ITT post your Antarctica redpills

ITT post your Antarctica redpills

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Are you trying to say this obvious looking plane is a UFO

This is literally the plot of Prometheus. I wonder how much of it is made up

>the leader takes a chip or a drink and gets the recollection of all the knowledge previously...and lets them control the others with their minds
We really are the Attack On Titan now.

It's cold there

this was spooky. im gonna masturbate until i've forgotten all of it

>Go to Antarctica a few years back for geologic/glacial work
>Drink with researchers, few women, get bored and depressed after 2 weeks
>After work is done fly back on helicopter to main base with airstrip, take off and fly home
It's genuinely a pretty boring continent.

time to go back

Tell these Guardians to make the mudslimes stop blowing everyone up.


This is one of the most poorly written things I've ever read. I'm tired of bad creepypastas.

Seriously, what is with all these Antarctica threads recently? It's big and cold and mostly ice. This is not even remotely politics related.

Why don't you write a fucking creepy pasta then? You do it, and see who's better Mr. Smartypants...


Can I really?

I'm so sick of the greed here, and they haven't even begun to understand the power of resonation.

Explain this?? Guardians? Argentina?

>it's not on the ice, it's 2000 feet under it

This has to be one of the biggest redpills I've ever witnessed on pol.


antartica is where proof that the earth is hollow exists

The story from the image, or Prometheus? Because I feel like there was a lot of hidden truth in Prometheus.

Fuck off non-polar niggers, We're full

I'm actually watching this now my brown friend. Just got to the part where they mention the Nazis bringing in lots of heavy mining equipment and shit. If this is true has anyone ever found it?

Please tell your kind to stop destroying the history of this world.

A messenger of Kek, we should heed his word.

take it to /x/

If Earth was round, there wouldn't be land mass on the poles, since centripital force would spin the majority of land to the "equator." But you knew that before you made this thread

operation highjump friend

the video explains a lot

Is the moon round? Or is it shaped really oddly?
I want the red pill you're having

Time to come out, user

I don't claim to have all the answers. I was just pointing out the obvious

wow, that actually makes sense

damn, never thought of that

Don't fly to close to the sun Sup Forums.

Drop it.


>hurrr le epic larp
>hurrr le epic larp
>hurrr le epic larp
>hurrr le epic larp
>hurrr le epic larp


It's been boring lately waiting for Trump's inauguration, Sup Forums just trying to meme a happening in Antarctica.

*, Sup Forums

user in another thead a few days ago who seemed pretty knowledgeable said they are transporting methane to antarctica and pumping it into the atmosphere there to create global turmoil, actual climate change, and "environmental refugees"

almost had me

Majority of land isnt ALL the land