Is there anyone left on Sup Forums who still supports marriage?
What the fuck man. Mods please delete
>a fucking leaf
>a fucking furry
Is there anyone left on Sup Forums who's still trying to bring Brendan back?
you fucking leave Brendan Fraser alone
sick. post more
I do. Marriage is great, but you have to search for a worthwhile woman. Roughly 1% of all women are worth marrying. If you can net yourself one of those women, by all means, do so! That said, it's a contract, and you had better trust the person making the contract with you to hold up their end of the deal, because they will fuck up your life, your property, and your finances if you don't.
>Roughly 1% of all women are worth marrying
Geez, with those kinds of odds, who wouldn't do it?
>Roughly 1% of all women are worth marrying.
Don't forget to tell them that 90% of those are married by 23 years old
No Sup Forums is mainly a containment board for faggots like you OP.
Yes, it is.
Yeah. Married my wife when she was 22, and I was 25.
You won't be nervous if she's the right one for you. Also, to be fair, there's more than 1% of women who are worth marrying in general. I'd say it's actually closer to 5 percent, but even if she's a good woman to marry, that doesn't make her compatible with you by default. Some women are too old/too young, or have different goals than you, while still being good women for someone else to marry.
pic related?
>1% is worth marrying
>I'm not even in the top 20% in terms of physical appearance or wealth
>I have to compete with Chad and Brad Thundercock for the mythical unicorn waifu of my dreams or be left all alone or just get into a loveless marriage that will inevitably fail
I don't know. It sounds like this is an unhealthy sexual market where it comes down to 1% of eligible women to be with. Who is okay with these odds? I'm not.
I have given up on relationships. They are ridiculously difficult. Almost comically hard to make work.
That is a fair stance to take, so long as you know what you are gaining, and what you are sacrificing.
You're responsible for your own happiness. Hope it works out for you.
What do you gain from marriage?
I'm not asking you what you gain from a relationship in general. I mean specifically what do you get from marriage that you don't out of simple cohabitation and dating.
s-save the white race
marriage in a conservative state
there is literally no reason to get married anymore. even if you are rich, attractive smart well adjusted employed male who just wants to settle down and marry for 2-5 kids, it's still not worth it. all it does its take a two person contract and add a third party (the government).
look at it this way, if you want to get spiritually wedded, just do so in whatever way you want. legal marriage just combines assets arbitrarily. if you want your partner to have your stuff, just give it to them. marriage legally obliges you to (in divorce)
Unquestionable power of attorney over my spouse should she become incapacitated, tax breaks, a more cemented right to my children (not saying it's a hell of a lot better, but it IS better from a legal standpoint, at least according my my lawyer).
As far as power of attorney, that also works in reverse, which is good, because my parents have stated that they would not honor any of my wishes should I become incapacitated, but instead trust in their priest.
i do
the fact i have a vagina and my father is a lawyer have nothing to do with this
The roasties who are here for some reason kek
Yea basically this.
I have one HAPPILY married couple in my family and a slough of divorcees. Humans weren't meant to spend life with one other person. Nothing is permanent. Create all the symbolism about rings and churchs and all that crap if it makes you feel important. Marriage is no better or worse than anything else, and for men it's a huge risk.
Sexuality is fucking disgusting. Marriage is an abomination. We will prove ourselves beings worthy of life.
I would still marry my crush. She would not betray me.
She was getting fucked while you were typing that
> a more cemented right to my children
Unless you get divorced, in which case the absolute best you can hope for would be split custody. Don't forget that unless you have a prenup (or if the judge throws out your prenup as they can do) you lose half your shit.
Marriage is a terrible idea for a man nowadays unless you're marrying a woman who is more wealthy than you.
I am aware of the risks.
lol I wonder if this guy knows hes a huge meme
We weren't meant to drive cars either.
The ability to find happiness in a lifelong marriage is a self-fulfilling meme, as long as the culture maintains it possible it happens. As long as you repeat your kike meme often enough it will also happen.
So you know one couple not infected by kike memes and all the others were.
probably more than ever
Sup Forums is a decade old (remember you're here forever) and there has been a general shift towards right wing politics here so there are probably a lot of tech savvy old fags with children and happy marriages lurking
everybody does
Incorrect. She is a virgin, and has revealed such to me. We've been courting for some time, and she mentioned this over a text conversation.
>over text
eh lmao
I do, I will get married and raise a family.
Ignore (((MGOTOW))) r9kfags
>Humans weren't meant to spend life with one other person
this fucking meme again
>Ever marrying.
Ignore them all you want, the women will find her way to your money.
>happy marriages
Top kek
christian marriage, yes
>divorce is illegal
>no such thing as rape between spouses
I'm afraid so friend. Sorry, we don't live in a degenerate place such as California.
>I can't trust anyone
That's why you are alone
I support gay marriage.
I used to get mad at this because these women talk about men like they are disposable objects that only exist to bring them happiness and have no other purpose
Then I realized most men think of women the same fucking way. And that most men have a long sexual history as well when they marry their spouses and that they are very well aware of their parterns past.
It's the culture not the women. Find someone that suits you and you will find love
Just went to my friends house where he lives with his girlfriend and her sister and there mom (he's 20 with a pregnant girlfriend living in section 8 housing, stacking cash until he can buy a house).
The girls are mexican and its insane how much they respect men
They are so fucking scared of him
I asked for a water and she prepared for me what i can only say is one of the top 10 ice waters ive ever had in my life
its fucking strange but i wonder if he will have a amazing marriage
Me. I still support marriage. Even if I myself could not marry a girl......
>most men think of women the same fucking way
Not really, no.
>still falling for the ovarian jew
you can always homo marry my dude
yes they do. listen to the normies. they talk about fucking sluts all the time
Men wanting to fuck women does not mean they see them as disposable objects. Men are the disposable sex, not women, because women are the limiting factor in reproduction. If what you say was true, then we wouldn't see the "women and children first" meme being so prevalent in every society.
if you think all men get tricked into casual sey and really just want to start families and marry the skanks they are having sex with you are really fucking off no offense
Nice strawman, you fucking retard.
>Men are the disposable sex, not women, because women are the limiting factor in reproduction.
This can't change soon enough.
I don't mind the fact that men are the disposable sex. That and hypergamy is part in what propelled the human species to where it is today. It has just gone out of control in our modern society because women have gotten too much power due to their reproductive leverage.
i thought about this one night, still don't give a shit. women are a waste of time.
aaaand the discussion degenerates into anti-Semitism for no apparent reason.
Classic Sup Forums
>still getting shit on your dick
How are we going to save the white race? Does it even matter anymore? It seems as though the jews have already destroyed us
Just make less money than your spouse so you can JUST her if things get rocky
>mfw pumping gas at the chevron 12 hours / week
You're contradicting yourself in your own post.
>he thinks you need to be a faggot not to debase yourself with a roastie sow
This is a lie.
I force my partners to douche.
Yeah stop breeding goys.
you one of those 'it's not gay if our balls don't touch' type of guys?
do you share clothes?
definite plus for the fag team
so what do you fuck, besides the village goat?
HAHA, you support marriage when the big black has fucked her? You're fully a cuck now.
Nothing, there's no point to it. I'd say my hand but I've been on no-fap since last year's November.
>do you share clothes?
he was killed by the cartels
RIP in piece
Michael sebastian
As a religous sacrament yes.
However until family courts are reformed marriage is dead as part of civil society as was the intent.