I want every single one of you to acknowledge that you engage in HATE on a daily basis

I want every single one of you to acknowledge that you engage in HATE on a daily basis.

Admit that you hate.

Acknowledge it.

First and only warning that I will give to you guys on this message forum. If you don't get rid of that hate in your heart, then your heart is gonna rot.

Don't let your heart rot.

>falling for the heart jew

I want to go back to the blue pill. Is it possible?

Oh, you pitiful fool.

Hate is like porn for your heart.

It's enjoyable and provides temporary relief but in the long term it's completely destructive to your physical and mental well-being.

The heart is just a blood pump. You're talking about emotions, so just use the word emotion. Hate is just as important as any other emotion. If you didn't hate suffering you'd never fight it. Telling people to give up hate is the same as telling them to embrace failure and death.

Sage this faggot

what a fucking retard. hate makes you stronger. it fuels your very existence.


I admit that I hate, and with good reason too.

>Falling for the love jew


Nice Jewish fictional character pleb.

>not being neutral masterrace

>Don't let your heart rot.

You assume that hate is useless. There is a reason that humans can feel it, it is necessary.

Look in the mirror. And say to yourself. "I hate people and I am filled with hate."

Try it. I fucking dare you to do it.

Look in a mirror and say "I hate people and I am filled with hate".

If that doesn't change your life, then nothing will.

I'm like a venus fly trap

I hate silently, you'll never know it on meeting me, but once the opportunity presents itself, I will strike with as much force as I can muster.

I don't think Palpatine subscribed to any religion, let alone kikeology desu

Nothing will, because I hate myself too.

>Don't let your heart rot.
Don't be silly.

High cholesterol is what rots your heart.
My hate, however, fuels my 8 miles a week for running. My hate keeps me STRONK.

Shut up you kike mindslave.

depends. You can reach a peace of mind that is close to blue pill ignorance and naivity

>Falling for the mirror jew

The only people I hate are women tbqh

Didn't work. Now what, faggot?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with hating people that no longer want your race to inhabitant your country.

A more accurate phrase would be, "I hate niggers and I am filled with hate for non whites."

>"The good die young... but PRICKS live FOREVER!!!"

You on some kendo, zendo shit, nigga.


You need to learn to love yourself little by little. If you were to suddenly make up your mind to love yourself in a single instant then that love isn't even genuine. Shitty love like that fades as quickly as it was conjured. Love like that is like shitty fast food.

But love built up in little steps through training, enlightenment and hardship lasts an eternity.

You say that like I haven't lived with myself for 30 years.


you misunderstand, not all posters engage in hate speech. please don't generalize the whole board just because of a very vocal minority, they are not REAL Sup Forums members. Sup Forums is a board of peace

Why is wanting to have my own culture and live among my own people hate?
I challenge any 'Sup Forums hating lefty' to tell me why.

I don't hate anyone for their race, I only hate Marxists, Muslims, Homosexuals, Transsexuals, Thugs, Liberals, and Satanists.

Depends on your IQ. Some idiots might be able to vomit it back up.

t. Sarah Shekelstien

We're the internet hate machine. Fuck off to tumblr


Nothing can prevent you from making today the first day of your new life.

>allowing empathy to destroy all rational thought


This thread:
>SJW/prog cuck has self defined limits as to what constitutes "hate"
>thinks he/she/it has the right to label everyone as hateful based on their perception of what hate is
>arrogantly defends self-entitlement to determine what is hateful and what isnt

Just fuck off. You aren't changing anyone's mind.

Lol dude c'mon

Nope. Nada. I'm at peace with it, lad.

God imbued us with hate for a reason. My hatred is not directed at the other races anyway, its directed at white leftists using force (the state) to make me adopt their ideology or at least pretend to in order to 'get along' in society.

Okay, I gotta go. As long as I made even one person become aware of the hate that he/she is engaging in, then I'm happy. Awareness is the first step.

Satan is my motor.

>>falling for the heart jew

did he died?

smugness is a form of hate

what made you carry on for
so long?
suicide seems like a sweet remedy these days tbqh


Every human being hate one thing or another, stupid christfag

>be normal faggot
>worship in the cult of positivity
>be serf unto establishment, retarded peers because positive

Kill yourself faggot

I prefer to go out in a blaze of glory; and I shall have mine.

i dont hate anything. i love my people and i want them to survive and not become minorities in the very place they evolved in.

if that makes me hateful in your eyes then too bad

Yeah that's right you need balance in that shit. Between "good" and "evil". This is the, er, message people.

Op is out there living every day like he's the guy who's gonna save the human race good for him

Fuck you. Empathy is what got us into this multiculti hellhole in the first place. That is the only weakness of the white race, having too much empathy. Our enemies have none. Feeling empathy for an enemy that has none is nothing but cowardice and weakness.


gonna shoot up a bunch of guys eh? fine

I wish I could just disappear. I feel people should forget about me. Or at least wish to forget about me

My heart rotted the day the kikes violently robbed me of the most sensitive part of my body.
Not to be edgy or anything, but hate has fueled me almost entirely for my 28 years of life.


Everybody, I have alot of things to discuss, mainly nigras!

America's at war with Al-Qaeda!

But we're still losing the war against Al Sharpton!

Let's talk about Chinese people! With their kung-fu and their silly ching-chang-chong talk! We can't understand you! Go back to yer country! White power!

Don't let the liberal media tell you how to think and feel! If you have hate in your heart let it out!

If you don't like "Will & Grace", don't mean there's something wrong with you! Means there's something wrong with Will; he's a homosexual!


Colin Powell... Condoleezza Rice. Condoleezza Rice, sounds like Mexican dish.

Maybe we should put her on a plate and send her to Mexico so the Mexicans will eat her. White Power!

>I hate people and I am filled with hate."
I look at my mutilated penis every day and remind myself to never stop hating them for what they did to me, and continue to do to others.
Besides, I don't hate people. I hate jews, that's a big difference.

I'm a liberal, and I'm gonna be totally honest with you.

You have seen absolutely fucking nothing. I'm not just speaking for myself when I say this, but also a lot of others.

You thought we were selfish and petty and aggressive before? Lol.

People have voiced there opinions. Hate is an arbitrary concept based off of good and evil which can be skewed in many forms. 1/10 b8...

hate makes you powerful. why dont you like power?

On a side note, what's your opinion of white people?


>hate and love are relative
>eliminates hate
>eliminates love

Good job faggot. Now that I have no capacity for hate, I have no idea what love means anymore. Kill yourself.

I've screamed in the mirror telling myself to get off of drugs. Didn't change until I went to jail...

wasnt the force\being a sith technically a "religion"?

i remember in episode 4 a general says "your devotion to that ancient religion has not helped conjure up the death star plans"

Political correctness needs to die. sage

>Altruism is the White races only exploitable weakness.

We are just intelligent enough here to understand this. Fuck off.

>t. Vader

Sort of.

>You assume that hate is useless. There is a reason that humans can feel it, it is necessary.

yes back in primitive times. if the rival tribe is trying to kill you theyre to be hated

however i think that nowadays all emotion is more of a drawback

I hate people who think hatred is bad. Everyone hates a lot of things and a lot of people, and that's okay.

What is hate? It means I dislike this, I value this little, this displeases me, this is bad.

A person who makes no distinction between good and bad, in a word, a person who hates nothing but views all things impartially, such a person is not a human being. He is a cockroach, living vermin.

>But what about being compassionate a bloobloo!

Being compassionate is a very admirable thing, but if the exchange is not even remotely reciprocal, you're wasting your time. You have to make value-distinctions, you have to hate. A man who cannot hate is not a man at all.

And moreover, EVERYONE hates. They hate certain types of food, certain types of music, certain experiences, certain people. Hatred is not to be stigmatized.

Love isn't necessarily good. People who love bad things, who promote bad things, who cultivate bad things, are they "good" because they love?

Oh that the whole world engaged in brutish, crude hates and likes, instead of this intolerable moralistic facade.

>implying there are no rival tribes trying to kill us today

Sure I get frustrated with certain people or groups but all I want is for them to quit their shit.

Drawback? To what? What is the end goal here?

Jesus dude the purpose of life isn't to become some fucking automaton. Look in the goddamn mirror and figure out how the fuck you lost all sight of your own humanity.

nice proxy

Feeling hate would mean that I am letting another control my emotions. So no, I do not engage in hate on a daily basis, or even a weekly basis. Occasionally, I succumb to hate, but it is a rare occurrence that I try to avoid at all times.

I would argue that people who are slaves to their emotions are the ones engaged in hate, whether it be the SJW's, who allow their day to be utterly ruined by people they have never met and circumstances beyond their control, or plebs that are invested in sports enough to where how well someone you've never met throws a ball has an impact on your happiness.

lol this is good troll pasta

I don't hate anyone.

holy fuck are (you)s back

hey how is it going reddit


Yes. If you've seen the result of the poll they took, the response was overwhelmingly negative (more than 50%, with under 25% being positive, and the rest being neutral).

>trying to make me feel guilty for my perfectly reasonable emotions
>trying to shame and invalidate me as a person for the very nature of my being

What a terrible thing to do to another person.

But it won't work on me.

well ill say for a big example our nations would not be getting flooded right now if we were not able to be played for our emotions

5 pictures that make you say fuck having laws and borders and shit would not work as a subversion tactic on an emotionless race

ok nice. ive not been on here all day

you are also like a faggot

The only one I hate is Trump

he's a treasonous idiot

Poll is at the top of the thread.

> I want
Fucking millenials

i was born rotten.

What year does the Millennial generation begin?

I thought it was in 1980, but I really think the internet fissured the Millennial gen pretty badly.

typical aussie shitposting faggot