I want to join the ADF because I'm sick of NEET life, but I don't want to fight for and risk limb for NATO/NWO elites

I want to join the ADF because I'm sick of NEET life, but I don't want to fight for and risk limb for NATO/NWO elites.

What's the second best option?

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Navy, most lazy cunts in Aus.

You don't even need to be fit, so fat cunt it up all you like with some hash browns.

Law enforcement?

Air force is chill, they literally have the best shit and most ez life.

Be warned tho, lots of paperwork.

Afaik, If you've got half a brain go for air traffic control.

If you're dumb as shit do security and sit at a desk all day and scan cards

Did the tradie thing for a few years, got sick of it. Hated being surrounded by dumb cunts all day, was literally starting to say "me" instead of "my".

Went back to school and obtained a bachelor of criminology, not sure what to do with it though. All the pathways are to government jobs and they're all full.

What trade?

>semper fidelis

>Tfw want to join adf
> fear im too old at 25.

Just when i started getting my life together lads.
I could use the extra money being a choco, but dont know what branch and what role.

the French Foreign Legion

This. RAAF has the best retention out of the 3 services. Navy and Army try and transfer to RAAF but nobody is going in the opposite direction. Be warned that ADF is infected with feminism so womyn will always have priority for promotion and because of their high rate of medical issues you will constantly have undermanned units


Join up m8, easy cash. Sit around all day and do fuck all.

Also 25 isn't too old, I had a 35 year old roommate at Kapooka.

>arty confirmed for undeployable

you wont be anywhere near battle unless you really want to or a huge war is declared.

What should I expect joining as infantry or cavalry?

joined the ariforce after college as a mechanical engineer and i fucking hate it.
go to college and grind for 4-5 years for a non meme degree. make sure you look for internships so you have experience after you graduate.

Getting fucked.
Was an actual 48 year old tradie reservist I went through with. He'd left a million years ago when he got married and decided to re-enlist once he got divorced. No duff.

Expect to get physically fucked over, train yourself for endurance if you're going for a combat corps.

It can be hard to get into it if dfr isn't recruiting the position so you might want to do an admin Clark gap year to get a feel for the army then do a corps transfer to grunts or cave.

Or be a sig and live it up.

Why would you want to work for the government?

>getting fucked
Thought so, I've always wanted to join but this puts me off

I'm only 20, nearly 21. Might finish my light vehicle apprenticeship then rethink it

>Might finish my light vehicle apprenticeship then rethink it
That's the smart money mate. I wouldn't use a mechanical trade in the ADF either, as you'll get institutionalised working on the same shit over and over.


all ive heard is that 19 year old self wanted join the military but they regret it

get a degree or diploma in something, they said the military is good, but they would rather study something...

no regrets for joining, but no regrets for leaving

geez i dont know maybe because the benefits are amaze balls..

Do this instead


It isn't that great here, we don't get pensions anymore, there's no equivalent to the GI Bill and veterans only get health care for the specific injuries they sustained while serving. The only big thing we get that you're lot don't is the deployment pay. My last trip I racked up 75,000 tax free on top of my normal salary.
This or AFP are solid options. Not easy to get into.

Are you in the military?, what level can you reach as an enlistment

Is there any career in it if you're not an officer?

>Are you in the military?
Until recently.
>what level can you reach as an enlistment
See the Warrant Officer ranks down the bottom left. That's as high as you get without a commission.
>Is there any career in it if you're not an officer?
By the time you reach SGT in most roles you wind up doing more administrative shit like an officer anyway. The money starts to get decent at SGT and beyond. Beyond that it's a difficult question to answer because it varies between roles.

Foreign Legion, but I think they might deploy for (((them))) sometimes

don't we have Special Forces like SWAT or something?

Can you transfer to higher level if you do well in well in a non commission rank?

Not like any of this will happen for me, but I'd like to know there is a possibility to progress if I was to join

>Hated being surrounded by dumb cunts all day, was literally starting to say "me" instead of "my".

holy fuck, this. I even caught myself doing it in text messages.

>don't we have Special Forces like SWAT or something?
TAG East - Commandos
TAG West - SAS.
You still have to go to OTS if you want to commission. You dont have to outstanding to do it, just get good annual reports, make sure you're commanders know how keen you are, volunteer for every shit job, ask for feedback often. If you do that your application will be taken seriously.
Taking the word cunt home is more common here.

I picked that up when I was in the army. I told myself that it would be the one word I'll never use but by the end of 'pookies it was common usage.

I've had to reign in all that "bad language" since I started uni, i'm trying to seem more intelligent and kids these days get offended too easily.

>bad language
People need to grow some balls I think, this world has too many softcocks who are offended by everything

The most right wing ignorant guy I know went into the army and could stand the racism, stupidity and closed-mindedness of it.

He entered right-wing and came out left-wing. It was kind of hilarious to watch.

If you're talking careers and not getting killed though, you want technical trades that are as advanced as possible. They won't stick the expensive people in truly dangerous spots.

You could try doing satellite communications in the airforce, that might get you deployed to a base but you should be quite safe from actually getting shot at. Also good career options in private sector afterwards.