Redpill me on these based fucks.
Redpill me on these based fucks
Perfect healthy teeth.
>good color choice for flag
>small country ~1.5 million
>old president ~70yrs or something
>smart guy, STEM major or whatever
>country is very tech forward
>citizen id cards have encrypted chip you can use to e-sign, do banking, etc
>lots of white people
I think they are pretty based desu but their women are a bit unhinged
>source: coworker and short lived fuckbuddy was estonian national
non-white genetic losers
They can vote online, eesti beesti, bravo estonia
highly slavized old turkic tribe just like as hungarians and finns
There come who immigrate here are sweet and motherly
T. Fag whos dating an esti
Jealous much? Maybe if Canada was both willing and able toflex nuts, they'd have a conversation with you.
go live in eastonia then y ou fat fgagot
arent they getting blacked pretty hardcore? I always hear about their girls coming over here and fucking nigger athletes
Dude stop being a fag estis are based you mong
you are an embarrassment to canadians
Fuck off, little leaf. Estonians are friends, and their country is shaped like the head of a chicken.
Comfy little country. Quite nationalist.
No neo-sovietist shit. No WW2 fetishism.
Difficult language though.
All in all, a budget version of Finland.
GREAT dental care
Lived there for 2 years. Really friendly people. Hate Russians and the Russian language with benefits. Unbelievably gorgeous women. Really quaint yet still up-to-date major cities. Overall a great place to be.
>you are an embarrassment to canadians
Canadians are women, with less common sense and bigger egos.
Worked with several estonians.Mostly Nice guys, but get triggered WAY too much to anything related to russians,even those estonians who did not live in the ussr times.
Our girls are pretty and there's pretty much 0 refugees since everyone's racist.
>Our girls are pretty
Didn't your women have moustaches for 800+ years?
"Muh Colombus."
My dude, I'm an Estonian on vacation.
Our new president is a Swedish puppet and globalist agenda pushing EUtard. She was appointed not elected some months ago.
And our dental care is shit.
Cry babies. To my knowledge, if the Russians were not opressing them, they would be the most rich contry in Europe, have stronger economy than Germany and probably even a Moon base. And a Space program!
tldr post commie narrow minded retards with post commie mentality. If it's not white, it must be bad.
We have brought in 150 something refugees, and you almost never see niggers here.
It's where Link is from. He's a pretty cool dude. Not sure if he's reflective of the rest of Estonia though.
>It's another Eesti thread
wow a fat american shitposter. what a surprise
All of Eastern Europe is a shit-hole where first world vacationers go to be kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery desu senpai
77 by EU quota (an error, should be 0).
From those 77: one is in jail for trying to burn his ragdoll wife, 3 sued government for giving them olny temporary protection, one family has kids taken away.
BTW, those "refugees" are kept in secrecty from general population because otherwise they are driven out. Being estonian means being racist, there is no other way for our nation to survive.
In Tallinn you can see nigger almost in every step
And we have no democracy. Our president is appointed EUtard.
Our government currently has 3 parties: russian criminals, swedish puppets and EU soicialists.
And nobody I know is happy with that.
Expext us a) riot in 2017 or b) killed as a nation by molding meaning of Estonian into civic nationalism.
Kersti is love, fuck off nazishit
Are the rapist russians going to invade based eesti now that Trump and Putin are allies?
unironically yes, it will be crimea 2.0 the estonian boogaloo
Kersti is Swedish puppet EUtard. A talking head to brainwash us and fuck us over.
Listen to that bullshit she is milling.
And I am not nazishit. I am estonian nationalist. The very same kind that gave you the Estonian Respublic, free from Soviet union. I am on that pic. You fucks have absolutely no right to give away our respublic.
To keep estonian nation alive you should be patriot and nationalist. Because you should be able to assimilate immigrant influx. Otherwise estonians as a nation is lost.
You fuck should read the preambula of our constitution. Being anticonstitutional can give you a black eye and missing teeth very fast.
Kersti will be killed in her sleep by neighbors if she continues her agenda.
Currently we are invaded by EU marxists trying to get rid of Estonians as a nation.
Sometimes you need to ally with devil to kick out satan.
> russian criminals
Why did they not in jail, your courts is the same corrupt shit as in Russia?
Some of them are convicted. But the russian criminal party is still operating and our current PM is from that party.
EU decided to use russians as a force here to fuck over our nation. Unironically they are in coalition with Swedish puppets (IRL) who are most vocal about "russian threat".
The third party currently in our governmental coalition is EU socialists (ugliest shitheads and dumbest fucks around). And this EU socialist party is lead by russian whose family has criminal ties (his father (Soviet immigrant) is in process of being convicted) and many members of this party are fucking stupid communists.
Estonia is a mess.
And our courts and justice system is corrupted like they are everywhere in EU.
Our president is cool as fuck senpai, other countries be all jealous that they don't have a qt milf president.
Pole tähtis mis värvi on kass, peaasi et ta hiiri püüab.
See pole sulle mingi moenäitus või seenetoksimise materjal.
Kaljulaid ajab globalistide asja.
ma ei viitsi su natsijamaga vaielda, sa oled tillukeses vähemuses fanaatik, kedagi ei huvita sinu arvamus väljaspool Sup Forumsi altright circlejerki
Oh look, it's another thread about Estonia, who would've thought?
low iq, peasant heritage, inferiority complex
Yeah, we already got that from your flag senpai
Mis kuramuse natsijamast sa sonid.
Loe Põhiseaduse preambula läbi.
Rahvuslus on jah sinusugustel globalistide taldu imevatel pättidel risti jalus. Ja täpselt see ongi rahusluse eesmärk - kaitsta rahvuse liikmeid igasugu orjastajate ja anastajate eest.
Ilma rahvuslasteta poleks sul Eesti Vabariiki, koogutaksid Moskva poole ja lakuksid kommunistliku partei talda.
>retarded russian peasant trying to bant
Shouldn't you be off squatting somewhere and injecting krokodil with your gopnik friends?
Its like a international T.V. sitcom on here every fucking night and I fucking love it
we're just waiting for the BIG GUYs (EU, USA) to tell us what to do next.
desperate to push the tech meme, the truth is we have little things that make us relevant in the modern world.
We have things of value but they're not cared about in the modern supercapitalist world.
I think the best part of this country is music culture or the state of that culture, it doesn't look like a downhill (keywords: song festival, Arvo Pärt, ..)
How to get perfect teeth estonian wife and bring to america? Please give answers.
You want a redpill? Fine, here's your redpill.
My father was killed because he, as a lathe operator, was overworked by his capitalist pig bosses.
The resulting exhaustion led to him dozing off at work and falling face first into the lathe. Pic related is the true picture of the scene and status of his body after he fell in.
Think about the fact that capitalism killed my dad when I was only a few months old next time you buy a new TV, iPad, or otherwise indulge in the capitalist death cult.
EU already told us what to do - start fighting with Estonians, US and Russia to further globalist cause.
Next thing EU does is took away our control of our armed forces.
>lathe copypasta
Estonia is based as fuck, we nordik bitches
shit happens, at least it wasn't communism
Are you sure he was simply not drunk?
Yeah because Estonia knows sooooooooo much about communism...
just tread on estonian soil, don't act like a stereotypical american and go out drinking. and you're set.
the fact that this works ofcourse disgusts me
Maybe he killed himself because he realized he was a leaf
Yes I'm sure it's very common to be drunk in your "country" Vladimir but my dad was never drunk or high
I'd rather be a leaf than be a quasi Russian with an identity crisis
>I'm finnish!!!
ya u WISH lolz
stinky balt
oh and skype is shit btw
Skype is shit. Microsoft shit.
very symbolic - pictured are an Estonian qt and a sheep going "baah"
I'm not a sportsball loving normalfag retard so I should be good. If things don't work out with my final girl I've got my eye on, Poland/Estonia here we come. Fuck (((American))) women.
If you go to these poor countries you will be extremely disappointed. Don't fall for the memes. Most of these Russian places are radioactive from Shernobel anyways.
Enjoy your leukemia americlap
>I don't know any history but still act smug
why are leafs so salty
they get rekt in cyberwar
>t. Russian Hacker
You have 10 seconds to prove that you aren't a Russian who thinks he's a viking
Russian proxy perhaps? He seems to project a lot with radiation jokes and calling Estonia and Poland, "Russia" obvious bait.
Calm down leaf.
t. six toed man
Not everything is a > obama
Our previous prez. Turned out to be globalist kike.
Because they're Russians living in denial.
And so are you.
At least based Belarus embraced their destiny.
Perhaps YOU are Obama
Wasn't he from Jew York? Haha! You faggots will elect a literal American to distance yourselves from your Russian roots. Sad!
You wish so you could suck my nigger shlong
Because Estonia has a totally different language, culture and history than Russia? Estonians speak a Finnic language, we are historically protestant, the ruling class here for 700 years was German, not Russian, and Estonia was an autonomous region in the Russian Empire, governed by German nobility. Russian immigration in large numbers only started in 1940. Nothing ties us to Russia. How does calling us Russian make any sense in your mind?
Stupid fucking American fuck. Why do you kick out Russian ambassador to white house?
>mfw born as a disgusting Africa-tier flag Lithuanian instead of beautiful Esti.
Why God, Why?
Nice meme.
The entire former Soviet Union is Russian clay. From Chisinau to Tashkent. DEAL WITH IT
my ex's step mother was a foster mom to a poor eesti girl. they were working in rema 1000 shop in estonia and earned literally 1/20th of the salary in norway.
its a shit country, its inhabitants are shit, they are manual laborers at the very best.
>your argument is invalid because i called it a meme :DDDD
Our roots are not russian.
We share some genetics and some natural beliefs because our fenno-ugric distant past.
(some minor mixing because of being neighbors and parts of same empire in the past).
You should compare our languages for starters, leaf.
Seems we have a triggered (((leaf))) on our hands
Lowest subhumans. If they joined Russia their quality of life would skyrocket.
Don't worry, you're all Russian the same))))
stuff also costs 1/20th of norway here
Pretty chill imo
What is Estonian Independence war.
What is Singing Revolution.
Estonia has an average wage more than 2x that of Russia. Considerably higher quality of life across the board, and our economy isn't collapsing because we have a modern economy that doesn't rely on fucking oil to not starve.
You probably think the US has African roots because a bunch of niggers live there.
Your country is a meme.
Estonia are Germanized Russians. Like how Ukrainians are Polonized Russians, central Asians are Persianized Russians, Finns are Swedanized Russians etc.))) DEAL WITH IT
If you love radioactive sons of prostitute move to your beloved illegitimate Russian province and you will leave in 12 hours because you are pussy americlap
It is probably Artyom with a proxy.