Sup Forums will defend this blatant racism.
Yes, your boy is A RACIST
Sup Forums will defend this blatant racism.
Yes, your boy is A RACIST
Oh my god i'm so glad he's president
Telling the truth isn't racist.
wtf I hate facts now?
Kill niggers
>Facts are racist
>He actually said that.
Holy shit.
Denial is bad for you, user.
Holy shit, this is real?
I'm a spic and I agree with Donald Trump. You are a faggot.
It's from 2013, but yes, it's real lmao
It really does need to be discussed
Y'know what we see every election
>white politican running for office avoids all serious discussions about race relations
>bring a black pastor to stage
>nod head at everything he says
>say something like "see? I care about blacks. that black pastor said stuff and I agreed without question"
>go back to not discussion the serious issue of race relations
It's time to stop being afraid to have an open and public discussion
When I see his statements like this, I can't believe he is anything but a guy that looks at the facts then makes a decision from a position of experience/confidence
Then he goes out and shills for Isreal. What the fuck boys? I can't keep up with this 4^n dimensional mahjong
Statistics don't like.
post yfw you realize Trump got his stats from
>stating facts proven by unbiased statistics is racist
fuck off Sweden.
Seriously? I currently have great disdain for Trump.
Is Kelley /ourgirl/?
The top villains of the world hate Israel, you can hate Israel all you want but Israel is no friend of Soro's & Pals.
the jews do what they do for money, the globalists do it for power
God bless the Donald
A known Russian hacker affiliated group.
wow...............................................................................................................................................................................rlly makes u thnk..................................
What's that gay ass shit next to your name boy?
Is this the most overused word since Nazi? GFY. Anytime someone makes a true statement you guys start chimping out. BLM and Obama say we need to have a dialog about race. Let's talk snowflake! You can't handle the truth is your problem.
Are you retarded?
wtf I hate (you) now
t. Silas Johnson
really gets the ol noggin joggin
Shit tier bait
>try harder
>thinks people still care about being called racist
>your boy is A RACIST
so what?
>Facts are racist
Omg I hate facts now!
rly makes u think
>expecting pol to stop liking somebody just because they're racist
>your boy
most lefty thing you could say,gr8 b8 m8
Damn facts... you're racist.
>Im glad we finally have a president that isn't scared to be politically incorrect.
>I believe I just found the reason Sup Forums generally likes Trump.
Enjoy the (you)'s
I wonder if Chicago, nobel peace prize winning Obama's adopted home town and democrat controlled example of the success of gun control will break 750 murders by the end of the day.
the jews are the globalist you fucktard
>Yes, your boy is A RACIST
You mean "race realist"
I wish he was racist
>Yes, your boy is A RACIST
Ha righto Nigger
t. casual pol posters or newfag
My burger wigger, get #rekt.
>le facts are racists xdxdxdxdddd
ok so aside from "killing niggers" and "the wall" how do you fix this problem dealing with legal citizens of the us?
Race is social construct, racism doesn't exist.
Facts are racist? Fucking facts, go back to Europe!
> Facts is racist!
its the truth and he is correct.
how is that racist at all?
is he wrong
>Facts are racist
>Stats are racist
>Biology is racist
>History is racist
Notice how no news org picked up on this as evidence of "racism". Because they know he's actually correct
>facts are racist
>discussing facts is racist
>discussing facts to solve a problem to improve life for minorities is racist
He actually is a Zionist though.
He's right. Besides, "racism" is a tired, old buzzword.
so when are we going to have this conversation and what is it gonna entail exactly? Just calling black people dumb niggers isn't going to fix it
Indeed. Statements of fact are not racist.
Attributing the cause of that violence genetically to their race might be, depending on the hard evidence.
Evidence seems to indicate it is more cultural, and that were they raised in a better environment, would act differently.
Haven't you heard? Blatant racism in now the new anti-racism. You are now a bigot for saying things like "I don't see color " and "we should all be treated equally ".
The facts OP, the facts and reality are racist.
naw but misleading interpretations are ya faggy as cunt.
>Says something he knows will be interpreted as racist
>Says something he knows is commonly parroted by racists to justify their positions
>Offers no new context or any personal view to divert or elevate the racist undertone.
Yeah, he's objectively racist, but Sup Forums isn't going to care. Why bother, OP?
no but it feels good.
>interpreted as racist
misinterpreted as racist.
>commonly parroted by racists to justify their positions
Most people back their opinions up with facts, when they can and their opinions aren't shit.
>Offers no new context or any personal view to divert
That's the point, he's saying it's time to start diverting and start solving the problem.
There's nothing racist about it, I've heard black and Hispanic people say the same things.
Are you seriously going to deny that this isn't true
>the more terrible a group of people are the more you have to walk on eggshells, deny reality and pretend they're good.
libshits are mentally ill.
as a hispanic,he isnt wrong
Fuck yeah. But honestly what he means is that there needs to be solutions to get them to stop committing crimes.
>facts are racist
you're a child
He sees it as most people do, that Israel is a peaceful nation under siege by intolerant Arab nations. There is only one state for ethnic Jews in the world.
Why is it bad to be racist?
Aye lad
whatever gets you through the night, OP
Making statements with a foundation in facts isn't racist; sorry to burst your safespace bubble OP.
But is it true?
facts that make me uncomfortable are racist because it conflicts with my world view
>misinterpreted as racist.
No. This quote explicitly connects violent crimes with the race of those who commit them. Full stop. It's not "poor blacks and hispanics" or "blacks and hispanics from broken homes" or "atheist blacks and illegal hispanics." Not even "a minority of blacks and hispanics commit the majority of violent crimes." He provides no context or nuance beyond race for why these crimes may be committed.
>Most people back their opinions up with facts, when they can and their opinions aren't shit.
So racism isn't a shit opinion. Good to know.
>That's the point, he's saying it's time to start diverting and start solving the problem.
What problem? He didn't identify "a problem" except that blacks and Hispanics are prone to violence. The only problem he identified is race.
BLATANT.... *takes deep breath* RAAAACIIIISSSM!
Ironically, the overwhelming amount of dick sucking in our major cities is commited by OP.
>Implying liberals and negros understand graphs.
So the truth is racist? He should rather lie to people?
Well call me Shakira because those TRIPS don't lie!
>He should rather lie to people?
It's what got him elected, so why not?
Blacks and Hispanica, both individually, still commit around 10x more crimes than whites even when you adjust the poverty level and living conditions to compare them to just whites in the exact same wealth level and circumstances.
Please explain to me the 50000% in homicides in South Africa when Apartheid ended and the blacks took control of their own government. Explain all of pre-Eurocolonial Africa's violence, death, and savagery. Explain Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Explain Haiti where the slaves revolted and killed all the white people and they now live in chaos, anarchy, and starvation, as well as their own shit. Every historical precedent disputes your fallacious reasoning.
Double kek'd nigger lovers getting butthurt about the truth
Idk, maybe redpill me on this, but it can't just because "lol niggers"
I'm a racist. So the fuck what? Now that I am openly branded racist I will I must act the part. Nigger, about that job you applied for... Well it went to a meskin. You are black. Who the fuck would want to hire a nigger?
Hope you enjoy labeling me. I sure enjoy living it when it really affects Niggers lives. Black lives don't matter.. Even to their Mama's.
Mind over matter. I don't mind because you don't matter.
How about if Honkey went really racist? That would teach you Porch Monkeys a good lesson.
He is telling the truth. It's not his fault that you think that it's racist. He just says the facts as they are even if reality has a racist bias.
You should have never been born, so why not consider suicide?
The average black IQ is 30 points lower than the average white.
Their brain sizes are 5 cubic inches smaller.
They are genetically more closely related to bonobos than Europeans.
Source: "Race, Evolution, and Behavior" a 40 year compilation of dozens of studies with sample sizes of tens of thousands of individuals.
Black-on-white crime is 25x higher than white-on-black in the USA.
Blacks commit 80% of crimea, 50% of homicides, and rape 40,000 white women a year in the USA, alone. They are 12.6% of the population.
Sources: FBI Crime Reports and Statistics, CIA Factbook
Isn't this /ourguy/ material?
Why is it so hard to accept that your brain is affected by your genes just as much as any other part of you?
oh shit, oh fuck
>take arab land by force after WWII because MUH 6 GORILLION
>supply Jewish swarm with weapons and military knowledge
>arabs are so intolerant ;_;
hmm... I wonder why.