>Pre-Trump Sup Forums
>"I hate Jews!"
>Post-Trump Sup Forums
>"Yay Israel!"
For it make sense? No, that isn't.
>Pre-Trump Sup Forums
>"I hate Jews!"
>Post-Trump Sup Forums
>"Yay Israel!"
For it make sense? No, that isn't.
Taqiyya. Sup Forums will lie to protect itself.
Sup Forums has always supported Israel!
Gas the Kikes and OP
You are mistaking being astroturfed by kikes as legit posts.
We had a leftypol raid, then came the neo-zionists of reddit
eat shit liar
I blame the_donald.
Sup Forums is majority reddit now.
whats wrong with hating jews and loving israel ?. i have been doing that for years .
besides , Sup Forums was ALWAYS pro-israel regardless of its opinion about any group of jews .
If we use the kike's logic here, every single one of these Orthodox jew loves to take a fat black dildo up the ass, otherwise Tel Aviv (the gay capital of the world) wouldn't exist.
But Tel Aviv does exist. Countless jewish boys take black dildos up the ass. By your logic Israel is a state that takes giant black dildo up the ass.
Do u want to live in a world where your logic is sound Jew? Because I didn't think that Jews liked taking giant black dildo up the ass.
Just ignore the (((shills))) they are desperate and they are trying to get us be pro-Jews
>Starting on October 9, the Soviet Union began supplying Egypt and Syria by air and by sea. The Soviets airlifted 12,500–15,000 tons of supplies, of which 6,000 tons went to Egypt, 3,750 tons went to Syria and 575 tons went to Iraq.
>The Soviets supplied another 63,000 tons, mainly to Syria, by means of a sealift by October 30. Historian Gamal Hammad asserts that 400 T-55 and T-62 tanks supplied by the sealift were directed towards replacing Syrian losses
The Soviet Union was supplying the Arabs in their war against Israel.
Why would a Communist nation controlled by Jews give weapons to Muslims so they can kill Jews and take their land?
Makes no sense. Unless there really is a good Jew part, the nationalistic Israelis, and a bad Jew part, the globalist communists.
this basically
though JIDF went into overdrive worldwide following the UN resolution, and I'm not just talking about on Sup Forums
It makes perfect sense, kill the head of the beast.
Why just black dildos
I wish kikes paid me to shill
The snake is trying to kill it's own head?
What are you trying to say?
all the shilling is getting really boring. Jewsrael should back off a bit, they are killing the golden goose. they won't though, because they are greedy and self centered by nature, they will keep pushing till they have no allies left.
not everyone in soviet russia was a jew, it was full of christians. jews may have started it but they lost control of it in the end.
I would bet the deed to my house that the majority shareholder of whoever makes those star wars dildos is a jew
This thread fucking AGAIN
Fuck mudslimes
Hail Israel
>Sup Forums is one person
all the jew haters have been demoralized after getting repeatedly BTFO by their god emperor. theyre still around just slightly less brazen.
Sup Forums bfto
I'm with Spencer now.
Soviet Union secretariat wasn't jewish after 30ties, Stalin purged everyone. Commies really showed that you can genocide ethnicities, races and sometimes entire nations while being viewed as benevolent defenders of minorities, you just have to be smart about what your propaganda says. Stalin even started the final solution but died right before finishing the task.
They'll all be rounded up so we can gas/nuke them easier.
Israel did literally nothing wrong
the soviet union may have had lots of jews in their leadership but it wasn't 'controlled by jews' in the sense that they were leading first and foremost with the interest of spreading communism in mind.
ironically israel is the best example in the world of actually implemented full on communism (albeit on a smaller scale ) with kibutzim.
anyways they didnt give a shit about the war being against jews they saw 2 potential full on satellite states about to get BTFO and tried to help them so they could keep making them more commie .
>believing there's 'good' and 'bad' in a war .
everyone is acting in his own self interest, it just happens to be that israel's is ethno-nationalistic which is very Sup Forums.
Non white detected.
come on mohamed it's almost 2017
>the soviet union may have had lots of jews in their leadership but it wasn't 'controlled by jews'
Ethno nationalism is not a Sup Forums thing, it is a meme being pushed by Jews for the benefit of Jews.
you should go find him, your Palestinian bulls need to be prepped
You probably thought killing Gaddafi was a good idea too.
its simple
even Jews are better than Muslims
It seems the elites are trying to replace the jews with the Muslims and they are way scarier
Jews are no different than Muslims, they just follow a different mythical book.
Because idiots can't tell that Trump is gaming the Israeli lobby hard, so they assume that they should be supporting them too just because Trump is repeating talking points.
It's unfortunate, but it's better than everyone turning against Trump because they don't understand the politics of the situation.
>but op
>these are good jews, right?
>no, no, wait! i got it!
>hahahaha we are so smart we are using jews to troll jewish organizations.... right?
>no, no, its not that.
>I GOT IT! hahaha pol was actually always pro israel and pol is not one person!
>stormfags eternally btfo
kys plebbit fags
Yeah, but yer wrong, dingo
I'm white as fuck