Okay so where the fuck is JIm?

Okay so where the fuck is JIm?
Did he make another account again?

Other urls found in this thread:


What happened to MM

He stopped fucking uploading. Or at least on MM
Im trying to figure out where the fuck he is

He did a few streams during the election but none were hosted on his yt channel. who fucking knows. if he's gonna keep playing this "i don't want too much attention" game he can fuck off.

The latest antics hes been in are shitting on Sup Forums fags. Look up the Destiny stream and Dinodini

Also he may have an alt account running.

These are from his twitter when someone asked him about having any active alts.

He rarely does videos or streams anymore, but he lives on Twitter.


I fee at this point, jim is actually running circles around us


Link? Hot sauce?

its disappointing

maybe he realized his youtube logo is a faggoty gay mcdonalds worker

Can you link?

He's a loser with commitment issues

He lurks here and on reddit/tumblr/ifunny like the other "political" youtubers until he has enough material for a new video.

They are both on YouTube. Just search both those names and his. The Dino one is pretty funny, because the guy is clearly out of his league and constantly changing the subject and pulling this "gotcha" shit that makes no sense.

I really like listening to his content
but this whole "disappearing every few months for half a year" bullshit is getting old.


I watched this. I actually felt really bad for the guy. He doesn't seem like he lives a happy life.

You don't deserve to live a happy life if you dont make one for yourself. Dino made one successful game and then opted to never improve so he got left behind, as it should be.

Is there any pic for what Jim really looks like?

see this also at Jesus this Dino guy seems like hes one little comment war away from putting the gun in his mouth.

That's a very spiteful attitude, and it won't solve anything. People don't have as much control over their lives as you think. A lot of people suffer from terrible childhoods, or from genetic baggage.

That's not Jim. There's a picture of him through a ton of filters, but he took it down pretty quickly. It doesn't look much different from ops picture.

oh, well my mistake then

That explains why he was practically sucking off the No Mans Sky devs.

Dino is that you?

he could just reply because he's probably lurking

you would never know it was him. because apparently he'll never release a picture of himself so that means no timestamps

Dino does. He got a shit ton of new viewers when he debated Jim and what did he do? ban them for saying things he doesn't like, insult them, etc... Instead of turning them into customers. The guy is a cunt who's trying to sell a product. He dug his own grave.

>Jesus this Dino guy seems like hes one little comment war away from putting the gun in his mouth.
I wouldn't be surprised, his little cash grab "revival" was DOA.

he let that faggot twitch guy destiny destory him in a debate and lost all his ego

I didnt watch that. What part of the video does it go downhill as you suggest?

I still feel bad for him. The fact that he creates a bubble like that means he most likely has lived a terrible childhood. He was most likely taught to have this attitude of isolation. Many people, when they're already in that kind of environment, they're simply trapped. They get stuck in a cycle of self destruction.

Destiny only had the upper hand for the 1st 30 min of an almost 2 hour debate. Even his rabid followers were moaning and making excuses for his lackluster performance from then on.

basically he let destiny shits on him the entire video over talking him, interrupting, saying cuck sh like defending affirmative action, etc and jims only response was "LOL WELL I GUESS WE JUST DISAGREE ON THIS HEUEHUEHU" and left

Didn't he move to like, Taiwan? Is James O'Shaughnessy still in the U.S.?

But how does he "lose" a debate if his opponent is just spewing a bunch of shit out of his word hole?

he makes his presence known via vocaroos

You really do sound like Dino.
>I'm only guessing cuz I dont know but heres why I think we should be sympathetic towards this asshole
>Spins sappy story out of thin air and calls it a point

oh shit good point!
hey wait a minute, are you him?
Show yourself you faggot!

He legit looks like he has AIDS.

he let destiny get the narrative, boy.

have you learned nothing from trump? you never let your opponent control the narrative.

woah, someone confirm this now

Talking over your opponent is a valid debate tactic. The colloquial term for it is the "Gish Gallop".You spew a bunch of horseshit mixed with a little bit of truth so quickly that your opponent cant refute it all. So when people reflect on it they remember the little bits of truth you strung in and assume you won.
Its a nigger tier strategy that only cons use

Honestly, if I was him I wouldn't release a picture. His shit it just too incendiary and if it gets to his employer he's finished.

That's the one that Mentioned.

This was probably a couple years ago.

Destiny ended up saying that he wants the US government to bomb mexico. Jim totally won.

Its honestly likely that Jim is self employed based on previous commentary. The question at this point is what the hell he actually does

thats not a very flattering picture, t b h

I recall him talking about majoring in education and history. Still, having someone going around and dragging your name through the mud, even if you're self-employed, isn't good for business.

is that why he says
>i don't want too much attention

All it took to get two people fired form some tech firm was a dumb nigger who said they were talking about dongles.

Even before he did inflammatory shit he said that. Back when the only people he shit on were furfags and commentary autists.

The best part of that was that she drug the company into it and got fired too. Gives me hope that these people will eventually weed themselves out.

What if I say a fuckton of inflammatory shit on the internet. When Im out of college and applying for that Engineering job Im gunning for, How hard is it to find all those ironic "Gas the Kikes" comments I made all throughout the internet?

I only post as user or some ridiculous username with no legit info attached. So pretty fucking hard if you arent a retard.

well that makes me feel better then. I dont know, you hear stories sometimes

Unless someone who has legit hacking skills develops a vendetta against you and as long as you dont post gas the kikes race war now on facebook on your real account its very unlikely anything will come back to you.

how about throwawah youtube accounts with no info attacked

He's Troy Leavitt, the Disney designer. No mask now.

Proofs? I just listened to an interview with Troy and they sound nothing alike

get out

I want home to finish deviants

get out

Here is Jim.

get lynched

>ironically being unironic


but im white

>but im white


Neither of them did that well. There were points in the discussion where both of them were missing the mark. Destiny has a tendency to lose his cool and start bitching, which is funny but makes him look like he's losing. If you know how to look for cognitive dissonance you can see where both of them use it.

Destiny is a manlet who can't get bigger despite going to the gym every day and who makes money by playing video games online. He's a single dad and despite all the preaching about how we need integrated schools he probably sends his son to a mostly white school and lives in a mostly white neighborhood. Use any of that against him and you can throw him off balance and beat him in any argument.

You are a race traitor.