can we agree on this?
Can we agree on this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums isn't, and doesnt have to be a hivemind
what's your name?
Couldn't have done it better myself
I try to do this but sometimes I go too hard in public
hi kevin
No. Reveal your power level. Revel in it and smear it upon normie fucks faces.
With provisions for personal interpretation, yes, I can. That's more or less how it seems to boil down.
>overtone window
it has three typos on purpose
Thats pretty much a fraction of what the left is currently doing to us.. I'll agree with it, though i dont think it is what the most truly moral person would do. Its our only option and those idiots dont understand that.
race/jews are the only issue we can't go full public about
the rest you can go full blown redpill, whatever the topic
Why would I continue to be deceitful once in power? I'd start implementing my plans. Many people would die
total power? sure
but in a democratic state u don't have that
i'm only on Sup Forums to blow off steam so i won't sperg out in public or at work
The one thing we can all agree on is that Argentina is not white
JIDF getting nervous
I'd still do it. If it were a democratic state, then I would have people behind me. If they kill me they kill me, but I would definitely go hardcore immediately. I'd at least start killing professors and media. Once people saw what was coming for them, they's get on board.
impeached, bye bye
In some circumstances it's possible to circumvent the law if you have enough support. Look at Duterte. Even for people that like him it's obvious he's ignoring the law. It doesn't matter though because he has 80-90% approval
philippines doesn't have strong institutions
and they have nothing to lose
>pit zionists against globalists
Underestimating the intelligence of your enemy is a dangerous move
And no, we don't all agree with your pic. Your pic is for closeted stormweenies
If you rename the Jews to globalists/corporatists and racists.
The race stuff is the one that Sup Forums is generally less unified on, along with gender and LGB issues. All the views here aren't PC but the nuance in them varies a lot. You have everyone from genocidals to ethno nationalists to eugenicists to moderates on the issue of race
pol is race realist, not up for discussion
"white nationalist policies under civic nationalist rhetoric"
Does the left side of pic related fall under that?
>Sup Forums consensus
No, fuck off.
Ayy Kevin give me dates bike
This is the Sup Forums consensus.
Ethno-centric heterosexual monogamy. Anything that deviates from an honour-first, virtue-based society as described above will be destroyed. Capitalism is great, but just like any other system, it can be corrupted. For example, a pornography store opens up: it's the free market and freedom of enterprise, right? Well, distributing pornography erodes the social structure of a society and perverts the youth by exposing/brainwashing (see:
A love for your own people first, others second. So if there are traitors within your gate perverting the future of these people, or allowing invaders in freely, they will be punished.
No capitalism (read: globalism), communism, or socialism (by socialism, I mean destroying all private production and giving everything to the people). Some third position compromise that takes the purity of capitalism and the altruism of socialism (insofar as healthcare, not capturing your own people in an endless loop of welfare consumption, as that would be antithetical to the whole purpose: preserve a future for your people).
Oh, and a right to bear arms, in case said government betrays the future of this people.
Limit rights for non-citizens, like ethnic minorities (read: echo-bergs, nigs, half-breeds, and everything else in between).
Using that image as context, apply that same WN, traditionalist logic to the platform, and there's your answer.
But this isn't a real "Sup Forums platform", this place has been subverted, whether you believe in that or not. Most engage in pre-marital sex (engaging in Jewish-promoted hook-up culture) and some even have abortions; what a great story to tell your children, if you ever decide to fulfil the natural obligation dependent upon your sexual organs and not be a degenerate hedonist.
Look at the majority of the threads posted here: low-effort off-shoots of "hot girl, one vague question to sow dissent", or some other D&C tactics. Every thread has a purpose.
There's an example, how many times do you see people archiving links to news sites? They just direct link, the best way to give them ad revenue from site clicks. It's all just kosher redpills, enough to keep you wired in, but never enough to take you all the way there.
A great litmus test for nu-Sup Forums e-celeb cocksuckers this board has been infested in is Dylann Roof and Anders Brevik. Half of you probably haven't even read his manifesto. If you disavow it and whine about how bigoted it was, then you're a faggot. Both of them stood up and fought for what they believed in before they took away the tools they could even use to fight. They destroyed niggers and race traitors, respectively. The existence of niggers walking around and voting is a loss in the US, and everywhere else. They kill the best whites everyday, and nothing, but the same happens the other way around: nothing. Read Brevik's manifesto for more:
*nothing but a shitstorm, sorry. All they do is complain, oh woe is me some niggers got killed, as if some hoodrat coon wasn't going to do it to them anyways.