
Donald Trump made a refugee who fled Pol Pot cry :(

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Is he /ourguy/?

Yes because he was most likely autistic. He ordered the execution of everyone who wore glasses for example.

he almost exterminated Muslims in Cambodia, they were like 10% of the population before him, now they are only 1-2%

yeah, by killing 1/3rd of the population and making the rest flee.

Based Sup Forums pot.

Was that his goal? Pretty sure he was just offing niggaz in general

wtf i love pol pot now.


no the Khmer Rouge specifically targeted Muslims.

>During the Khmer Rouge era, all religions, including both Buddhism and Islam were persecuted. According to Cham sources, 132 mosques were destroyed during the Khmer Rouge era, many others were desecrated, and Muslims were not allowed to worship. Muslims were forced to eat pork and were murdered when they refused. Whole Cham villages were exterminated. Chams were not permitted to speak their language. Cham children were taken away from their parents and raised as Khmers.

>Orders given by the Khmer Rouge government in 1979 stated: "The Cham nation no longer exists on Kampuchean soil belonging to the Khmer. Accordingly, Cham nationality, language, customs and religious beliefs must be immediately abolished. Those who fail to obey this order will suffer all the consequences for their acts of opposition to Angkar [the Khmer Rouge high command]." [4]

>During the Khmer Rouge era, all religions, including both Buddhism and Islam were persecuted. According to Cham sources, 132 mosques were destroyed during the Khmer Rouge era, many others were desecrated, and Muslims were not allowed to worship. Muslims were forced to eat pork and were murdered when they refused. Whole Cham villages were exterminated. Chams were not permitted to speak their language. Cham children were taken away from their parents and raised as Khmers.

she's a criminal?



why are liberals fucking retarded and cant understand this?

huh. guess the Khmer Rouge wasn't all bad after all.
just 99% bad.

Fuck POl pot , he is chink Puppet.

Where? I want to see her tears. Illegal tears are delicious.

Did drugs "by mistake"

"I don't know not to take random pills from strangers."

user, it's not worth getting riled up over anymore. Trump won, the house and senate are republican, and soon the supreme court will have a conservative ass filling that 9th seat. These are the death throes of the left, and on January 20th we won't have to even pretend to care about them for at least 4 more years.

No he kill everybody that so call clever.

not an argument

For how much?

except he's actually said he'd deport actual citizens born here with natural-born citizenship

awesome! policy shouldn't be decided on gook tears or SJW tears or any tears for that matter.

fuck your feelings

care to give us a source?

>Sup Forums Pot

what you need my son is a holiday in Cambodia

im pretty sure hes just fucking with the visas and the illegals. this girl had a deportation order way before trump was a thing. shes just going to be in the same situation

I mean, that's kind of the side effect of killing everyone.

as long as you marry an american, what is the problem?


>natural-born citizenship

Natural born was perverted to mean "anyone shat out onto american soil", it was not originally intended to let paco and juanita anchor themselves to this country.

Lap nah barang, niyay english ch'gai

She would have been like, 3 years old when they left. Why is she acting like she lived through it when she wouldn't remember any part of her life outside of the US?

Just trying to get attention and act heroic

Oh no! Getting rid of criminals! How sad!

>really makes you think

>/pol pot

sadly people find this as a point of concession and will fight this. most likely the children of illegals will stay. it was announced that some republicans are leaning towards legalisation of the children and the dreamers

I do. Fuck off out of my country you slanty eyed gook or shitskin who can't even use a toilet.

I wish this was true
Get over the wall Pedro

That's eugenics, faggot.

she needs to show that she escaped a fucked up situation, shes not like the mexicans

>it was her first anal.

America is 60% white, so that's about what has to be done here.

I would think a survivor of Pol Pot would understand the importance of removing violent criminals.


>refugee from a guy who lost power 37 years ago

That's not a fucking refugee reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>forced to eat pork
Fucking Kek. He probably killed them right after they finished their plates. Top Bants desu

Don't you know? Every non-white foreigner is a refugee now

im khmer desu

like i feel bad for her because shes really american and i would prefer her to those gooks or mexicans who cant even speak english, mi dont know you guys maybe we should just leave her alone. but at the same time if we do that then the dam will burst with people claiming the same defense

The US has already deported so many Cambodians there's a term for them here "Returnees". They are generally male, haven't had a nose job and are unable to cry on cue, so CNN has ignored them.

>A fucking temple


>anchor puppies
>actual citizens

She looks like a creamlicker

Translation: White/west people stupid, do you know how to speak english or dog(?) ch'gai as in dog or chay-eh (do you know how)?


She had multiple pills on her? You only need 1 to get high. They retail for about 10-25$ a pill. She was a drug pushing illeagle gook.

She should be deported, her and her kid. Not only that but fine them for wasting so much time and tax dollars on this fish faced gook bitch

>I only know this country!!
>only interacts with the Asian community
You have to go back. You won't even notice i promise

you're a cool guy

Cambodia isn't even that bad now. I went there last month and it was fucking awesome. Lived like a king over there.

Get rid of all the bad eyesight genes so you can save money on glasses? Lol.

truely he must be hitler.

basically this.
Yellow fever is pretty popular in north america, it shouldn't be that hard.

>commit crime
>be butt mad when there's punishment

it isnt as popular as you think it is

>I payed for my crimes!
>still an illegal immigrant

Sup Forums pot

i would care less but you know cnn is pandering. trust me more than 90 percent of people in this situation dont deserve it

I'm a white guy from north america with yellow fever.

>she didn't know illegal drugs were illegal
you've been here for 18 years and you still don't know the laws?


you're a very small minority but for the sake of it how are white men treated in taiwan?

Incredibly well. People here will speak to you in english because most foreigners can't speak chinese. I honestly feel guilty living here because people are so nice.

lol i wish it was like that in the US everyone seems so damn on edge here

>In Wong Kim Ark the Supreme Court held that, under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, a man born within the United States to foreigners (in that case, Chinese citizens) who have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States and are carrying on business in the United States[3] and who were not employed in a diplomatic or other official capacity by a foreign power, was a citizen of the United States.

The children of illegal immigrants were never citizens.

Lol at them trying to use her as an example. If all illegals were cute Asian girls literally no one would give a shit.

I want to rape that anime slut

start a movement to take back china

am i the only that thinks that she should stay only because she is hot

>committed crime at 19 years old
>got 4 years probation

What is this high school caliber actor not telling us, HMMMMMM????

Taiwan also prefers North American English. Taiwan is a great place. Relatively boring, but peaceful and friendly. And their youth is surprisingly not 110% immersed in studies; they enjoy recreation/sports more than any people I'm aware of.

Their public sports facilities are cheap and quite good. For example, I would pay like 50c per day for access to a reasonable gym.

Also, Taiwan has internet cafes. Legit ones, and not necessarily smoke-filled like the bullshit you find in Japan.

The location of Taiwan is also great. Short flight to Seoul, Tokyo, Manila, Hong Kong, the mainland, etc..

The cost of living is also quite reasonable. IMO Taiwan is one of the best places to live. But don't go there if you're a retarded faggot please.

Pol Pot

Kang Kek Iew - former leader in the Khmer Rouge movement

Kang Kek (you)

memes write themselves

>don't go there if you're a retarded faggot please.
But user ive fag'd the west up enough. Its time for me to move my faggotry to another country.

this is true, i want her to stay just because shes hot and its a bullshit charge that any college kid would do. but the truth is much uglier with more kids and meth lots of meth

Please move it to Canada or something. Don't ruin good countries for the rest of us civilized persons.

Canada has already been colonized by my people.

Its time we EXPAND!

Eugenics doesn't require execution, only sterilization.

an irrational psychopath who can only manage a perspective from his own ego?

sounds like /ourguy/ for sure

Ah yes Pol Pot was a terrible person, just another example of how terrible communism is


lmao holy shit that pic

Asian QT would rather risk deportation than ride beta dick for citizenship. kek.

hurts a little bit

Weird. I visited Cambodia and saw plenty of Khmer women there, and not one looked even half as Chinky as this one here.