would Germany just be like the white version of north Korea today if it didn't try to invade other countries and get itself destroyed ?
Would Germany just be like the white version of north Korea today if it didn't try to invade other countries and get...
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Yeah, most likely. It depends on who took over after Hitler died.
No, considering it wouldn't be communist.
i think north korea is not communist i think it cant be classified as anything its just really werid.
It's literally National Socialist. It's against the open borders of Communism and depicts the Korean people as the godly and just master people of this world.
yea so what i am saying is... its impossible to take over the world like hitler did.. and if he didn't try to do what he did. he would of just turned his country into a little retard country like north korea is today.
That's what I think. Most of the world embargoes North Korea and their only allies are really China and Russia. I don't know how the world would really treat Hitler in that case but it would probably be similarly.
Hitler didn't invade anybody. He got baited into invading Poland because (((they))) were abusing and trying to genocide ethnic Germans in Poland and literally launching attacks into Germany from Poland. All while the propaganda machine everywhere else pushed the narrative of an evil Nazi Germany that couldn't stop invading innocent countries.
This is why Putin is so cautious today. (((They're))) trying the exact same dirty tricks on him. Doing everything they possibly can to make him strike back so they can start a World War. The Rothschilds are behind this just as they were behind WW2.
but if china and russia and north korea got together they could probably destroy america and american allies. they have way more people and more aggressive people.
Germany was the most scientifically advanced nation. It would be the dominant force in the word.
north korea is more towards socialism and soviet than anything else
i'm not sure if it's nationalism or not because there is a ton of propaganda coming both out of north korea and talking about how shit north korea is, so it's impossible to know whether it's genuinely the worst place on planet earth or if people serve the nation willingly. it's worth noting north korea does not have their currency issued by jews
general rule of thumb however is that if you have rights it's communism and if you earn your stripes and keep then it is fascism, north korea doesn't really qualify for anything but communism so it's probably a shithole, the GNP speaks for itself, and that image where south korea is completely lit up while north korea is dark as ever also speaks for itself in terms of how available modern technology is in north korea
i don't think nazi germany could've ridden out the storm if they didn't declare war on everyone, because everyone would've declared war on them no matter what, hitler did many wrong things but declaring war on everyone was probably not wrong
of course burning bridges with all potential allies was a retarded idea, but he really had to do something about france, britain, and russia, all of whom would've allied to destroy the powerful germany
but beyond that too, there is no reality in which a fascist nationalist nation does not declare a lot of wars to keep themselves safe and their people motivated, the idea of everyone outside the nation being a contester is the foundation of the ideology after all. peaceful contest is possible but that would never happen so long as humans are involved
the only reason north korea exists is because it is so far away from europe, so nobody could interfere before it was far too late to do anything about it, this in combination with china cosntantly propping it up makes for the survival of the state. germany would not have had a protector nor would it go by unnoticed in the heart of europe
Watch the movie Fatherland (1994) starring Rutger Hauer. Gives a picture of something realistic looking.
so your basically telling me that white people are a flawed race because white people were the white people that stopped other white people (germany) from becoming a super power ( because maybe they were jealous or just sjws or cucks ? ) also because just get bored and become degenerates if there is never any other countries for them to fight.
No, North-Korea is a planned ecobomy with few resources unwilling to compromise on anything.
Nazi-Germany would not have closed it's economy to the world in the same fashion
Yeah but luckily tensions deescalated during the Cold War but people in the US are trying to start them up again.
Also people would still have property and private business would still be a thing in the Reich
North Korea does trade with China and Russia but the problem is they are embargoed by everyone. If Nazi Germany continued the US and other nations probably would have embargoed them. Also I meant more ideologically because both Nazi Germany and North Korea are founded on race-based nationalism.
impossible, the paradigm of that regime was establishing a greater germany, it could not stay in power and not fulfill their grandiose promises and claims
Juche is closer to Strasserism or Imperial Japan if anything.
No because had Hitler not been a retard and held his army back at Dunkirk, western Europe would be a completely different world heavily intertwined with Nazi Germany. "If Hitler didn't do this" is the story of WWII but that at Dunkirk is maybe the biggest one.
We'd be the north koreans
Economy is the reason North-Korea is shit and state transactions and private transactions are not the same thing. Even then North-Korea was too proud to join COMECON back in the day; a significant cause for it's poverty.
Nazi-Germany was more moderate and resourcefull than Falangist Spain and even Falangist Spain did not become and isolated trainwreck after the war.
*an isolated
Doesn't change the fact that Germany's economic policy was extremely pro-private property and free enterprise, while NK's is simply not.
The term "National Socialism" is actually pretty misleading because of its Marxist implications. A more accurate description would be National Evolutionism.
i like the cut of your jib.
the concept of race is irrelevant when it comes to nationalism and fascism, italy didn't mention race at all
the reason genetics was a concept in nazism was because in the ideal reality then of course everyone wants to benefit the reich beyond all, because it is a cause much greater than themself, why would you want to curse these great citizens with a life where they will detract from the reich rather than add to it? this excuse coupled with the state really not wanting dead weight in their nation makes for the theory of exterminating bad genes
but that has nothing to do with race, hitler was not very racist at all, even congratulating a black olympic medal winner while the american president did not do the same when the olympics were set there, the nazis would have found good use for black people assuming they were born german, which didn't really happen all that much which is why there would be no black people in the reich. still, they wouldn't start genociding everyone in africa, they'd find uses for them like slave labour at the very least
the reason hitler got so along with japan is because they also practiced nationalism and fascism, they put the empire beyond all because it was a cause greater than themselves, this is the mindset you need in a fascistic sovereign. there is a difference between respecting a nation and casting aside your own though, weebs need not apply.
humans are flawed as they are, they need delusions to keep them from doing degenerate and selfish things, the idea of fascism is to provide the delusion of nationalism, force a man to have nothing else in mind, and then strive to create a better world for humanity as there is of course no god to do that for them. the epitome of fascism and nationalism is the point where nation becomes god and religion because unthinkable, because if there was a god then it would be greater than the nation, and such a thing does not exist, for the nation is the greatest purpose you could ever serve
I agree with this