What's more important, religion or race?
Picture reflects my opinion.
What's more important, religion or race?
Picture reflects my opinion.
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Religion because it's a choice.
Everything else
God, family, nation
This is more or less the conclusion I've came to.
First post worst post
>Race exist
>god doesn't exist
Race is number one, religion subverts race every chance it gets. Religion turns everybody into a brown genetic mess.
The two are interconnected.
Non-interchangeable i think, there will always be the 11th man but other than that look at China
Religion obviously. Put the fear of eternal damnation into somebody and there's nothing they won't do to appease their god. (Who's word is translated by a man)
I'm catholic and there is one black family and maybe two asian/indian families. Everyone else is white. It's literally a sea of white people.
Religion obviously.
How one understands to live by is more important than their capability in various aspects compared to others.
South America
>Everyone answering religion
>They don't realize race breeds culture/religion
Yeah, but that's South American Catholics being South American in South America.
Religion breeds culture. That's pretty clear if you study the history of music.
Oh so that's why all the African cannibalizes religions are predominant over much of the black community no matter where they live, and all these little old black church ladies that would rather die than say the word goddamn are completely irrelevant to the argument you just made
race don't mean shit
Race. What superstitions a person subscribes to doesn't matter, except that a man shouldn't subscribe to any.
>putting imaginary things above your family
Seriously consider killing yourself.
tumblr or facebook, pick one and go.
So even from a fedora standpoint you can't realize the importance of religion and how it dictates a mans behavior above all else? If I didn't believe in god, and thought there was no true right and wrong, I'd steal shit every fucking day of my life because fuck Walmart and big corporations. But, I believe in accountability, so therefore I do not
>long haired jesus
1 Corinthians 11:14 - Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?
The Bible is very clear about gender roles this includes appearance Jesus never wore faggoty long hair or a faggoty dress robe this is fantasy made up by Christians who don't observe scripture
>I'd steal shit every fucking day of my life because fuck
Wrong, you would steal shit because you are a nigger
>if I didn't think Big Daddy would get me if I was bad I'd do bad things
I think that just shows that you're a bad person.
>tfw American blacks are 25% white on average
>tfw it's obvious that they adopt the predominant culture of the country they live in/that which is imposed on them by outsiders
Deuteronomy 22:5
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.
Religion comes from culture
Which comes from race
>all these civic American nationalists that think a Christian nigger is better than an atheist nigger.
Christcucks bluepilles the fuck out of people.
Which comes from culture
religion but race matter a lot too
But Jews are a mixed race and so are Christians. So religion can't come from race alone.
Christianity is a gentile religion which basically means anyone who is not a Jew.
>Which comes from environment
I've met atheists niggers that gangbang and sling dope, and Christian niggers that respect their parents and go to church every Sunday with aspirations to be the best sub human they can be. Which one would you rather send your daughter to be in a classroom with?
Religion. And thjs catholic bullshit pic condemns you to hell.
We don't need a "white nationalist" movement in America. That's really just a good way to get white people killed.
What we need is a return to Christian roots and ideals.
Neither. They sexually mature faster, are dumber on average (85 IQ compared to whites at 100), more prone to violence, and, simply put, they do not belong as they are not us.
Yeah imagine that, when given a choice people tend to associate with people almost exclusively of their own race, it's like all black churches and all Latino churches do it too...
Nice anecdotes, now tell us that one time you kissed a good Muslim's foot.
>daughter to be in a classroom
I'm not retarded so I wouldn't let my daughter go to school at all.
"We don't need a white nationalist movement in America" he says, as his race declines from what was once 90% of the population of America (pre-1965) to a measly 62% just 50 years later. Soon to be a minority in their own land.
During the early 1900s, America made more of an effort to differentiate between nationalities because certain ones were more "white" than others. Just like Sup Forums today. Except, generally, whiteness in modern day America is just having white skin. Even Jews are white. So yes, race characteristics are defined by the environment. But race as a distinguishing concept is a product of culture.
You know, now that I think of it, there are more Asians there. But it's still a nice mix of conservative people. Mostly white.
Even Jesus Christ would not want you to abandon your fellow country men.
Race by far
I imagine this upsets you because you want to cling to the beauty which you falsely attribute to your race. That beauty stems from Christianity. America is mostly white RIGHT NOW. I'm assuming you don't like the predominant culture, correct? That's because we have fallen from Christian ideals.
Good luck explaining to the principle why your kid needs their own classroom because of muh niggers
I'd rather she goes to school with Whites, regardless of their religious affiliation
There are no good muslims. You completely missed the point. Nice straw man
Isn't the proper term "breed"?
Yes, he would. He said to give up everything, that nothing matters, not your people or your family, except him.
A religion for everyone is a relgion for no one.
>it's another nu-pol thread
Catholics in Haiti commit voodoo and tons of paganistic-inspired mystical animist bullshit even though they were essentially purged of it all by the French.
Christians and Muslims in Africa still have magical charms and runes and shit and believe in mystical blessings from the land and rape children believing it will cure AIDS and kill each other over accusations of witchcraft. A religion that actually makes people behave well and not like a bunch of retarded savages is actually dependent on the people who make and spread and believe in said religion themselves not being retarded savages.
praising a dead jew is pretty fucked up tho
>tfw you realize that racial integration was at gunpoint
Give me sources.
Only a non-christian would generalize that no one within an entire group of people is able to be saved.
>Nice straw man?
So you didn't just give me your anecdotal evidence? Your experiences don't mean shit. What is wrong with you Catholics, can't you just be honest for once?
Lack of education is the root of the problem there, and clearly those African sects you refer to aren't following actual Christianity. Probably catholic branches, which is the most cucked of all
Well considering that atheism is positively correlated with IQ and being an atheist represents having at least enough critical thinking ability to see through a lot of obviously made up and false mystical bullshit, and then also considering the IQ of blacks as is, I'd definitely rather they be atheists, considering they need all of the mental help they can get.
t. nonwhite\civic nationalistcuck
>Give me sources.
Religious people do have a history of betraying others over 'visions' they have had.
Most don't even know or adhere to the scriptural supposition of 'peace and good will'. They make "exceptions". It's an inherent flaw.
comes from genetics
I may be a lot of things but I am not a catholic, sir. And my anecdotal evidence is quite average of most experiences with negros I would presume, you can't tell me you haven't seen a black church lady before or a gangbanging gun toting worthless DNA husk of a nigger, if so then you have no argument for being anti nigger in the first place
I'm not making any exceptions, I seek the truth brother.
Well the country's going to become more religious considering spics are going to make up a hell of a lot more of it in the future, and while it's becoming more Christian it's also going to become a whole lot shittier. Sure, the two aren't directly correlated and one doesn't necessarily cause the other, but then that should prove that it definitely isn't Christianity that we need in order to try and salvage what's left of the country.
Let's see Christianity protect you in this rising tide of color. The beauty of Europeans existed long before they adopted Christianity in the 1st century. Don't misunderstand, however. I am most certainly a Christian. One must realize that an America without it's traditional demographics (90% white) is not America.
>Being a racist while worshiping a Middle Eastern Jew and pretending he is white
So is calling your coworker "xe"
I don't need to. Private schools are overwhelmingly white - and one can inquire about their demographics, which happens quite often.
id rather boot them both out
this is literally a different version of the
>lol you have to side with either muslims or jews you cant say neither
fuck off
Race, breed, sub-species, all accurate descriptors.
Skin pigmentation comes from genetics. Our perception of what those colors mean, i.e. race, comes from culture. Race, and our societal perceptions of how races define us as a person, comes from culture.
I cannot say. The heat is too close.
I will say that more than anything else in the world I hate people of other religions who cuck out the way our atheists do. When I see some "Ex-Muslim" eating pork and talking about how great it is, I want to hand him over to ISIS to be tortured to death.
Betraying your race and religion is evil no matter why you do it or who you butter up to. It's cucking. You should be ashamed to betray your people.
I have more respect for the most ignorant and turbaned of dune coons than I do for the modern secular man. The former is scum because he lives in the desert, the latter is scum despite having access to modern amenities AND is a traitor to his race and people.
Tired of the atheism means your intelligent meme. I have a 134 IQ mesa tested, devout believer in god. Went through a spell where I questioned it deeply, considered myself an atheist for years, and continued to look into the matter. There is no denying prophetic scripture or philosophical and scientific arguments such as the kalaam cosmological argument. Look up the verse Revelations 17:4 then google the catholic whore of Babylon and hit images. This was a prophecy written hundreds of years before the birth of the Vatican II. Also there are verses foretelling mans ability to travel the world and sudden massive increases in knowledge, the technological revolution
>race is just skin pigmentation
you dont actually believe this shit
>le race is just skin color
"Race is just skin deep, guise"
>Race, and our societal perceptions of how races define us as a person, comes from culture.
no it comes from natural aggression to keep strangers away from your tribe it has nothing to do with culture
>I'm not making any exceptions, I seek the truth brother.
The truth is that none of you know Jesus, you only believe you do, and through second-hand tellings at that.
If he were a pagan stoic philosopher, whose "turn the other cheek" meant not to react in anger for hardship was transient, I surmise that no 'true believer' would recognize him.
Thus it is a sadness that all these years people may be mislead by false visions and devious preachers, for they have no sight of the true purpose beyond what they are told.
> What is Norway
> What is Iceland
> What is Sweden
> What is Denmark
> What is Germany
> What is the Czech Republic
Do you honestly believe that white peoples and the countries they produce are successful only because of Christianity? The countries listed above and many in Western Europe in general are more happy, healthy, and homogeneous than America is and their standard of life is arguably better in almost every way and Christianity is essentially going extinct in all of them among the native populations.
Boring. Type something more interesting. Something more believable .
You speak the truth, that's why you have been granted dubz.
I'll do the work for you.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: - Rev 17:4
Keep in mind this is hundreds of years before the Vatican II and the Catholic church's decisions to use this imagery is not biblical whatsoever, Christ doesn't command to use it but instead warns that it will one day exist
Many of those countries also never fully adopted Christianity either.
> Actual Christianity
By your definition most Christians throughout history probably weren't Christians either based on your personal, arbitrary, and insanely specific definition
> Muh education
Education can teach skills and that's it, it doesn't increase cognitive potential nor empathy or the like, and these groups of people will continue to be stupid, not have much empathy, and their religions/cultures will continue to reflect it and they'll still continue to act like stupid savages no matter what sect of your specific "Enlightened" Christianity you want to throw onto them.
you are gay and stupid
also the culture argument is nonsensical mental gymnastics
You are calling the way groups of people behave "culture", and in your weird little brain this means behavior cant be genetic, because you gave it this other word "culture"
Are you really arguing for Swedecucks?
I'm almost speechless at your sheer audacity.
>getting mad over Dunecoons integrating into society and not blowing people up because "muh religion"
Anybody who needs religion to maintain their moral code is no better than a beast
Both are tied to intelligence and groups of each are very violent, so it's tough to say. I don't know that it matters, honestly.
memes aside, sweden's a pretty nice place to live in