>Russians and Eastern Europeans are probably the dumbest people you will ever find genetically.
>Russians and Eastern Europeans are probably the dumbest people you will ever find genetically.
Other urls found in this thread:
Everyone knows Abos are the stupidest people on Earth.
abos are tied with pygmies iirc
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R reference
Love Sam
his shirt says this is my pussy doesn't it
>Russians and Eastern Europeans are probably the dumbest people you will ever find genetically.
spooky OP
i was just watchin this and sam's kickstart tv
Why does this faggot have so many channels?
>tfw slavs had the highest literacy rate during the middle ages
>((((Sam)))) ((((((((Hyde))))))))
probably is mixed with some non slavic ethnicity or just stole the works off a western european
that channel isn't his
Its hard to believe this guy was jewish.
not anymore
Sam "White Pride" Hyde is not Jewish. He fights Jewish reporters like Bernstein who claimed he had swastikas in his show
You're Sam's a Prarie nigger
This guy is a fucking loser and is annoying as shit. He's the kind of loser who has good, funny ideas but doesn't recognize he has shitty delivery so he just ends up being an insufferable piece of shit in his stubbornness of wanting to have spotlight.
Wouldn't be surprised if he makes threads about himself like the pathetic mouthbreathing shit he is. Nobody cares or wants to listen to this crap
>divide and conquer kike tactics
13 Ukraine 99.7 %
14 Russia 99.7 %
15 Poland 99.7 %
16 Slovenia 99.7 %\
>Russians and Eastern Europeans are probably the dumbest people you will ever find genetically.
yet they reach the top 20 in highest literate countries
They also produce the best hackers
The shit about chess and guns got me gud
Keep doing Gods work Sam
Eastern Europe had a brain drain before the term even existed. All the smart people move to Moscow/Spb each generation.
Sam doesn't mentions anything about Jews but goes on to shit talk Slavs. Dropped desu
>my dad pays my rent
Sam's Russian btw.
he has to keep the antisemitic remarks down until he can get on a legitimate show again
it would be a stupid move for his career to keep doing them now.
>all that butthurt
Go to bed, Tim.
sensing a lot of triggered slav-bloods around these parts
He won't get away with this one.
That's just cheating. You and I both know that if Abos were extinct by the time of civilization in Australia, then we would have classified them as different species.
That guy is disgusting. I have a french word for him : chiasse.
We have an american word for french people we say : Weak
No one cares
>TFW average IQ of Poles outclasses average IQ of burgers
Unfortunately, Poles never laugh, so have a picture of Geralt of Rivia squatting instead
You gotta subtract the spics and niggers though thats unfair to compare including those.
>prolly still higher
>i love poland
>remove kebab
Why is it unfair? Blacks are just as American as whites.
Sams just cracking jokes guys.. Everything besides what he posts on Hyde Wars should be taken with a grain of salt
It's like if we counted all the dogs in Poland towards their national IQ. It isn't fair.
Redpill me on slavs Sup Forums
On the one hand you have some of the greatest composers, authors, and scientists in western history. On the other hand you have a population of semi-literate violent alcoholics.
My working theory is that the inequality in Tsarist Russia bred an elite aristocracy and a borderline-retarded peasant class.
all subhumans
Fingol knows wassup
Russian Orthodox Chant basso profundo
this broken record lost all of his composure
how sad
how base
Not sure, he made more sense in this video:
Hard to follow sometimes but it gave me chills.
ah the shits
So is Kickstarter TV just videos of him making fun of people? I'm not clear on exactly what it is.
>slavs r dum lol heil hitler senpai desu
>first into space
>feared by all for centuries
>won the cold war by cucking america from within
>least cucked people in the planet
>destroyed so called german master race
>destroyed ottoman empire while others welcome roaches with open arms
>only ones who seek to reclaim constantinople
All this without the riches you soft western faggots enjoy so much. Imagine once your beloved economy crashes what we will become?
Reminder that /ourboy/ Varg loves the Slavs.
this, slavs have also been holding the brownskin hordes at bay for centuries, these anglo faggots should be worshipping our cawks right now
sam hyde is so god damn kikey
>muh pogroms
funny cus sam looks slavic
you are so correct igor americanov
they call me "one dollar extreme"
they call me "i have no insurance"
they call me "tim heidecker cancelled my show"
they call me "mess with the jews if you wanna lose"
Isn't more like brain shredder rather than drain? I mean they go to big city to not reproduce/have negative birthrates.
latest hydewars really hit me in the gut
especially since im not 17-22 (his apparent target)
I'm that 28 year old loser he's talking about.
Im Anhang slav and my genetic is superior compared to that fatbag
*auto correct*
Slavs are the abos of white people.
That's fucking retarded the Russians were the first to put satellite in space, first to take pictures of the dark side of the moon, first to have humans living in space, created the AK47 platform ffs
Also see Worse genetics on the planet for intelligence?
Aboriginals and Africans/Negroids.
It propably has more to do with the locals beign retarded, you cant really expect people from fucking Komi or Udmurtia be too smart
That seems so... out of character
Tesla was from a north-eastern italian family therefore not slav.
They've the highest rates of redheads in russia but their eyes slants a bit.
Italia is a cute waifu name for a country
His shirt says, "this is my pussy," doesn't it?
It means bulls.
> According to the most widely accepted explanation, Latin Italia[9] may derive from Oscan víteliú, meaning "[land] of young cattle" (c.f. Lat vitulus "calf", Umbrian vitlu), via Greek transmission (evidenced in the loss of initial digamma).[10] The bull was a symbol of the southern Italic tribes and was often depicted goring the Roman wolf as a defiant symbol of free Italy during the Social War.
They are a Turanian tribe
can confirm.
life is not about beign smart though.
bekauze we da smartestest
I didn't mean that in a negative way, it's just a cute name.
Sam is losing me. He made two videos gloating about Trump's victory but cries about his lack of healthcare that is currently subsidized for poor people and will go away when his billionaire fraud gets in office.
Poor republicans are the dumbest fucking people ever.
Yes goys,
hate russia
"Please pay attention to me, I'm still relevant, look, I'm trashing Europeans, aren't I cool? Do I make you mad? Do you agree with me? Just talk about me, please."
btw, Russian sex slavery is 100% a Jewish enterprise
>The bull was a symbol of the southern Italic tribes and was often depicted goring the Roman wolf as a defiant symbol of free Italy during the Social War
I thought Romans were Italians?
Yeah it's "subsidized." I make so little money that I don't quality to get a subsidy. You read that right, you have to make a certain amount of money to get a subsidy. And even if I did get one, the insurance would cost $100+ a month with a deductible of like $15,000. But hey, just charge me a fine for not having enough money. Throw more of my money in the fucking trash. Fuck Obamacare.
There are so many dash cam recordings from Russia because they are mandatory when you are taking car insurance. This way it seems how everyone is crazy behind a wheel.
>If X is true that surely holds for all Y's
If anything this speaks volumes about his limited intelligence capacity.
Romans were Greeks mixed with Italians.
Romans were turks, they came from turkey.
Are you saying Romans were roaches?
He's right, Russians are the Africans of the north.
the "poor" people in america are niggers and spics.
Foundation myth was we wuz trojan kangs and sheit.
LOL Turks took Anatolia almost 1000 years after the fell of Rome, they are Asians like the slavs.
HI Sam.
he was a fuking serb
Tyumen oblast. hmmm
why is belarus oblast not included?
>they are Asians like the slavs.
t. moor
There were thirty-six recognized ethnic groups of more than two thousand persons each in Tyumen Oblast, making this one of the most multicultural oblasts in Russia.
Russians: 73.3%
Vital statistics for 2012
Births: 59 668 (17.2 per 1000)
Deaths: 29 297 (8.4 per 1000)
Total fertility rate:[18]
2009 - 1.78 | 2015 - 2.05(e)