Stop denying the holocaust you psychos. It's real, true and accurate.
Never Again
Stop lying you insane jew. It's imaginary, false and inaccurate.
ook ook
Illegal to question under penalty of imprisonment in Europe. The truth doesn't fear investigation you filthy kike.
>Stop lying you insane jew. It's imaginary, false and inaccurate.
Mental patient
psych ward registered inhabitant
hahahhahahaha hahahahahaha
ok rabbi whatever you say
where's that soap from jewish fat again? how bout that lampshade?
Constantly stuck between wondering if Sup Forums is just constant troll/meme or truly retarded.
Probably both
If jews don't want to get genocided maybe they should stop giving everyone else a reason to want to do so.
like being more successful than you
Good goy!
us? again?
I forgot
God think the Jews had 6 million kids during WWII to make up for the 6 million dead
Good thing*
And with that typo, I'm off to bed.
Like flooding our countries with anti semitic, far right, ultra conservatives.
>take a break shlomo.
>so are little green men from mars.
Nope! Sorry, not real.
Unless it's against the Palestanians, they deserve it for living on that land for thousands of years, don't they know Jews killed people for that land, held it for a little while and then didn't want to go back once they were captured? BAD GOY
>Muh six gorrilion
You can't shame americans like you do germans fucking kike.
Why should I care about some gay genocide that took place 50 - 60 years ago?
prove it
Watch David Cole you psycho.
The holocaust never happened.
>Never again is a challenge for us to do better in the future
There was a holocuast. But its victims were the Germans.