Why is Jared Taylor so based Sup Forums?
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I love the one where he blows out that hack Jorge Ramos
>muh "we are a nation of immigrants"
I love this man. Fucking wrecks every lefty hypocrite that turns out to be anti-white
lol look at the lefty faggots in the comments too. They can't argue with him so they just get all butthurt and violent.
Jared taylor is the guy all those spencer faggots should be following.
It's impossible to even argue with him.
Wtf! I love white nationalists now
yeah, Taylor isn't an autist like Spencer.
Yeah, tons of
"stupid hillbilly cracka with no teeth this is a nation of immigrants!!"
it's like they're parrots incapable of considering this man's viewpoint
>it's like they're parrots incapable of considering this man's viewpoint
That's leftism in a nutshell. Liberals are the political equivalent of manbabbies.
Hes the guy who,convinced me. Cant argue against most any point he makes.
WTF! I REALLY love white nationalists now
How will they ever recover?
>Mexican trying to be an intellectual
Same here. He's the perfect realization of the movement. Calm, composed, rational, and good at exposing leftist hypocrisy
Yeah, I went through a phase of thinking leftism was pro-science, but that only applies to subjects not math and physics. There's a belief in math called structuralism, which is basically conservationism. (The preservation of institutions). Leftism to me now feels directionless
Americas not a democracy, it's a constitutional republic.
Absolutely Huwhite.
>Yeah, I went through a phase of thinking leftism was pro-science, but that only applies to subjects not math and physics.
Nor biology, genetics, neuroscience...
>mfw people are too stupid to understand rational arguments
I meant in terms of management and policy.
IE, no studies on certain taboo subjects.
Jared Taylor is my hero.
The funny thing is he said LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG.
wow, we need more like him
It's meant to show the weakness of the vote in a country many would say is democratic.
I agree with him but I wish people would stop making the "US has always/was supposed to be only for anglo-saxons" argument when whites weren't even 80% of the country in 1776, and pretending as if Whites were somehow tricked into taking in minorities.
Except they were?
Ted Kennedy lied when he said that America's demographics wouldn't change with the 1965 immigration act and neither its culture.
Love Jared Taylor
Yes, Jared has shaped my thinking on the topic quite a great deal. What you tend to find with his opponents is they resort to preaching these platitudes like "America was always diverse" which he then proceeds to calmly dismantle. Great stuff.
Jared Taylor steamrolling a "black man" on Gavin's show
>whites weren't even 80% of the country in 1776
yeah....they were 90 percent white. it didnt start out as 50 states
>Ted Kennedy lied when he said that America's demographics wouldn't change with the 1965 immigration act and neither its culture.
I never said otherwise.
>Except they were?
Except they weren't. Whites only made up 78% of the US population when it declared its independence from Britain.
That depends on how you define it.
Kennedy was correct if you talk about American culture as a thing both in real life and in history books. The way American culture as a concept wouldn't change, only where it exists.
Semantics I know.
The demographics part however can not be be excused.
Reminder that this man is the true alt-right and that the movement has been hijacked by kikes and kike loving fags like Milo, Alex Jonestein, Mike Cernobitch, Lauren Southern and anyone else affiliated with them.
He's /our/ guy
What I meant is that the plan for America was always a "white" one. Culture and dominance. Not a plurality as it's going to now
they literally say the same things dipshit
Yes, that's true.
I still feel it wasn't as honest as it could have been. In some cities you could say that the inundation that he was talking about did occur.
I can't find a single white person here in LA
One doesn't go around acting pompous about his views and is actually serious.
pompous is subjective, so is calling spencer unserious.
>What I meant is that the plan for America was always a "white" one. Culture and dominance
What is this based on? If this were true why would Europeans voluntarily import blacks to the point they made up 20% of the population, even if it were to just make them slaves? Hell, a lot of the southern states even adopted aspects of African culture. If I'm wrong about the end goal for America being entirely European dominated can you show me?
Jared Taylor doesn't delegitimize his own movement though.
more subjective judgement. you're entitled to your opinion but that doesn't make you authoritative.
Why? For slavery which is what you said. There is no other answer, same reason Arabs enslaved and killed 100 million niggers - economic productivity.
America has always been about European diversity accumulating into American culture. The first naturalization act of 1790 outlined that America was for white people.
It sounds like you're trying to find the feelgood leftie answer to all this but there isn't one my friend. America was never meant for non-whites, Taylor is absolutely correct that this is an entirely recent phenomenon and has already lead to so much conflict.
Jared Taylor was Sup Forums before Sup Forums
He is our king and we must bow down.
They don't at all.
Taylor is eloquent and respectable, and is always right in what he says.
Spencer is not any of those things. He's easily dismissable because he's autistic, unrelatable and isn't well thought out in his presentation. Spencer has the same general goal... but the way he argues for it is not anywhere near the level of Jared Taylor.
Even old Abe Lincoln wanted to get the niggers out of the country and believed they would never integrate.
Surprise, they're still acting like niggers and muh slavery.
spencer is eloquent and respectable, and is always right in what he says.
you're just stating your personal preference, doesn't mean you are right.
What are you looking for a mathematical proof?
You sound like a fucking retard,so I doubt you'd understand it anyway.
>The first naturalization act of 1790 outlined that America was for white people.
I was looking for something like this. Thanks, I'll read into this.
>Why? For slavery which is what you said. There is no other answer, same reason Arabs enslaved and killed 100 million niggers - economic productivity.
It just seems really dumb to plan a European dominated society but then bring in outsiders who could interfere with said plan. And even then a few of the founding fathers opposed slavery.
just pointing out your inflated sense of ego.
what i said was objectively true, the 2nd part, what you said was your own opinion.
That's what I was hinting at.
In all immigration bills up until 1965 the prereq was "free white person"
The only thing that's objectively true is that you're a low IQ butthurt spencer faggot
Your point is meaningless, though. They weren't even citizens. America operated as a homogeneous country
No, Jared doesn't go in for blaming anything on the Jews, Richard is ok with it. Also, Jared would let anyone who wanted to, call zerself 'huwhite' (source - his recent millenniyule with MW). Not that either of those is huge. Also, he /is/ better-spoken, and never mean (though Richard has publicly regretted insulting that geneticist at Texas A&M).
Richard is a more supple thinker though if you ask me. I /love/ how he said we and the Jews were kind of bound together (podcast with he, Mike Enoch, and .. some other guy) - very refreshing.
We were tricked though.
It is dumb, but economic intersts tend to be that way.
I kind of agree with Ramos here. Taylor's arguments were completely dependent on the idea that were all absolutely different tribes. He did not want to assume at all what Ramos was arguing which was saying America was basically a melting pot. Taylor's arguments are all based on the us vs them mentality and he presents them with, "this is the underlying truth that no one speaks of". "tribe mentality blah blah". We're a civilazation just in case you all have forgotten.
it seems like too many bad arguments are trying to ride on the asshole of the anti-PC movement. "this hardcore view of things is true because its not PC and basically fuck not miss"
Not an argument
hes white, but he acts like a nigger.
Meanwhile, Based Taylor speaks like a true gentlemen and he absolutely wrecks this sorry excuse of a "musical artist".
not an argument
I thought Asians get the least NEET bux even less than whites?
>we're a civilization
We're also a nation, you little brainlet
no, that isn't objectively true. that's your personal opinion.
subjective is things that apply to you specifically, even though others may agree.
objective is things that are true regardless of your personal opinion, regardless if others recognize the truth.
you don't know the difference, so that's where you're at. glad to hopefully help you see the world in these terms. hopefully you use it.
Jews brought the slaves.
>n-no u
Slavery was mostly from Anglo Saxon interests, sorry senpai
That's one point I disagree with white nationalists.
I support a policy that advocated dominance but not ideal. 90%+ of a certain ethnic group for that nation is to be maintained but if there are other people outside willing to understand that they will be a minority and must assimilate. 100% of anything is impossible and to be honest, boring.
>that isn't objectively true
it is. Deal with it.
So whites were tricked... by other whites? Government rests on public opinion, it couldn't just enforce something that the entire country was against. This is the same logic Swedes use to try to shift blame from themselves as they destroy their own country.
No real argument, but I think Spencer 'pushes' a bit further than Jared does - I don't know what I mean by this. Plus he's hella good looking, young, not strange (Taylor with his face always pointed upward) - nothing like an easily dismissible cranky old white man.
Still no arguments
thanks for the pic user
Considering that slavery retarded the economy of the South by making it possible to avoid industrialization that is debatable. What I know is that you didn't watch the lecture in the 10 seconds it took to reply. Are you here to discuss or just doing pilpul?
What point are you trying to make here? Of course it was other whites who passed this law, who else would havr done it?
The ideal policy would be to restrict immigration to people who meet certain education and language requirements. It would filter out most non-whites while also not necessarily being based on race so leftists couldn't complain.
I'm not saying it was in the nation's interest, I'm saying a small group of wealthy elite held the southern economy hostage to their personal intersts.
You're welcome.
Proposition 187 shows how hard public opinion is subverted when people show they are anti-immigration. Swedes have been tricked too.
That's the point. You can't say that whites were tricked if it was whites elected by other whites who passed the law. It's just shifting blame instead of taking responsibility.
No question that the elite benefited, but it was contrary to White interests. The Appalachians are full of Whites who were forced into the mountains when they couldn't compete economically with slave labor.
lol, no it's not. that's not objective reality, that's your subjective judgement.
Still denying huh?
It's like you said, the objective truth is true whether you admit it or not.
Do you think elections work? People break their promises and get reelected all the time.
Yes, you can. Do you think they mentioned these views in the elections? And even if they did, how can you blame whites when they tried to rectify the problem with bills like proposition 187, which was thrown out by the gov't?
He seems like a retard about economic issues.
He assumes the economy benefits from a high IQ population. It doesn't. Complete opposite in fact.
He assumes black people rioting every 20 years or so hurts the economy. It doesn't.
So state your point, but leave the economy out of it. Because the US still has the largest economy in the world, no matter which homogeneous population you compare it to.
>More than 80% of Montana voters supported Legislative Referendum 121 in the November 2012 general election. The law was set to take effect Jan. 1, 2013, but it wasn't enforced because of a legal challenge.
>HELENA, Mont. — A Montana judge has ruled that enactment of the state's 2012 voter-approved law banning undocumented immigrants from accessing state services is pre-empted by federal law and is unenforceable.
90% White state votes 80% to forbid illegal immigrants from receiving welfare. They get told to fuck off.
holy shit are you telling me the prop passed and they STILL didn't do shit and challenged it?
What's your problem?
well, stupidity is a subjective judgement.
if you were serious about my iq being the benchmark, you're factually wrong about it being low.
maybe just admit you are egotistical, will help you.
LOL now I see how truly corrupt this system is
Yes but if we're going to put people into groups, you can't suddenly exclude Ted Kennedy because lied about the immigration act of 1965. If whites were tricked by other whites it is still on the fault of whites. Don't even try playing the Jew card when they didn't even make up 2% of the US population in 1965. If an entire people can be subverted by 2% of the country then the people weren't worth saving in the first place.
prop 187 passed overwhelmingly. the governor that won, won on a prop 187 platform.
the courts overturned it carte blanche, irrespective of public opinion.
the government doesn't always follow public opinion, especially undemocratic courts.
>Retard got tricked into thinking he's smart.
>So he goes on the internet and tries to tell people what he thinks opinion means
Too funny
The Culture of Critique lays it out pretty clearly how 2% can subvert the rest. Considering this 2% has over 40% of the billionaires and they organize effectively it makes perfect sense.
Common sense immigration reform
i don't think so. seems like you're the one inflating his intelligence.
s/o's to the user shitposting w/ me in the comments
quick: is that an opinion or a fact?
75% of slave owners in America were kikes
Doing great work
75% of Jews did own slaves in the US.