Is this Hilldawg's soul felt like on Nov 8th?

Is this Hilldawg's soul felt like on Nov 8th?

>I hope so

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first and best post right there. Good work Ausbro.


Kek is angry AF lately.

Remember how Ronda bad mouthed Trump...

She's done, she will never win.


Is rousey done? will she retire? shes lost twice and just doesnt seem like she'll be back

oh shit

rousey retires

good one.

Trump always win baby.

I just donated $300 dollard to Jill Stein to review the instant replay.
Who's with me?


Lel did she get BTFO again?


Yep. 40 some secs in.

Goddamn, she got her bell rung. Can't wait to see the new one.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rousey kills herself. She doesn't seem like she can handle losing. And the ridiculous hype for her surely didn't help the situation


Good lord. Bitch can take a punch.....or twelve

>This """"fight"""" fit into a weebm

in slow motion too!



She is done. She might even die, thanks to those digits

Oh, boy, a sports reference! I sure do love me some sports! Nothing like the fucking circus to take your mind off how you are wasting your life!

I hear she spiked a vase through a table and had to be restrained and drugged.

Fucking kek

le hive mind

Unfortunately I attended a game of leafs tonight so I missed this. Can't wait to watch when they get posted. Fuck the leaf game and girlfriends who like the leaf game.

fucking great!!!!"! ithought the fight would be later this day

>I don't really wanna get into the specifics of it, but...

Probably because she's a dumb bitch. Why is she being allowed to open her mouth and speak again?

It's kinda like how Roy Jones jr got exposed and knocked out. He was never the same and retired because he knew. Same with rr, sometimes you just can't come back.

But don't misunderstand me, I'm in no way comparing rr to Roy Jones jr. RJJ was a great fighter on a whole other lever than rr will never come close to.

Yeah they did it on our Friday night, UFC nights are usually Saturday nights.

I've never seen someone in a professional fight get beat the fuck up as badly as Rousey

"November Slugfest"

>stop putting her against tomato cans
>loses twice in a row

That's what most men really want in a woman, one who can take punches.

Kek wills it! Rousey will be the next victim of 2016!

anyone know what kind of odds the bookies were giving?


We can talk all the shit we want, but if that bitch was raging in the same room as any one of us we'd all by hoping that a dude with a syringe full of thorazine solution was ready to sedate her like a chimp handler sticking Bobo with sleepy meds before he starts ripping heads off.

She's a scary bitch.


Shut up Rogan. Rondas FINISHED

Anyone who isn't a manlet just has to stay away and box her. Problem solved.

>tfw she retires and we don't get anymore glorious still frames of her face getting pounded

holy shit, check'ed

C'mon bro, she could beat at least 50% of male bantamweights!

White woman gets beat by brown brazili
>Sh-she didn't like my anal master trump
No wonder it's so easy to get with them pasty pink white girls now.
Keep cucking yourselves white boys

when you nut but she still punchin

Lol you're using all our technology right now, electricity, computers, internet while wearing jeans, a tshirt and tennis shoes. In english.

We literally had to build you the way to talk shit to us.


> Nothing like the fucking circus to take your mind off how you are wasting your life!

The fact that you are posting this on Sup Forums puts you over the event horizon of irony.

Satan trips. Why Trump always win!? We've reached uncontrollable levels!

>No! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!


And you think repeating god-summoning digits gives you power over her?

Seriously, she only surrounds herself with pussywhipped cunts (pic related). Just backhand her so hard she pisses herself, problem solved.


I dont watch ufc or any fighting, but is it normal for a fighter to be this sloppy? she just kept taking punches to the head,it looked like a randoms streetfight

I didn't watch it is the ronda meme over now? I saw a gif of her boxing once and it was embarrassing

You might be a part of something someday other than this anime pixel swapping network kiddo

Women's MMA is where women play pretend that they can fight too.

Female athletes. They're wnba tier and have no technique

Striking was never her strength. Takedowns and grappling.

Holy fucking shit dude.

The belt holder is still Holloway. Who is white. Suck on them apples....

Keep your death fetishes in south America por favor.

Her strategy is to just keep taking punches to the head until her opponent gets tired.

Didn't she start losing when she got a new coach that tried to turn her into a boxer?

tennis ball

well another chapter closes

Her strategy is to just talk shit before every match and make the impression that she can't be defeated. Makes seeing her loss so much more satisfying.

>My sister hits me and it hurts
Reddit fag detected.


What have I become?


Nothing wrong with being interested in sports. Or video games, etc etc. It's only when you start living your life through them, That's when becomes a problem

Hillary: You said I would win!!
Devil: You said you had a soul!!

low testosterone post



That is still one of the best shoops on here ever.


>tfw too inteligent for sports

Jesus Christ don't disgrace the sanctity of F-posting by doing it for this twat.

That might have been the absolute worst performance in the history of professional sports. She literally might kill herself after that.


She kills herself, shitstorm ensues, it ruins the ufc because the media blame the ufc.

No harm done all in all.

When amanda nunez said she was going to fist rhonda hard, this wasnt what rhonda had in mind.

She doesn't have a soul.

Holy shit what have you done




>Hilldawg's face when

kek confirms!!!!

>yodan in judo
>plays striking game

she'll never learn

Beautiful champ