Hey Sup Forums, please redpill me on oral sex

Hey Sup Forums, please redpill me on oral sex.

I heard that a woman's vaginal secretions contain small amounts of estrogen, and that if a man goes down on a woman he will actually be consuming estrogen. This might explain why a lot of men (particularly the "alpha" type) have an instinctive phobia of eating at my buffet, but is it actually true?

And if that's true, then what does that mean for women who likes going down on her man?

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Modern voodoo bullshit

the amounts are probably too small.

This. Women sit on my face all the time and I'm still ok.

Its probably because you and your peers have HPV along with other stds

>North American cum dumpsters having to much sex
>Canadian/Ontario government mandated vaccinations to stem the flow of disease
>to bad they took the easy way out, instead of executing these degenerate plague carriers

Edge, Edge and Edgy

men love sex yet want women to be chaste and pure

fuck off desu, you guys are hypocrites

Based Michael Douglas blamed his throat cancer on eating pussy.


>Experts say the claim is probably correct, because tumors caused by HPV virus much more responsive to treatment

>a lot of men (particularly the "alpha" type) have an instinctive phobia of eating at my buffet
Actually it's probably the smell.

don't you know autists don't get bored of things? we're happy with the same girl forever

We want women to only fuck their stable long term partners.

Most men on Sup Forums have nothing wrong with women who aren't virgin's, but if she's taken 20 dicks in a few months of holidaying 'discovering who she is', then she is worthless.

Of course you have the crazies that want a pure virgin but they are probably virgins themselves.

>men love sex yet want women to be chaste and pure
I just prefer women who are monogamous
And not serial monogamists because that's a load of horseshit

you still get hpv easily that way

men don't understand sex

Only if you're a poor communicator.

>but is it actually true
It's voodoo bullshit.

In fact, you best learn to eat pussy well if you want to keep a woman these days.
You see all those people getting divorces? What are the odds one or both partners had no idea how to sexually please the other?

It's a real crime that Western culture makes people ignorant of and bad at sex.

>nu-males/females confuse love for lust
>vagina, tits, ass, face?

More like slaves to testosterone. Your typical alpha will not likely co-habitat, or if he's retarded marry a high mileage woman. The men with the least control typically clean up the sloppy seconds of the Chads

>virgin's don't exist amongst the female Western population
>cucked no matter what because the big gov. is a gaint single mother loving beta
>Japan is our only hope now, the largest intelligent virgin population of males will surely create a woman worthy

I just ate pussy last night and I feel like more of a man than ever, shit was cash

>eating at my buffet
Tits or GTFO, you know the rules.

whats the cutoff for high mileage women?



>can be a drugged out whore and cheating cum dumpster, courts will still give you everything
>tons of thirsty guys to fuck, if young can still get the alpha "D" on the side until you're thirty
>can get free males from thirsty betas/orbiters and then fucks from Chads after

Women have subsidized sexual free market, they don't like you they can just take your money and upgrade or bang chads after on your alimony dollars because vagina

>eat pussy to keep a woman?
>eat cancer to become cancer
>beta males are always so pathetic and plainly ignorant of the sexual market

lol one time I metthis virgin girl on facebook and within 40 minutes of talkjng to her dhe was on her way to my house. When she got here, it only took 20 minutes for me to get her panties off and I chowed down on her for at least an hour, she was a vegetarian and that shit tasted like gummy bears or some sweet candy. Felt so manly afterwards. She had phone sex with me for two days afterwards, but them broke it off because she had a boyfriend kek

I only like to taste girls who are fresh to me. Once I'm used to them I just usually think about other girls while I fuck them.

NEVER eat pussy


>tastes good
>gf enjoys it
>gets everything nice and slippery in preparation for penetration
>pretty fuckin hot

I don't really see the problem

>they don't like you they can just take your money

Not if they have a self-nullifying infatuation toward your tongue skills.

Its true. For maximum testosterone and manliness you should only suck dick. Notice how all gays are super masculine and the men that enjoy pussy are basicly women. Be a man, suck a dick.

That sounds like some bullshit straight out of the koran.

Maybe you should just go stone your girlfriend to raise your testosterone back to acceptable levels.

Enjoy throat cancer faggot.

I'm a married Muslim woman, you may not see my breasts. :/

speaking as a femanon a guy not doing it would be a dealbreaker for me

it is better than intercourse for me, i cum from it every single time and not from sex

Then your vagina is probably broken and overused.

don't blame men for that.

XEXEXEXE! This made me giggle, thank you.

This is true. You are what you "eat." (:


Fine show us your hairy unshaven cunt then

Show us your cunt and we'll rate it

I could make her feel like a virgin

>Then your vagina is probably broken

What a great comment. "It seems to have a crack in it..."

But you've got to understand, girls really like their clitty sucked. It works.

How by watching my little pony with her?

>what is google

Eating pussy is gayer than sucking dick. This has been known since the dawn of time.

that isnt how lady parts work

Show us your clit.
It's New Year's Eve for fucks sake

actually it's because they don't want to contract HPV-16, get oral cancer 15-20 years later, go thru chemo and radiation and still lose half their jaw and throat to the knife, like my friend's dad. His wife (friend's mom) had over 50 partners before cuck started munching on her blown out cunt

All Muslim women must shave the private area, it says so in the hadiths. Study your scriptures, user!

Yeah yeah yeah I will later, post your anus
I'll post mine if you want?

>girls really like their clitty sucked
omg no nooooooooooo

Don't listen to this, male anons. You lick it, don't suck it please.

Your gash probably smells like rotten fish from your dog lapping your juices every night.

Gf and I were both virgins before each other, neither have HPV, she's vaccinated, both are monogamous. I'll continue to eat pussy and I'll enjoy it

> sticking your face where lots of cocks have been
> totally ok

Shit killed a beastie boy and almost took out Michael Douglas

Eating estrogen will cause you to develop female characters baka stop huffing glue and open a book dumbass

The scripture says all non-Muslims are to be killed and all Christians and Jews are to be subjugated.
Kill yourself promptly you Muslim supremacist cretin. You people are worse than Nazis. Islam is Nazism but with less science and more rape.


>speaking as a femanon a guy not doing it would be a dealbreaker for me
>my boyfriend not getting throat cancer from sticking his tongue up my clunge would be a deal breaker
>I love my boyfriend ofc teehee

This is pretty much what I think. When you make them shake too after like 10 seconds you got it.

You gotta literally go down with your tounge and like lick all the way to the top when you start. They've told me to stop because they were literally about to cum

there are minute quantities of estrogen in a vag, it's also in women and mens saliva. so no kissing ever

>You lick it, don't suck it please.

Are you joking? Don't you understand what warm wet lips do? Silence your foreign propaganda!

>from your dog lapping your juices every night

Human doggies are required to eat fresh fruit, like apple slices. It's for their digestive health.

Sure whatever gets her motor going

Would you suck your own cock too if you could?

You're letting your GF make you her bitch

She becomes the man when you go down on her you fucking idiot

If a lot of men have access to your buffet, they're not going to want to go eat it.

Well like I say if carrie fisher had a penis..

>I'd be all about that

you have no girlfriend ;_;

She calls it her buffet.. lol. Jesus H Christ.

>Just by that wording I think of like when I went to a buffet all the sweaty nasty meat and like older sweaty gentlemen

>Yeah no thanks sweetheart. I wouldn't either.

Uh no?

She sucks my dick too. We have a pretty good sex life. Pretty balanced. Plus I enjoy eating her out. Watching her in pleasure gives me pleasure. Feeling her squirm and squeeze her legs is pretty hot

Shaving my enchanted forest makes me a Muslim supremecist now? Really!

>licking women's vaginas
>tasting doggie lipstick

plz admit that you are a gimp

This is actually not true.. you just don't take a while to do it.. because if you do it right they will want you to just penetrate them and not continue doing it.. Its not like them giving us head. Use pussy eating as foreplay don't make it a hobby.


Really? Cause I do this thing where I sort of suck /lick everything all in one go. Like mouth around the sort of general area sucking blood into it while gently flicking my tongue across it. Idk seems to work ok, but then again, I don't have a vagina.

muzzies aren't allowed to shave.

I don't - I have a girl who randomly calls me so she can come over and suck my dick

Sup Forums is pathetic when it comes to women
All you bitches freak out with the black dong threads and the "how can we even compete shit"

Women like to be strangled and have their hair pulled and slapped around and shit

This "pleasing my lady" shit is for faggot cucks and the only reason she enjoys it is because she's on a power trip

You're a faggot.

if you an ape get off the board. HUMANS ONLY!

Yeah.. you're basically stating something we all already know.. you don't gently lick their pussy..

Like the fact I have to explain this to you should already be enough of a demonstration of how retarded you are.

Yes we are, not only allowed but actually requires; read Sahih Bukhari. You are a Canadian, yes? The Quran and Hadith is part of your cultural tapestry.

>Watching her in pleasure gives me pleasure
You are one step away from that cuck life friendo.


I haven't licked my wife's tang since we got married 5 years ago

I nut in her mouth all the time

You're a shit FYI

100% white

>Women like to be strangled and have their hair pulled and slapped around and shit
A lot of women are into stranging. I don't really get it.

But hairpulling and slapping? Yes please.

You stick your fanger in her butthole though?


shaving your nutsack doesn't count, Pajeet

Nah I like girls

Nah man I don't really get the cuck thing. I really don't see what the big deal is about making my gf cum with my tongue

>I nut in her mouth all the time

And not deep inside her pussy. Hmm...

Guys we could be dealing with.. one of those.. Dark people.

>Oh boy the wonders of the subhuman low IQ existence and basically lying about how much you get laid because in monkey land that's all success pretty much amounts to

And shitting in their vag.
Big hard one that guys have to grunt to get out, that feel like hot hard cocks in their slimy holes.

Post pics of your gash, slut

Not a good response to this one..

Blowing loads in girls mouths is pretty fucking awesome

It changes across the board. The only definite no that I'm come across is biting it. No matter how into pain the girl may be. Some like it sucked, some are too sensitive to even lick it head-on and you gotta ring around it.

All women aren't going to have the same things that get them off. I'd suggest male anons just actually talk to their partners instead of taking advice from other user's (excluding my advice, fucking listen to me).

A lot of women are also into rape fantasy. My ex wanted to be strangled until she almost passed out.

Women are fucking crazy.

I do that too

Whatever makes me happy really, women like to be dominated and take pleasure in pleasing men

Any other assumptions you'd like to make with your sage-like wisdom?


holy shit a sensible post from a strayan

Nah, I'm good, and I think you try way too hard to sound dominant.

Your manhood might be hard as steel, but your masculinity needs a warning sticker, fragile: handle with care

>Any other assumptions you'd like to make with your sage-like wisdom?

Yeah. You don't know how to give a woman good oral sex!

>(excluding my advice, fucking listen to me)

She likes the suckling, doesn't she?


He's a faggot lol