The fake news meme is now being used against cheese-gap.
The fake news meme is now being used against cheese-gap
What is cheese gap?
>The fake news meme
"Fake News" can be used against anything.
It's a prelude to the death of free speech.
Yet affords the ability to defend American rights of self expression!
>Shitposting is now being reported on
Kim Lacapria is one boring bitch
this has to be fake
wtf is cheese gap?
More importantly, who the fuck listens to Snopes?
Even google is censoring this wtf is going on
>fake news
>being used
is this an edit or did the author of the article took thread about cheesegaps posted by an aussie seriously?
>fake news
What is cheese gap? It must be legit if they're trying to label it as fake news.
wtf is cheese gap? someone explain
The most I know about this shit is that I saw a thread on Sup Forums earlier today claiming that Cheese operates using martian technology to cause levitation.
Stupid fucking Australians.
Checked, kek is watching.
If I had to guess I'd say it's a parody on pizzagate.
It's a meme that started here
We've been storing cheese for thousands of years
>Not even a day old
Holy fuck.
Don't know if the shillers could become any more obvious.
Why are evil Australians using mind games to derail Sup Forums? I know its just a stupid joke but I still desire to get to the bottom of it. It's maddening!
416e6f6e36 416e6f6e36
How is this mind games, don't you see this blatant censorship?
Explain this, fascist commy white supremacist muslim feminist antifa leftwing Drumpfkin pagan Digong Marxist capitalist nazi-kike klan-nigger vegan butcher babykilling second ammendment Kek loving virgin slut pegida Swedish Breiviks
Sup Forums BTFO
I don't get whats so hard to understand about cheesegap. I know Sup Forums can be a bit retarded but come on.
Made up legit fake news story to lambaste the current pizzagate shit.
This will never be a meme.
You've spent a lot of time on this shitposting, but it won't work.
416e6f6e36 416e6f6e36 416e6f6e36
*fade into autistic screeching*
So it was the Canadians all along.
Fuck off Mexican. I wish you didn't exist.
Just remember 416e6f6e36
what are you talking about you nut job
Fake and Gay
All LARPers should be hanged for treason.
I bet the people who wrote that article are the same people who forced the meme.
how far are we gonna take this cheese gap deal when we could be calling in airstrikes lol.
Does shitposting on Sup Forums control the news cycle now? Are we becoming that powerful?
Holy shit this is some next level shit posting. Is Australia finally going to take back the crown from the fucking leafs?
>snopes gives an aussie shitposter (You)s
The faggots at Snopes and all those other places reporting on "cheese gap" are the same fucking posters who started the meme in the first place. They come here, put on Australian proxies because shitposting aussies is so le epic, force some meme aboujt some dumb shit no one cares about and samefag with each other to make it look bigger than it really is, then go back to snopes and say "Wow these alt-righters sure are stupid, aren't they guys?"
>an aussie shitposts
>some epic normie memestress bandwagons
I fucking hate normies and the internet now.
its almost as if the conspiracy was made up specifically to be strawmanned.
Nice picture user, did you make that yourself or someone else did? How many hours in paint did it take?
>mfw i am the one who created this
just like niggers burning down their own churches or jews smearing shit covered swatstikas all over their own bathrooms, the only 'fakenews' is the fake news these dishonest cucks make themselves in order to 'prove' their bullshit narrative.
See, now that we've figured out, they're gonna start doing everything they can to drown us out.
Take off your proxy.
It's a golden Age of journalism
This is insane.
Just look at how soon these articles were made relative to the original posts. This is one of the most obvious false flags I've ever seen.
False Flag?
>google for article
>can't find it probably a joke
>Sup Forums is like the fourth indexed thing on google if you search 'fake news'
really activated my almonds
What the everloving fuck.
It's a meme bro.
What is cheesegap? I've been having a /his/ kick for the past few days, and haven't been Sup Forums too much.
>mfw Sup Forums is having their minds blown by this random autistic shitposter
It's another bullshit gaslighting campaign.
What's the story, though?
I can't tell if all of you are clinically retarded or if this is some shitty meta joke. Either way I hate you all.
int i, x; Ai.Iterator.Next();
How can people seriously not know what cheesegap is by now?
I've explained it in many posts.
Just get the fuck out, kike. You're not fooling anyone.
But what is the bullshit they say we believe?
That the cheese is hollow?
Is the gap between them too big?
What? anon6, nice one burger/.
fuck off with this gay shit
>But what is the bullshit they say we believe?
Something to do with cheese producing anti-gravity. It doesn't matter, the fact is they made something stupid up while pretending to be us so they can make fun of us when they go back to their sites.
I can't find the snopes page anymore wtf.
Look at the cheese man. Think about it, if they're all stacked up like that how does the weight not crush the cheese on the bottom? The jews apparently think there is a 'gap' and that the shelves aren't resting on the cheese and shilling hard to make you believe that
Thats part of the story. It goes much deeper.
The plot thickens
The story is not fake, but real
Look at the truth of kek
Link to article?
We have a really shitty situation with Sudanese immigrants right now. There's a lot of protesting going on in the past couple of years.
They steal shit from houses and took control over half of Tel Aviv. They've raped too.
At least no one copulates with them.
There is no article.
you can clearly see the gap
Literal shitposting, and people playing along with it, is going to be used as an example of right-wing credulity, and "journalists" will try to convince readers that this is why "fake news" needs to be combated. All without any whiff of irony on their part.
They took it down for some reason.
It's called gaslighting.
Snopes is fucking trash, don't give them any attention/clicks.
Literally what?
stop falling for this shit Sup Forums
Even Alex Jones isn't immune to the Jew influence.