What happens here?

What happens here?

I started talking to a girl living in Bali and she told me the government is fucked up. I here NOTHING about this part of the world. Maybe Australia can give some insight

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>What happens here?

Muslims being muslims

See East Timor and Maluku

I mostly meant Singapore but that works too.

Fuck I meant Indonesia

You're drunk..

Anyways that's just logging and coal mining in that area. Go a bit north into Malaysia and you'll get ex head hunting tribes.

250 million people accomplishing absolutely nothing. I've seriously never encountered such a useless people in my life.

A general Indonesia-related question: why is it that so few Indonesians move to other countries? Compared to, say, Filipinos, or Vietnamese, there seem to be very few Indonesians living in the US, Canada, Europe, or even Australia/NZ.

They're plenty here. There are Indo's overseas, but mainly Indo-Chinese, educated, entrepreneur class. The native abos are like the native Malay abos Malaysia. Poorly educated, Islam obsessed cunts.

I always feel like them or Nigeria will become a power out of fucking nowhere just because they're so big and the education isn't awful

it's a shithole
like mexico

Because they are all here


The most populous Muslim-majority country. So just as you'd think.

I think they were all prevented from immigrating when the Belgians were in control and later when Japan was. It's an interesting question though. It could just be their seemingly complete lack of ambition that prevents them from seeking a better life.

Marriages to children

Censorship and accomplishing nothing of value, also economic colonisation by Japan

The poverty of SEA mixed with the culture of Islam.

Basically complete shit in every way you could possibly imagine.

>What happens here?
Muslim cucks get pissy at True Blue Aussies for being based cunts.

Mostly because they hate everybody. They pretty much hate all other asians, whites, blacks, and even arabs because they tend to be very nationalistic. The only people who would move out and live in other countries are people who are in the middle class which even then is rare.

t. Indonesian

There is an awkward contradiction between Indonesia being an empire of many ethnicities and religions, and Malay nationalism (the dominant majority is Malay, but so is the population of Malaysia and so is much of the population of Singapore, particularly before Europeans showed up), and Islamism (Muslim country, although not that Wahabist), and being a democracy (after having recently been a dictatorship).
The different ethno-religious groups have been and are still involved in various levels of insurgency. One (East Timor) broke off with the help of my country in 2002. I knew a special forces soldier who for some reason watched soldiers at a post raping a woman and couldn't intervene.
Malay nationalism included an undeclared war localised to the border with Malaysia between 1963–66 and anti-Chinese ethnic riots in 1998 (killing >1000 people).
The Islamism causes a lack of involvement in the invasion of the Middle East, despite being a US ally, in the effort not to bring the war home (remarkably successful: IS has more Australians than Indonesians). Also a different orientation to Islamic terrorism where they is seen as good boys who din wan do anything, but made mistakes and now require religious rehabilitation. They do shoot people for terrorism also.
Also in Islamism: Viewing Singapore as being like Israel and the Chinese as being like Jews. (Could just be a Malaysian thing.)
In terms of dictatorship, gangsters who did mass killings of communists, leftists and Chinese on behalf of the regime (with US approval - about half a million deaths), walk around free, and regime friendly criminals still shake down the Chinese for sweet nationalist dollars.

Do you think most Indonesians want unity with Malaysia and to take Singapore?

Why are the Indonesians in The Netherlands not muslim?