Anti Turkish Thread

Give me your best memes about these arab subhumans.

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T. Proxy mehmet




Praise him.



istanbul is supposed to be the most european-like t*rkish city, imagine how the rest of the country looks like.

Turks not only have an infinite courage, they also have the intelligence of a wizard that stuns the wills. Turks kept gaining victories over victories and created civilizations over civilizations using this intelligence and gives the most honorable service to the human civilization. It wouldn't have been possible for them to rule half of Europe otherwise.
Çar Nayev (Russian commander)

Turks are the most honorable people on the face of the planet as a race and as a nation.
La Martine

Turks have clear hearts. They have no superstitious and ordinary ideas at all.
Semame İbn-i Eşreş (Arabic scholar)

There are two things Turks love the most. Justice and truth. They never did anything wrong but they were wronged.
William Pitt (English stateman)

Turks surely are the most pure and dignifed nation European and near Eastern history had ever known.

Turk don't fear but instill fear. Whatever he wants, he achieves and never gives up.
Semame İbn-i Eşreş


kek based burger

you wouldn't believe how butthurt that diaspora k*rd OP gets from your posts

>tfw a gypo managed to impale 30k of your people

ben ermeni kardesler

If they spent more time fighting and less time standing, they might still have an empire

Turk is the noblest of the nobles. Nothing artificial, nothing flashy. Their dignity is a gift of nature to them
Pierre Loti

Leaves should not be posting in that case


I'm talking about Turks. When they attack their enemy, it's an relentless tornado, terrifying sea, and ruthless lightning; but when next to a friend or an enemy without a weapon, a Turk is a dawn wind and a clear and calm lake. To change this dawn wind into a tornado and lightning and to change this calm lake into a boiling sea would be a mistake which hurts nature itself.
Tasso (Italian poet)

Among all of the nations, the most honorable and the most friendly people are only the Turks. If you go to a Turkish village that has not been under foreign influence; you will see and learn what true hospitality is in fact.
William Martin


Uncle Vlad was a gypsy?


Turks as a race and nation are the most noble and the foremost of the nations. They are socially, religiously and ethically admirable for people who are unbiased.
Lamartine (French writer and diplomat)

I was almost captured in Poltaya. It was death for me but I got away. In front of the "Buğ river", it was even more dangerous; in front of me was water and behind me the enemy as burning sun on the hills... Water wanted to drown me and Sun wanted to burn me. I got away. But today I fell hostage to the Turks. Not even iron, water and fire could enslave me but they could. There's no chain on my feet and I'm not in a dungeon. I do whatever I want. This time I'm hostage to compassion and nobleness and kindness. The Turks have tied me using this diamond rope. Only if you knew how sweet it is to live as a free slave among Turks; Generous, noble, gentle.
King Of Sweden: XII. Karl

>Turks have clear hearts. They have no superstitious and ordinary ideas at all.
>Semame İbn-i Eşreş (Arabic scholar)
Or any ideas of any kind in those empty heads

Was this before or after the Armenian genocide?

Why are you shilling for turks you cuckburger?

Turks know how to die. They know it really well. I'm experienced enough to know that a nation who knows how to die can not be defeated. It's possible to create armies without any single thing and send them to their death easily. I'm taking advantage of this. The only problem is this: The living memories of Turks! The Turks who defeated any single thing on Earth 300 years ago still remember their heritage and stop us from doing what we really want to do. I sense this fear in every heart. So if we want to defeat Turks, we have to first defeat their history. I understand how Turks ruled over dozens of different nations so easily. They defeat a nation only once but they transfer the victories they gained to the souls of future generations.
M. Montecuccoli (Austrian commander)

Wow based armenianbro

Glad to see one who's not blinded by hatred. I wish the best life has to offer for you

Unspangle your banner before you talk to me

Susmak hayvanlar havlama



The hand of the Turk which knows how to use the sword ruthlessly also knows to heal the wounds of people it defeated.
Lord Byron


I'll never fight the Turks again. They are courageous and good people.
Andreas Phitiades



In Turkish society, there is no other important thing than personal quality and value.
Baron Büsbek

Behind the Picture?

If ten of the bravest people from ten of the bravest nations were collected on one single person, he couldn't be a rival to a Turk. Turks speak most of war and victory. Their entertainment; horse and weapon. Appraising their sincerity and honesty is never enough.
Charles Mcfarlene

Be friends with Turks but never be enemies.
Gianni de Michelis


There are no other soldiers in the world who are ready to give their life for religion and country other than the Turks.


We couldn't be successful in Dardanelles. How could we? Turks were fighting with the rage, courage and dare of a lion as if we entered his lair. I never saw such a nation.
Sir Julien Corbet

Turks are not only very honest and generous to Muslims, they are also the same to other nations and foreigners as well. They don't see any difference between a Muslim and a non-Muslim.
Monradgea D’ohsson


If you don't want to understand the Turk, turn your back to history. In front of unjust attacks and unjustified lies, Turks are silent. That's because they take pity on others who don't see the truth. This nobility is an open answer to those lowly lies.
Pierre Loti

The morality of Turk is not because of indoctrination during childhood but what he saw around himself. No evil at all.
Thomas Thorsten


You have to kill every single Turk. If you are stupid enough to leave a single one alive, that Turk will create a new empire and take revenge.
Chinese saying.

A Turk is worth all of the people in the world. Two Turks aren't worth even a single Chinese man.
Chinese saying.

The same Lord Byron that the Turks put to death by fire?


>You have to kill every single Turk.
Even the chinese, who have never had any history whatsoever with the turks, knew what to do with them

si, gracias!

>left education

fucking kek

do you know why the great wall of china was built?

>never had history with the Turks
Oi boi and I thought American education was bad

For what specific reason you opened turkhate fellow Italıan? Is it the anniversary of Leopanto?
>who have never had any history whatsoever with the turks,
Turks had a khaganate right north of china iirc, named gokturks, it is from here they migrated towards west.



old terrible meme


Definitely because of the Mongols and nothing to do with the Turkish Uyghur you degenerate fucking roach

>mfw your Turk-Hate thread turns into a "Why are Turks so based"-thread
Former vassals and ermenis are cucking themselves again.




>tfw going to pick my turkish girlfriend up from the airport now
>have her bed all made up already
>checked online to make sure I didn't set her heat pad up too high and made sure her enclosure is escape proof

So what do cockroach eat? Can I just giver her human food? As far as I was aware they just eat anything.

Your kid will be part Turkish bud that is if you ever have one

Turks aren't Arabs, they are central asia group, which are named guess what "Turks".

>This east mongolian tengriist tribal group is the same country and culture as modern-day muslim turkey
Give me a break. Turks are delusional.

was going to post this, based cossacks !

Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!

O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou shallt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons; we have no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.

Thou Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!

So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!

In Turkey, Santa's elves hold him at gunpoint until he gives up the presents. Merry Turkish Christmas, everyone!

When one examines the Turkish language, he discovers the big miracle that human intelligence has achieved.
Max Muller

>Is it the anniversary of Leopanto?
do I need a reason tp? kek
honestly, probably because the roach proxy shill in last thread motivated me.
why do you care anyway?

Turks are Turks retard whether from Turkey or Kazakhstan

Its just turks spamming up the thread

>when that genetic mishmash of a mutt talks about race.

Turks are heroes. They never hurt their friends. This honorable nation will not leave a hand that reaches to the, will not renege on their promises, and will not let their friends alone at the times of hardship. Whoever becomes friends with this amazing nation will have on his side a priceless power to manage through any hardship.
Comenius (Czech Scholar)

Found the roach

thought there was an italo turkic battle anniversary. I don't know.
the wall is dated pro turks and pro mongols to the xionghus
depends on how you categorize turks, some call xionghus proto huns and hunic to be linguistically proto turkic


Und jetzt, Sören, was willst du machen?


You fuckung roaches were never a threat.

haha are you joking

Turkic does most definitely not equal modern day Turkey.