Pic related.
Redpilled vidya?
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This can count depending on your playstyle.
I remember that game being so hyped up when I was a teenager. I couldn't wait to play it.
I got my best friend in high school by my side, stocked up on Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew... and popped it into the machine.
Turns out it's a motherfucking snoozefest. You go around sneaking up on people the whole time. Instead of Manhunt it should be called "Sneaking up on people: the game".
Crusader Kings.
You can have some fuck up incest while genocide Muslims.
>Pic related
As you might already know, the beta to this was the shit.
>Fight against an occupation of globalist aliens from another reality
>All the characters in the beta were white
>Amazing industrial art style and enemies
>Brutal ending due to the earth already being fucked to the point of no return
We should start a Sup Forums style mod of the HL2 beta
This was made for this
>paying $60 for minor cosmetic upgrades to a game you can get for like $7 during steam sales
you're a fucking idiot
the ONLY correct answer
you must play them
literally the PEAK of video games
earth defense force 4.1
What would HL2 be with out the leak?
>live off the land
>genocide cannibal savages
>build a wall
The game that got me into online gaming.
this is my favorite game
Who played then knows.
Civ V was better, especially the graphics
Solidus is Trump
>not Witcher
your president disapproves
this, new one is bretty gud, aside from the psychotic HD space it requires
There is such a thing as too obvious choice.
Do you faggots remember? Those sleepy nip town feels
Without people seeing what it could have been, it wouldn't have got anywhere. Valve owes the beta for it's rise to fame
But no they had to change the world style because they thought the "1984 dying rock in space no hope alien infested reality breaking old world america survival horror story driven game" was a little to much and had to rewrite it
Greatest positive surprise in years. I was convinced it will be garbage.
There is nothing redpilled about it but whatever.
This game foresaw so many things.
What was this
>Hmmm, nice kike.
lol what made manhunt redpilled?
grossed a couple of my friends out playing manhunt 2. other than that it wasnt anything special, except a good concept and the mental asylum threads were a nice aesthetic, even though Danny looked like CJ with fucking white skin kek
I remember seeing a copy of that on my brothers bedroom floor
I looked at it and then turned on my N64 and played Paper Mario instead
I agree.
shenmue but im not sure which one
shame 4 and 5's gameplay are so good and the story so shit
Paper Mario 64 was GOAT
HD remake when?
I loved Manhunt, but please explain how it is "redpilled".
>kill russians
>beat the fuck out of african children
>exploit africa and afghanistan for their resources
>best cgi tits ever
>literally fighting globalism and the extermination of the English language
>"we hold our rifles in missing hands. We stand tall on missing legs. We strive forward on the bones of our fallen. Then, and only then are we truly alive. This is our pain is ours... a secret weapon we wield."
>steal other nation supplies and use it to further your army
Fuck Sup Forums it was GOAT
nothing even comes close
>Shitty copy of cave story.
Redpilled me on business management and the importance of marketing on your bottom line and the importance of rule safety as bad PR from a death on a rollercoaster will last for 6+ months.
the most redpilled game I ever played was Blacksite: Area 51
and not because the game was redpilled, but because the game was so bluepilled it redpilled me by playing it.
It was a wargame that was anti-war, despite me playing it so I could kill aliens. Specifically to kill aliens. It was a mess.
But if that doesn't count I'd have to go with Wolfestein: The New Order.
Just look at the technological advancements made by the nazis, are we really living in the best timeline?
I still workout to "Hell March"
Was that song in this one or the first? I can't remember. Also I remember the hot brunette with the tits and lots of tesla coils
Raiden or Armstrong Sup Forums?
To be honest, given Radiation's history with Hussie, I'd figure that he would have adopted some of his autistic violence. The game clearly pushes for the Pacifist run, which is in itself the biggest bluepill to exist.
If the narration explained why Frisk was right to defend himself from monsters, or even the human nature of killing others, it would have made more sense. There was potential with the storyline, but he clearly made this game just to cater to the leftist crowd. The idea of forming bonds is important, however every character in this is purely designed to be anti-human.
Imagine a next gen Manhunt. Just use gtav as reference for graphics. It will never happen but man, just imagine
>Blobbing universalis 4
I don't think it would work. The game was amazing for the time but now the story would be pretty generic and retarded. They'd have to completely remake it.
Even though the game clearly pushes you to play nice, you're never actually scolded for killing. The closest to that is Sans but only if you kill his brother which is understandable
Mein neger. This is the only correct answer.
Not especially redpilled but I replay the Warcraft II campaign every winter for comfiness. I still get a kick out of the christmas lights on the buildings during snow maps.
Should I play the first or jump straight to II?
Agenda trash game picking literally who leaders just to make sure that there is a woman in the game, nice goyim.
Clearly you just brushed through the game, then. Everybody fleeing and the game's comments on you being horrible as you take the cash from the store, or those two fags at the side alley that scold you in letter. There's a reason why the game shifts the protagonist role towards Undyne mid-game, because the story was meant to hold peace. Hell, even fucking Chara as a character is actually an anti-human cuck, leeching off your actions in order to stab you in the back at the end.
I see your angle though, which is what I somewhat enjoyed of the game. My issue is that it's designed to be regarded as punishment.
The NES is the most red pilled console of all time. That's why the feminists and Hebrews are always trying to appropriate it.
You hyped for the third one?
If you like that style I also recommend the Yakuza games.
Oh yeah, Undertale straight up telling the player that killing is the right choice would be totally convincing. I would much prefer that to the game allowing players to organically discover the destructive nature inside themselves. I wish every game spoon-fed me its message because I'm a fucking child.
armstrong did nothing wrong
What's so redpilled about Manhunt? It's just gratuitous killing. Completely nihilistic.
I couldn't get into the game. It was really preachy about it's morality and very clear cut.
Plus all the gayshit was annoying.
Great game
Not that it's the right choice, but hold a balance between the pacifist ideals and genocide. The conversation with sans around the end has him explain how your choices as the protagonist is grey, however the bias is present.
It's not called being a child, I'm just keen to notice the message Toby Fox was trying to place inside of Undertale. Consult .
Me too man.
This is true for many great games. Old graphics aren't outdated because gameplay is there and they represent the style of that day's gaming.
Movies are already ruined with remakes, spin-offs are better.
Toby Fox intended for players to take the genocide route, or at least watch it on jewtube. The genocide route isn't about punishing players or making some antiquated ass bullshit statement about the virtues of pacifism. The genocide route is about discovering a part of ourselves that leftists want to deny. Undertale calls out the left on their naivety. Sure, they can enjoy all the gay shit. But they're meant to acknowledge their deep-seated desire to watch it burn.
It'd be different if the monsters weren't actively trying to hunt you down and kill you. As it stands the moral is really forced and yet really muddled. We're supposed to view pacifism as the be-all end all, yet the game attempts to portray the murderous monsters as good people.
But this grey nature of violence isn't afforded to Frisk, who is always badwrongevil for defending himself.
sorry, this was for you
While that's an interesting reading, I doubt it.
Undertale is clear on it's espousing of love, pacifism, peace and all that. It hammers it into you with how you can only get an actual happy ending via being totally peaceful and lovey.
It portrays violence as never justified, and in doing so it loses any nuance the story could have had.
t. Johan
Deus Ex by a long way.
1. Omnipresent terrorism
2. Out of control government agencies (Snowden etc)
3. Mass surveillance (aquinas protocol)
4. Artificial Intelligence. Think about how our comments online are now sorted into false context so that we seldom encounter people who think differently, or how amazon recommends take away the randomness encountered by a visit to an actual bookshop, or even how people trust GPS to the detriment of their own ability.
5. Fake press routinely colluding with government (Joe Greene character).
6. Morpheus AI "human beings feel pleasure when they are watched" = billions of normies putting their lives online for all to see and for intelligence and marketing agencies to farm.
There's more but I can't think of it right now.
If you listen to the codec and cassettes etc, all METAL GEAR games are redpilled not just mgs2
Metal gear rising is especially like this, I think they had more freedom because they knew the game wouldn't be popular, they even reference the govt using 9/11 as an excuse to execute pre planned war
But you can't get a happy ending with just being all lovely, it's an ending that's happy on the surface, but disappointing to the player. The game ultimately and irreversibly ends upon the completion of a genocide route. A victory won by utter pacifism feels hollow and incomplete, which prompts players to pursue genocide in search of something more.
This is the Police
>mayor orders you to fire all black from the force, you can do it
>you can use force against feminist or dindus protestors
II my man, old gods is best dlc btw
Just play it. Don't read anything about it if you haven't already.
>this game will literally ask you for a Mass Effect 2 save file
Fuck halfbloods
Whenever I play the Civilization series, I always play "Sneering Imperialist" mode.
I noticed that as the series went on, the playable civs included garbage factions, like the Shoshone, the Polynesians and the Zulu.
I always play Rome, and when I do, I make the resolution to conquer and subjugate the inferior factions. If I let Songhai and and Iroquois into space, I'm not doing my job properly.
If you pay attention to the politics of this game
Witcher 3 for sure.
Heavily influenced by european culture.
Majority white people.
White guy is the main character and pretty alpha.
>Redpilled vidya?
Read "I'm a Sup Forumsedditor and I'm looking for excused to post videogames outside of Sup Forums".
oh fuck
I'm not sure which side to support anymore.
The Stormcloaks are iron-pilled nationalists who just want to maintain the autonomy of their own country, but the Empire are medieval Romans looking to subjugate/modernize the Gauls of their time.
Either option helps throw off the shackles of the Thalmor kikes, as they profit the most from a long, costly war between both sides.
yeah nobody is posting games related to politics in any way Sup Forums disappoints me once again
Syrim is all about Politics so is the Civ games you're a fucking retard.
i was the one that posted the skyrim post fuckboi. im just saying skimming through the thread most posts arent related to politics