep you interested.

I know they're trash, but that's because we allow them to be.

We've allowed the entirety of western culture to be compromised...

It can be implied and not so in your face...

Books are one thing, but a goddamn television show? Really?

>I never did like sex scenes or nudity in movies,
I'm in two minds about that but there's a convincing argument for leaving porn out of movies.

If you're watching a movie (well, a kino movie), it's about a story and there is drama and shit is going on and you're full immersed.

Then there are some great tits on screen and suddenly you're like "wow, Kate Blanchette's tits are nice". It breaks the immersion and now you're just appreciating the body of an actress instead of the movie.

So there's an argument for keeping porn in porn.

Also, I watch movies in mixed company and I don't want to be thinking about or watching porn with most mixed company.

>I never did like sex scenes or nudity in movies,
I'm in two minds about that but there's a convincing argument for leaving porn out of movies.

If you're watching a movie (well, a kino movie), it's about a story and there is drama and shit is going on and you're full immersed.

Then there are some great tits on screen and suddenly you're like "wow, Kate Blanchette's tits are nice". It breaks the immersion and now you're just appreciating the body of an actress instead of the movie.

So there's an argument for keeping porn in porn.

Also, I watch movies in mixed company and I don't want to be thinking about or watching porn with most mixed company.

>They literally just have sex on camera now for sex scenes.
That is exceedingly rare. There is less than one film a year with any actual sex. Maybe Brown Bunny was the last one to happen recently? That was just a director wanting to have sex with a specific actress anyway.

>Man of Fire sucked
>yet Star Wars fan fiction is oscar material

This fucking guy.

I am not talking about GoT

I am talking about the fact that Disney is bringing an actress from the show who is famous for her nudity into a movie that is for children.

I personally don't give a shit if they show nudity in media but when they try to cross that world with media meant for children you have to ask yourself what the agenda is.

You are a fucking idiot.
How do you casting works?
>I am just a simple girl with no previous job expirience, will you cast me for this role in your movie? But i won't take my clothes off or anything like that and you have to fullfill all my terms!
good luck working the rest of your life as a waitress
They have to not only do anything they tell them so, if that means having a naked role they have to do it, but they also have to be willing to have sex with the casting person, the director etc... because if they won't there literally THOUSANDS of just as hot and hotter girls ready to replace them and do any depravity asked of them.

Dakota Fanning was already a cumdumpster long before she even hit puberty.
How do you think she got the role in War of the Worlds?

And that makes me an idiot how? They still have a choice...