Stay strong Israel!
>JIDF tricked Sup Forums into electing the most pro-Israel president in history
Why am I not surprised?
(((Donald Drumpf)))
Sorry, your neighbor a little too close to New Zealand to not be an anti-semite.
they are a strategic partner and we need them in the middle east
Captcha: tyne zion
Jews are bad but mudslimes are worse. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
How so?
Yeah, I had a feeling I wouldn't get a reply. :P
I don't care how butthurt the Stormfags are. If Trump smashes the UN using Israel as a club then that's great.
Richard stop posting here
What does "the UN" mean? This resolution was basically a pact between New Zealand and few of our sensible high IQ Asian honorary Arians. The fact that they used UN to get their point across doesn't mean opposition is a smack against the UN.
Trump has been looking for any excuse to defund the UN. Why do we pay billions of dollars into an organization that does nothing and causes international strife?
One problem at a time, user. The kikes can wait.
>Trump doesn't love sucking cock and balls, he just hates pussy.
Uh, oaky.
I agree, still fuck kikes, they will find any chance they can get to back stab us.
Whatever you say, Stormfag. Keep sucking that globalist cock.
Man Sup Forums is cucked now. Go to doubs Sup Forums and they praise this, they remain the pure Sup Forums that hates Jews no matter what. The UN has greenlit the Second Shoah by decreeing that Arabs can now ethnically clean the Jews in the settlements without international blame, just like what Serbia did in the Yugoslave wars.
>I'm so anti-globalist please give me a cut Jewish cock to suck
Yea okay kiddo.
>not using the jews to destroy a jewish organization
Get out of here, cuck.
Kebabs don't need UN resolutions to act like savages.
I want palistinians to be genocided
You do realize the US also gainst from our relations right? and one of the things the US gets is intel on terror and the current state of the ME.
Why don't you actually look at the countries that voted in favor of the resolution?
If the UN is a "jewish organization", why would they strike at Israel?
Stupid fucking kike loving retard. Maybe your kike lover Trump will save a glass of Jewish cum for you to drink once he's full.
It started off as jewish, then the muslims took over.
Regardless, it's a worthless institution that everyone should stop funding immediately.
January 21, 2017
We wouldn't have a terrorist problem if Israel didn't exist. It's not a benefit to cause a problem and then dribble out intel only when it furthers yours ambitions for greater Israel.
We gain absolutely nothing. Despite a bunch of rationale from idiots who profit from the status quo
Muslims get fucked in the ass by the UN way more than the kikes have every dreamed.
That is false. There will always be terror, whether it is towards Israel, or towards each other. The war between sikh, kurds, Sunni and Shia war will forever exist.
Read the link please.
Shalom Trump.
Why did you steal money from your supporters
You think I've never heard rationale from Israel apologists before?
I live in America, where you can't tell a Jew his fart stinks without being called an anti-semite.
Those hats weren't free.
Remind me again why my friends and family should travel half way around the world, spend a year and a half in a god forsaken desert, defending people who don't know or even like them, end up getting their foot blown off, then come home to Jewish funded liberals spitting in their face for being a baby killer.
Why should the people I care about go do this, tell me rabbi in what way does this help america
We try to bring the diaspora over here, so hopefully there will be no Jews in the US with time passing.
campaign donations is not the same as buying hats, buying a hat is a purchase
New York City has more Jews than your whole country. That will never happen.
>He actually believes Trump is serving the kikes
Unless we march on Syria come January, Trump is one of us. End of story. The future of Israel hinges on whether or not they can clear a path to Iran to destabilize them and end their nuclear program. The day the Iranians get a weapon, Israel ceases to exist.
Ergo all Zionist efforts are now focused on Iran. Syria was the most important part of that plan. If they can topple Syria and place "moderate rebels" (CIA and Mossad mercenaries) in control of the country they can start spilling the chaos over into Iran.
They have failed, because Trump isn't following through with it. Why? Why would Trump refuse to do Israel's bidding when the future existence of Israel hangs in the balance? It's almost like he knows what he's doing.
Because history and religion bound you to this place. Jerusalem is calling you, because as a Jew, Israel is your only real home, and a place where you can feel safe. It may not be much, but it's ours, and we should protect it because we have o other place in this world.
>yfw trumps first day in office and the muzzie world feels the might of the United States/Israel/Russia military as we shock and awe them back to ancient times
>yfw we retake Constantinople and reclaim the Hagia Sophia for the Christians in the first 48 hours
purchase =/= stealing
More and more on the diaspora comes to Israel, and the numbers increase from every year.
Kikes are the same ratfaced, terrorist, dunecoon, ethnic supremacist, inbreds as the Saudis that run Isis.
Like the goyim were given a choice...
King Nigger Olbomber is super duper anti kike, right?
So antikike he gave yidsRaEl 30+ billion in American tax dollars?
"He had eight years to make a difference but he didn't.
At this point it just seems like an orchestrated thing to rally Trump supporters to support Israel because we always have to do the opposite of what the big bad leftists are doing."
Powerless proclomations, misdirecting virtue signaling and feigned interest by an outgoing neoliberal interventionist cabal trying to remain relavent to its "useful idiot", emotionally manipulated liberal base.
Where were you for the first two years of presidency when you controlled both the house and senate Obama? Sitting on your hands, biding your time and making excuses rather than putting an end to the Saudi funded muslim invasion of Sudan, endless Israeli settlements in Palestine and the corporate harrassment/poisoning/planned eminent domain seizure of indigenous North Dakota tribes lands.
In all cases big schnozed, rapist, ethnic ratfaces bully ethnic indigenous peoples, and in all cases Obama now pretends to care as he walks out of the white house. An attempt to continue the crumbling (((two))) party facade of good cop, bad cop. An attempt to make 8 years of nigger neglect look like white cruelty.
fortunately in the US we don't have those groups, not enough of them to matter anyway. Our only real problem is Jews.
You keep us real updated on all the controlled oppositions you agent provocateur into existence huh, well thanks big nose. Here's a few billion and leep up the good work.
Sup Forums has always been a pro-Israel board.
>doesn't go into Afghanistan
>doesn't go into Iraq
You do shit all
There will be a war in the ME and deep hatred to the west there with or without Israel.
> controlled oppositions
wew lad
Because we only want to protect our country?
t. Rosenberg
they only hate the west because we support you Jews. and so what if they war with each other? if they war with us we will fight back and defeat them.
>they only hate the west because we support you Jews.
Pic very related
> and so what if they war with each other? if they war with us we will fight back and defeat them.
With or without Israel, the diaspora (aka the globalist Jews) will still exist.
What's this "we" shit. You got a turd in your pocket? Because I feel no pull to your shitty sterile desert at all, my people have all the lebensraum we need.
You wanna anschluse the mudslimes I give no fucks, I will watch you do it and cheer, but you do it alone. Fuck my loved ones dying for Fucking Jerusalem
Israel is the solution to the Globalist Jews. Israeli Jews know they need a strong and viberant White world, because no one else gives a fuck about them, and usually hates them. But the Diaspora Jews are the ones trying to destroy whites.
We export them all. Send them to Israel, end this shit for good.
Israel is not a desert lad. The Negev is, but other then it we are anything but a desert.
Okay I can understand why Sup Forums hates Israel and Jews and whatnot but c'mon that country is effectively a giant airstrip for the US, it'd just be plain stupid if we just packed up and left. Albeit we probably have a shitload of other bases in the same general area of the world but at the end of the day it's positioning is nothing short of extremely convenient as long as we're still involved with the ME militarily.
>Then leave the ME, Amerifats
Sure, let me write that angry letter to my Congressman, I'm sure he'll put the whole thing to bed in a week tops.
Who Fucking cares. Fight your own wars and leave my people out of it.
American troops have no buisiness in the middle east.
What happens to you and your people is not my Fucking problem. If the dune coons come here and start snakbarring then I will make it my problem, by killing them.
Until then all you hook nosed brown skin middle eastern savages go fuck yourselves
Trump knows who runs the USA so he's playing it safe.
I always tell everyone he's a smart man.
I've met him 3 times had dinner with him once. Way before he was on a TV show.
he wasn't like able for me but a fierce businessman.
He doesn't hold back says it how it is without a sugar coat.
You forgot to respond to the fact that kike infilTraitors create endless controlled oppositions when you where busy trying to be dismissive.
>With or without Israel, the diaspora (aka the globalist Jews) will still exist.
Over time they will breed themselves out, probably with people with similar physical characteristics overall. Israel is chock full of globalist jews, btw. You can give up the good jew bad jew routine, all of you are suspicious.
Doesn't that work with Muslims v Jews as well?
My take?
He intends to let Israel instigate a full scale war with Islam.
While strengthening ties with Russia.
Then we'll push the entire Islamic world's shit in with the begrudging backing of NATO and more importantly, the Russians.
Muzzies the world over will chimp out and the nation's of the world will purge them.
We'll go full imperialist and split the Islamic world with Russia, give Indonesia to the Chinese, and go full colonialism again in Africa once we're full World War mode and purge the entire continent.
Those limp wristed faggots who protest against it at home will be tried for treason/sedition/etc in military tribunals.
It's not so much a choice ad a necessity to save the white race and depopulate worthless scum before we go full automation and subsequently full socialism.
>choose globalists
>get Jew'd
>choose nationalists
>get Jew'd
Truly master race, whiteboys can never compete