BLM really has a strong argument here. We need to ban Christmas.
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what holidays are belonging to black people?
The holiday of black friday.
Also, Valentine's Day because St. Valentine WUZ a black man.
all friday's matter
Totally agree, let them have freedom to choose so we know which ones should be sent back to Africa first
She's not wrong
They should go back to worshipping ooga booga spirits or whatever shit niggers worshiped in Africa before Islam and Christianity took it over
Christmas is not a racial holiday
Nono, you got it wrong. Ban niggers.
they should go back to africa
I think Kwanzaa
I have never met anyone who celebrates that.
Who said religious festivals were racially exclusive? I mean if black people want to celebrate something else that's fine, whatever.
Niggers already got a Holiday but anything that encourages them to unify and not Obongo and Murder everything in sight goes against their genetic code of savagery.
Blacks on the other hand, are just fine with Christmas. You Nigger Lives Matter nig-nogs need to fuck right off.
>Maulana Karenga created Kwanzaa in 1966, as the first specifically African-American holiday
They had to make up a Holiday for themselves because they had no history.
The only real reason to destroy Christmas in its current state is that it perpetuates the habit of mindless consumerism which negatively affects the middle class fiscally.
All holidays are made up, fuckhead.
What 'history' do you celebrate on December 25?
Because blacks love white people and everything they create.
rly makes u think
>Christianity is a 'whites only" religion.
Oh boy do those Disney Anarchist have it all wrong. Religion like Christianity and Islam are universal religions that adapted very well with being "all inclusive" in their approach.
Black people in America are by large HUGE jesus freaks and to deny that is being intellectually dishonest.
Whoever tweeted that is a moron and if he means the capitalistic consumerism side of Christmas they're still moronic as fuck. That's the end goal of globalist capitalism is to destroy all racial and national identity till we are all cappuccino skinned consumerist slaves.
No one wants the niggers celebrating christmas anyway.
Praise Kek!
I'm all for it. We might actually have a Black Friday without any tramplings, fights, or shootings for once if the nogs stopped celebrating it.
happy kwanza motherfucker
nice b8 m8
"white folks" pay to get into "black folks" concerts and clubs. Why isn't this practice banned/taboo? oh yeah, money. And black pop culture worships the dollar. Fix that problem first.