I mean 40 years ago, there were no Muslims in Germany and 24 months ago there were no Islamic terror attacks in Germany.
I wonder why Merkel doesn't say WHY
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It's a normalization of the threat while ignoring the bigger picture.
Of course there would be no Islamist threat of any kind without mass immigration from Muhammadan countries. There's a reason Islamic terrorism is a threat now and wasn't in the past (aside from invasions by Muslim armies).
Talking about terrorism just diverts people's attention from the real issue. Whether it's intentional or not, I don't know.
When there is an Islamic terror attack, the result is the same every single time: a lot of goody-goodies rush to defend the aliens by saying "not all Muslims", "just a tiny minority of extremists", etc. In all of this it gets completely lost that these Muhammadans, fanatics or not, aren't even supposed to be there in the first place.
So a relatively small issue (terrorism) is normalized and that leaves the larger issue (third-world immigrants, Muhammadan cultural norms, everyday Islamic supremacism) in its shade.
>Talking about terrorism just diverts people's attention from the real issue.
Are Germans stupid enough to fall for this?
Pure coincidence
yes, welll they will pretend to believe it out of fear to be called a nazi
just watch merkel get re-elected in may
>yes, welll they will pretend to believe it out of fear to be called a nazi
>just watch merkel get re-elected in may
It is a crime to be a nazi in Germany. You can get up to 10 years in prison. Raping a 10yr old boy because of a sexual emergency gets you 20 months on probation, on the other hand.
I am not even hyperboling. This is literally what is happening.
I think Poland should invade you. It would be best for you. It would actually be a liberation from the tyranny.
>I think Poland should invade you.
They are much too weak.
Germany could only be saved if we have some 9/11 type of event in which 20 'refugees' band together to kill 1,000 Germans.
Yes there were and yes there were. You uneducated moron.
You're full of shit is what you are.
Because the real lesson from Nazism is that if you call yourself a Nazi you're evil.
This is unfortunately what people "learn from history". That is to say, nothing.
Only the most superificial things are "learned". Like for example that a Nazi symbol is bad. This then leads to unease and confusion when faced with swastikas in eastern religions.
The substantial lessons of history are never learned. One of the recurring teachings is that a stubborn insistence on irrational ideas in the face of rational criticism eventually breaks out into a violent defense of the irrational ideas.
And here we are again: rational criticism gets shouted down by angry mobs who are defending their irrational ideological positions (like multiculturalism etc.).
Isn't it funny that mankind still hasn't learned this simple lesson: if you have to violently oppose reason, you are not on the right side of the argument.
Such a difficult lesson, isn't it. Apparently impossible for most humans to learn.
Sure feels great to be human in the 21st century, be fully aware mankind is incorrigibly retarded, and there's nothing you can do about it.
he can't. the planned invasion of germany through "guest workers" by itself was treason, this must be reversed first.
-economy based on consumerism
-very predatory capitalism that force women to work instead of pooping babies
-consumers number must stay the same so they keep importing shitskins
The good answer is national-socialism. But I'm afraid it's too late. That shit is going since 40 years and whites are already a minority in the 0-30 age category in the white countries.
>what are Gastarbeiter
>what are foiled terrorist attacks throughout the years
Are you just retarded?
It's filed under Latin America on BBC.
>imports terrorism
>now it's a threat
fucking traitorous cunt
damn them to hell,yjr.
Look at me.
Germany is the Caribbean now.
>-economy based on consumerism
As opposed to.. the non-consuming nazis? Pol sure is retarded.
>instead of pooping babies
Bla bla bla, you guys sure are dumb.
>>what are Gastarbeiter
You do understand what "40 years" means, right? If it makes you happy, let us say 50 years instead.
>>what are foiled terrorist attacks throughout the years
You do understand what "terrorist attacks" means and what "foiled" means, right? Read my OP and come back again. Also, provide evidence there were actually real attacks that would have been carried out by Islamists which the completely incapable police in Germany actually "foiled". There never were any, but some Bild Zeitung shitposting shit.
>Are you just retarded?
I think you are clearly shitposting. Not sure why I am replying...
You're replying cuz you're a pathetic piece of shit having a hard on for refugees on an internet weaving board
Geh sterben, heute bietet sich an.
Achmed if you want to shitpost in german at least learn the langauge first.
And 1 year from now you'll reminisce about how there used to be no Sharia law in Germany.
Now it's the truth
It's because the Germans, for all their engineering greatness, don't possess a working penis.
They literally need to import shitskins to fuck their women so they don't die out.
In a generation Germany will be an Arab nation. They will vote the woman responsible for it back into power. More refugees will come and Germans will turn brown.