Let's talk about weed, Sup Forums. For the most part, I know you want it illegal/hate hippies...

Let's talk about weed, Sup Forums. For the most part, I know you want it illegal/hate hippies, but doesn't it conflict with your idea of personal freedoms?

Humans have used marijuana for tens of thousands of years, and it's only been illegal since 1937. And even then, it had nothing to do with THC and everything to do with personal interests.

I hate that i cant smoke weed without being associate with you liberal cancer

I hope you die soon.


but, yes, you ruin everything.

>idea of personal freedoms
fucking bluepills die

I used to smoke almost daily, then I my great gram gram died and the money stopped flowing. I had to get a job and one of the prerequisites for the job was a drug test. Got clean then, and have been clean since.

I don't like weed, but it absolutely ought to be legal. Same with heroin and cocaine and any other drug. Legalize, enforce standards for quality/content/distribution, and have at 'er.

I'm investing heavily in Canadian marijuana companies as legalization nears.

>trying to escape the cycle
That, right there is the ultimate blue pill. It can not and should not be escaped. Every time we go through it shit gets a little bit better. Without it we would still be stuck in the god damn Amish days.

When did I say I was liberal? If you can't have a discussion without mentally painting a caricature, you'll never actually change anyone's mind about anything.

>The Amish days
Lmao, I don't think that's as old as you think it is

I am not a loser on a crusade to change the minds of some retards, you SJWs cant hide yourselves

btw you are wasting your time, you are convincing nobody.

>Let's talk about weed, Sup Forums. For the most part, I know you want it illegal/hate hippies
While I do hate hippies with every fiber of my being, I do want weed leagalized. I just want the decision left up to states and I want the pro pot crowd to say that there are adverse side effects to smoking alot of pot every day and stop trying to force this shitty 420BLAZEIT culture on people who just want to smoke a joint or bowl at the end of a long week.

> being a literal druggie who spends other people's money on drugs.

I sure hope you guys don't do this.

I don't want it illegal. Weed is good and in itself doesn't cause any degeneracy, rather the culture around it (as with all things that are illegal) attracts degenerates. Alcohol however, is pure degeneracy in liquid form and that should be banned.

>personal freedoms
I don't value personal freedom either.

I was diagnosed with stress, high blood pressure, and clinical depression about 5 months ago.

I had the choice of biting the bullet and go on antidepressants and blood pressure medicine and go back to my lifestyle. I decided against all that and laid plans for getting the fuck out of my country and go live on the road as a traveler for some years.

To afford that, I've had to work 280 hours a month since then. I even went a period of 64 days without a single day off.

Guess what's been keeping me sane during all this? Fish oil, 8 hours of sleep a night, and weed. A joint or two after work every day and a long, hot shower have reduced my blood pressure to almost normal levels, I sleep very well where before I got maybe 4 hours a night, and I'm actually starting to feel some sort of emotions again.

Weed, as with any drugs, is great in moderation. It also have a lot of medicinal uses. I see absolutely no reason why it's illegal when something as degenerate and life destroying as alcohol isn't.

Don't tell me when my imaginary cycle free society would take place. It's my make believe.

>not leeching off super wealthy relatives
What other purpose is there to life? Besides watching anime that is.

But, user, we can overcome anything if we can overcome our mere humanity.

We're fascists we don't care about personal liberties

Lets play spot the commie

I am slightly interested in the fact that we have not seen african americans and other criminally inclined citizens migrate to weed-friendly states.

Has there been large black migration to MA, CO, WA or am I right? Why haven't people migrated? We see many criminally inclined citizens complaining about policing of crimes, especially drug related. Why don't they put their money where their mouth is and move to CO and smoke weed in peace?

Genuinely curious why the criminally inclined have not exited the south more. Are they not aware that you can smoke weed recreationally in other parts of the US?

>talk about weed
>automatically liberal SJW

you know it doesn't work like that. don't be a dipshit. also,

>not a loser on a crusade
>frequents Sup Forums


Nietzsche is like the literal opposite of communism.

I partake and sell to my friends.

I rip them off, both in price and weight. Guess they shouldn't be degenerates

A lot of blacks are too poor to move. Plus the benefits their state gives them are too good to give up

hahah you really cant hide your mentality hum?. Sup Forums was a fun, yet semi intelligent place, that is until it was ruined by you liberal cancer crusaders. I ve never actually thought this place was convincing people for real. I can tell you are an SJW cause you have the classic mental inability to understand context. (this is why you view everything as racism and sexism)

stop trying to pretend you are not a faggot

Marijuana's a great plant in all senses. What's there to discuss? If someone is misinformed about it and prefers to stay that way - it's their problem. Sup Forums is not for spoonfeeding.

Why bother moving if you don't give a shit about the laws in place?

LCC will be my new SJW from now on

liberal cancer crusaders.

(i dont care if nobody uses it, only losers do stuff based on the possible opinion of others, or based just on trying to change other's minds)

That's what I was just thinking. I think it happens that the states where drug laws are most strictly enforced are also the cheapest and shittiest, so, it is easy for the criminally-inclined citizens who live on welfare to be stuck there.

But don't you agree that states rights are almost a moot point if inter-state migration is impossible for some subset of the population, especially if that subset of the population is most disagreeable with existing laws?

I think we should commit a state like Alabama to becoming our cheap, shitty, drug-friendly zone, and create bus routes or air travel routes directly to Alabama from major cities. Also legalize prostitution there. Then pump the water supply full of sterilizing materiel.

Does your handler know you post on Sup Forums? Retards should be kept under supervision at all times

All I've done is start a discussion on weed. You've already decided that I'm Liberal, SJW, and that I think everything is racist and sexist.

wtf does any of that have to do with the thread? You're obviously really mad at liberals, like really, REALLY mad. We get it. What a black sheep.

How can you call anyone retarded and talk about context when you post shit like this?

you butthurt much? keep it coming

This is projection, ladies and gentlemen. You won't find a much better example than this mongoloid right here.

Not at all, I feel sad for you more than anything.

shut up faggot, you fool nobody, you are the one who assume Sup Forums is a bunch of antihippie weed haters

>I know you want it illegal/hate hippies, but doesn't it conflict with your idea of personal freedoms?

not knowing Sup Forums is a libertarian board

I think all drugs should be legalized on the basis of personal freedom. It would also help clear out prisons, disrupt criminal profits, and speed up the process of killing junkies.


I despise the way weed is becoming so normalized. I don't care if you're drinking beer or smoking meth. Too much of anything is bad. Everyday use of any brain altering substance is going to have severe effects on a person. This degenerate culture is tricking children and teenagers into believing that they can smoke weed ten times a day and be anything more than a piece of shit. It should be legal because the government should be involved in my life as little as possible. It shouldn't be legal for whatever faggot hippie reasons you will come up with.

>What other purpose is there to life?

As a pure anarchist, I definitely understand freedom and how it is important to have freedom.

Tell you what, I'll help make weed legal if you help make it legal for us to kill irritating potheads who won't shut their fucking mouth.

Seema lime a fair trade, yea?

Ever notice how every retarded user base calls itself "semi-intelligent" or claims a "slightly above average IQ" or something?

you faggots are the literal retards

if anything this

>Does your handler know you post on Sup Forums? Retards should be kept under supervision at all times

is the projection, (btw psychology is bullshit, another sjw redflag for you)

and you faggot cant refute what i say cause its true, so you can only cry.

are you going to refute this, ?

It must hard to be this retarded.

compared to Sup Forums Sup Forums used to be semi intelligent, used to be

>psychology is bullshit

I can see why you'd feel that way, given that you're retarded and all.

What are we supposed to refute?

again not refuting anything, triggered much?

I absolutely hate the smell, I hate the weed culture, I hate how people act like weed is not addictive.

I do not believe it should be legalized because it would not do the country any good. I don't go around reporting anyone for using it.

Personal freedom is important but fuck the people who think fucking with their brain to the point it doesn't work properly for a while is "fun"

you are the one who assume Sup Forums is a bunch of antihippie weed haters

>I know you want it illegal/hate hippies, but doesn't it conflict with your idea of personal freedoms?

not knowing Sup Forums is a libertarian board

You're really gonna take all the retarded shit you just said and try to leverage my assumption about Sup Forums's weed stance against it?

go down to the docks and unload some shit you stupid asshole.

too easy

>cant even say anything else, so just resorts to insult my flag,

showing your true colors there my xenophobic friend


Just because you're so stupid that you have to unload docks for a living doesn't mean your whole country is.

Don't try to drag all Costa Ricans down with you.

I was in a very similar sitution, with hypertension, alcoholism, and tabco useasge.

I quit smoking cigs, cut down my drinking to once or twice a month and started smoking pot. Huge difference.

Is fish oil legit, or is that just some meme?


>calling me an SJW who thinks everything is racist and sexist

>stretches the imagination to accuse me of insulting his flag and being xeno(((phobic)))

posting my jolie webms. need to make new ones.






how does he do it


The effect on blood pressure and mental health in Omega-n fatty acids is definitely real. But how much you feel it is subjective.

at that point, just take a break. If you need multiple doses of concentrates to get as high as you used to with 1 bowl, you're just being financially irresponsible.

Ok, so its the omega-3 then. Good shit. I recently started the ketogenic diet.

Ive lost 50 pounds in 1.5 months and Im feeling tons better.

hes a professional. literally. he makes his living being a degenerate and has a wife and kid.

is that real? Can tolerance build up that much?

Good for him. At least he is doing something with his life.

No, it doesn't. Weed is for degenerates and degenerates deserve execution without trial like in Philippines.

T. Fucking Swede


Yes. It's the narctoic that's evil. Ban it guys

Freedom to be degenerate is no more freedom than a cliff is a way to walk

>Good for him. At least he is doing something with his life.
absolutely. the virtue signaling and moral posturing of these right wing SJW Sup Forums ideologues is comical though when a so called 'degenerate' like jolie has accomplished more than them just by getting barbequed on youtube.

See, here is a prime exemple of how smoking weed actually destroys brain cells and make you an actual retard.

Marijuana today is exponentially more potent than it was in the 70's, and I say that as a bad thing. Of course degenerates ruin everything by overdoing it.

The ridiculous names of some these strains, weed culture, and the idea that fat lazy pigs in their early twenties are blowing a massive percentage of their already low income on it is so sad.

Weed is good. The shit that exists today is not "Weed".

Pot has nothing to do with hippies. There is a hippie culture that you can get into after you smoke pot, but that is a choice also.

>Marijuana today is exponentially more potent than it was in the 70's

Complete BS, old-time potheads will confirm otherwise.

Ok, but are old-time potheads looking at THC percentages? I wasn't alive in the 70's but I'm 99% certain they weren't smoking strains with 35% THC.

The people who want it to remain illegal are one of 3 people.

1.) Got bullied by stoners in highschool, thus assosciate drug use with people they don't like.
2.) Vindictive statist cucks, who want to use laws as a weapon against people they don't like.
3.) Actual weed dealers who don't want to give up making EZ money.

t. Actual weed dealers who doesn't want to give up making EZ money.

Its not like you have to drink the strongest alcohol if its available, you can just stick to beer.
Or are you forced by someone? Maybe call 911?

Instead of %s they went by strains, there's a reason Columbian weed had a name and reputation in America, because Columbian weed had higher %s than random ditch weed from rural Arkansas, only they couldn't mathematically quantify it as we do today. Also back then you got more sticks, stems, male and herm plants all mixed in, rather than pure female bud like we do now.

It's stronger now, but not by any extreme amount, the averages are still only around 5-10 points of deviation between the 1980s and 2008, also as potency increased the amount used to reach desired or similar effects is less, but they were still reaching the same levels, as bongs, pipes and other implements became more available rather than just choofing on joints which are wasteful, but was common in the 70s.