Alright Sup Forums

Which one of you did this??

Oy vey

And its only the 243th same thread today about watcha doing rabbi grabbing for attention and shekels...


Hasn't this image been milked enough the past 2 hours

Thats not a swastika. Thats the mighty spastika.

Sorry guys, it was me. I recently found out that I'm descended from Sephardic Jews and this was my way of dealing with it.

Come on rabbi. You made that minorah just right so ypu can turn it into a swastica in the dead of night.

It looks more like a man slipping on a banana peel than a swastika.

You have to admit, it's pretty creative


Hey, Rabbi!

Jews tend to be pretty creative people

>trolls original facebook post since they're a friend of friend
>finds it on a Sup Forums thread

inb4 police discover the family did it themselves


Probably did it to themselves



Nah, guys.

I think this one might actually be funny enough to have been done by someone other than a jew.


I admit it, it was me.

>Authorities released an image of a suspect who left her calling card of period blood smudged on the wall, spelling out the words SS-chan


I crapped my pants from laughing so hard.

Come on now. The heeb who owned that shit knew damn well he can tuen that into a swastica to fufill his victim complex.