Election night ecstasy and nostalgia

Member when Sup Forums memed the greatest president in 60 years into presidency? I member!


Other urls found in this thread:


>this will be my fight song

I will never forget that night as long as I live.

I've watched all 3 hours at least twice today in the background of me cleaning the house and playing vidya on my off day. Straight diamonds the whole time

It was cool in my room because I had the window open, I was playing that song on loop and refreshing Sup Forums to see everyone's reactions, and wearing my MAGA hat

I was in it to win it all along, but I still knew the liberals had sneaky tricks and millions of illegal voting beaners, and might still fuck us on election night

Somehow that feeling of unbelievable victory, the sight of three dozen different flags celebrating a year of nail-biting and hard work, and the massive explosion of liberal tears, were all crystallised in that comfy cool breeze and that goddamn song

Just thinking about it gives me that shit eating grin I wore for 3 days post election

>Member when all the bootlickers on Sup Forums had to start back peddling on everything trump ran on?
If you don't see it
It's because the Jews have been slowly shitting in and around your eyes and you thank them for it.
>it's satire
Yes and Sup Forums is the ass end of joke

I won't let contrarians control this board.

We're Trumpublicans on Sup Forums, gtfo.

One of the greatest nights of my life to be honest.

We will never experience such glory again in our entire lifetimes.


I hope you are right.

The only thing that could Trump it would be some kind of massive forced deportations.

That is not going to happen.

i cum

The only way we can top it is if we meme based gowdy into office for 2020 or 2024.

youtube.com/watch?v=SBCw4_XgouA i still play this song everyday

Oldie but a goodie

post more of these Hilary pepes. they're funny as fuck now.


Member when Sup Forums turned in to JIDF and loves a Jewish shill? I member.

>day off, decide to sleep all day because I want to avoid the humiliating loss of Trump
>Wake up, make some burgers, avoid tv/internet for a couple hours
>Finally get the courage to go on Sup Forums, expecting nonstop ''DRUMPF BTFO'' threads
>Click thumbnail
>Your video starts playing automatically
>''Donald Trump announced as 45th president of the United States''

The video is so well made it activates my almonds

I member. It was this email that did it

>One of the greatest nights of my life to be honest.

I can agree. A night of greatness.

Never forget.

>my live screencap from this night