Remember my post yesterday where I said I bought some Frozen DHMO on Amazon and that I was going to kill my cheating gf...

Remember my post yesterday where I said I bought some Frozen DHMO on Amazon and that I was going to kill my cheating gf tomorrow?

Well today is tomorrow and she's going to go to the 24hr Planet Fitness gym with her new bottle.

Equipped with Frozen DHMO that looks just like ice cubes.

RIP Bitch.

It should take about 10 minutes from her drinking it.
She'll probably die on the treadmill and the medical examiner will think she just died from having a shitty heart.

Other urls found in this thread:

And you would post this on Sup Forums why?

Fucked up dude. Not even funny.

Reported to Feds :^)


I guess for the lulz?

its h20 dumbasses

she cheated. why not try breeding out this kind of behavior? why not try for a better tomorrow?

Dude just pee pee in her bottle and say its lemonade.

should of used it on yourself cuck faggot

>Being so stuck in scarcity mindset you kill someone when there are literally three billion others where that came from


She'll probably die on the treadmill and the medical examiner will think she just died from having a shitty heart.
She'll probably die on the treadmill and the medical examiner will think she just died from having a shitty heart.
She'll probably die on the treadmill and the medical examiner will think she just died from having a shitty heart.
She'll probably die on the treadmill and the medical examiner will think she just died from having a shitty heart.

Lol why are you posting this on Sup Forums.

Dihydrogen monoxide - Industrial solvent, deadly if inhaled. Terrible way to go...

dmho is highly toxic, or so I hear

He probably did faggot it's just regular ice. Neck yourself.

>killing them and breaking the law
>not just destroying her emotionally, legally.

You're a fool and a pussy, poison is for bitches anyway.

She deserves it. I hope you get away with it op. Godspeed.

>Equipped with frozen DHMO that looks just like ice cubes.
>looks just like ice cubes

Gee, I wonder why

You clicked the wrong board... this should be on Sup Forums.
There is the place where you get this sort of thing, like the kid who told everyone on the board he was going to make a shooting at school and was arrested a couple hours later.
You would know this, right?.. oh.. that spacing.


user you cruel beast

user NO


Stupid fuckers lol

>mfw she looks like my waifu



Seems like it would be common knowledge, but color me surprised I guess


post some pics for proof, since the picture you posted is obviously not your gf since she refers to you as husband. cmon fegit, post proof or gtfo.

Go on.

Got to be a troll thread right...RIGHT?

This faggot.. there's always this faggot.

Unironically rot in Hell OP.

literally everyone that has been exposed to any amount of it has died. shit is fucking lethal.

maybe she cheated on you because you are an insane murderous asshole and she was trying to escape by hooking up with someone else because you mount her while she's asleep and hold a knife against her throat but she's only been pretending to be asleep.

You're one funny nigger you know that

Make sure to post pictures like that infamous Sup Forums thread before you an hero, ok pal?

>using DMHO instead of hydroxic acid
pleb tier assassination desu

What does it matter if he kills one when there are 3 billion more where that came from?

Sweet. Great job user. What are your plans for the future? Are you going to focus on a career or something?

i reported you too as an accessory to this heinous crime fucking scum

>itt reddit niggers from 2011 attempting to fit in
consider suicide my fags and this cunt deserve to die

DHMO is an industrial solvent, it's one of the most corrosive substances around.

they keep coming!


>When someone tries to kill you but bought an Alexapure Pro Water Filtration System

>Dihydrogen Monoxide
You're an idiot who wants to be smart. WE have IUPAC naming for a reason, cunt. Plus, use common names when you can, otherwise you look pretentious

Sup Forumstier cancer thread

fucking why?

dhmo lol gonna kill her with water

lol don't be such a pussy
what are you even doing on Sup Forums

>implying Alex's filters can remove DHMO
They do literally nothing to stop it.

What the fuck man. What happened to politics

lmao its not even that much weight, women lol

kys faggit

Go away Alex

F stupid bitch probably deserves it


sure is reddit in here

Edgy reddit invasion to try steering us into the Sup Forums cesspool.

omfg. well here's our headcount of the leftists shilling on our board. fucking morons.

You better deliver OP if this is fake may kek smite your cock off

Cmon man seriously. She still loves you. Yeah she's a dumb awful bitch, but she's like a dog that pissed on your carpet without knowing that it's wrong. Kick her out, don't kill her. Only Jews do that

You better be joking



Di = 2
Mono = 1



people are stupid.

I sure hope everyone posting in this thread is doing so ironically... how many layers of trolling are we on here?

i've been scouring this lion's den of white supremacist and domestic terrorists to find the men who exploded that van and who hacked the 2016 election, so far inconclusive as my digits aren't repeating

>inflicted frozen dihydrogen monoxide on an unsuspecting girl

That's the ultimate solvent and you put it in her water bottle.

Burn in hell

Open I'm asking you to rethink this.
Dihydrogen monoxide is nothing to fuck around with.

A guy at my work drowned last year after someone pushed into the dhmo tank.

Shit is deadly

Doubt you can just buy that shit on Amazon


Wtf dhmo?? I never even heard of this before but how come you can just buy this shit online? It should be ileegal to just buy a poison like that...baka

Bitch deserves it

>no funny tabs


Dude breathing in that hydrogen bonded compound will cause someone to die in mere minutes

I reported you for sucking half the cocks on the planet you fucking nigger. Watch out... johnny laws a comin'.

Sup Forums - Random
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

I have reported you for reporting him

prepare to get V&ed you cum slut

Drown her to death in that shit.

6 my dude



Dhmo = dihyrogen monoxide = h20 = water

You cant fool me nigger




Fake and gay, nobody would be dumb enough to post murder plans on Sup Forums, where the FBI can bust them in a heartbeat



The FBI thinks you're all retarded.

how the fuck can you just purchase this?

Faker and gayer than this

OP is either a big fat liar or is a stupid nigger who brags about their crimes online.

Shitty neighborhood, decent cars

fuckin nogs

thank you finally, scouring for this response

fuck off leaf nobody wants your kind on this board.

Op said cheating gf

But in the pic she calls him hubby

Fake as shit

Oh, ha, ha.

Never heard of anyone refer to it as DHMO though

Ur all idiots

>guy A gets hit by car
>guy B jumps in and punches him when he's down
>guy B immediately gets hit by car

This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Black people are pitiable and stupidly violent, but goddamn do they entertain us!

Good job OP.

Everyone in this thread is retarded for believing your fantasy and your generic google thumbnail of a woman.

I bet they'd believe this is a real gypshun artifact of Michael Jackson as well.

He wuz a kang after all.

>1 post by this ID

It's murder, but let's not pretend that it just fell out of the fucking sky.
