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based on what?


what is that ID.

Agreed. He's one of the few being rational about not being a Trump fanboy.

Sup Forums is in for a very rude awakening in the next couple of months.

this guy is a total retard shill, his entire purpose is to try to discredit the alt-right, fuck him

Omg no he did that icky stuff with the hail and the hitler salute.


He is the alt-right. He created it.

what the fuck are you on about.

This guy has done much more for it than almost anyone else. He did make a couple mistakes recently, but he mended them with some top bants.

he hasn't done shit other than make us look like idiots. he's literally an fbi plant.

based on a pile of shit

He CREATED the alt-right. what the fuck are you even on about.

He also helped distribute books that otherwise wouldve never been distributed. you fucking newfags have got to go.

>homosexual leaders of the "alt-right"

What went wrong with Sup Forums ?

Fugg off australia. he isn't a faggot.

how is that an ID?

I am starting to think the anti-spencer shit is a lefty/pol/ raid tactic as the threads always generate supreme butthurt

How can a (((shill))) be based?

Richard Spencer is literally a faggot. Lol at anyone who doesnt see it.

then we have people like this:...

>chubby cheeks
>developing double chin
>backset jaw
>weak brow
He is not capable of looking after us if he can't even look after himself.
He also looks like a fatass

check out my id dicklets suck on this mf id and suck my mf dick you fag id having faggots

it's a redit tactic

anti spencer criticism falls into 2 categories

a. he said the wrong things/ argues the wrong way. this is pointless because it is nit picking and spencer has decent presentation skills and fairly presents the arguments.

b. spencer is controlled opposition. this is also stupid because spencer simply is bringing to light white consciousness, just like every other race gets to preach. and you will lose out if you don't bring up your rights, even if you pretend to be the most 'accepting' diverse person on the planet.

Don't care literally have 88 in my ID faggot

my id is fucking DUDELMAO

I really am curious to know why the "alt-right" is so filled with homosexuals? Any rational explanation for this? An honest question.

Hello guys my name is Richard Spencer and I'm glad to see you really like me that's all I ever wanted was for you guys to really like me.

Also I'm glad to see you enjoy my friends over at TRS who know The Right Stuff, right guys?
Well if you guys keep up the support I'll keep on being your true leader on the front lines.

Because it's a reactionary movement to Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism

you retard, look at the history of fbi in the white supremacist movement, they control the whole thing, spencer works for them.

Ricky is alright.

Every far-right movement has had homosexuals in it. E.g. Ernst Rohm was an openly gay man who lead the Nazi SA.

I'm glad you understand why I defend homosexuals it's not just that gays are so fashionable and I like to suck a dick everyday but it's traditional in European societies for gays to be there.
Keep up the support.
Your friend Richard Spencer.






For me, there's a difference between being gay and being a faggot. Gay people are cool as long as they don't act like degenerate, beta faggots.

*basement dweller

I'm glad you agree friend as the creator and leader of the Alt-Right I caught a lot of hell for suggesting that homosexuals are perfectly fine and should be a part of our movement.
Of course I love me some dick as well but who doesn't, right?
I'm just glad to see more open minded whites like yourself knowing what's a good thing for our futures and gays are best thing that can happen to the white race.

Your Leader and friend,
Richard Spencer

what is it exactly that bothers you about the stuff on the right of the picture?

Nothing all gays are good in the Alt-Right just ask our good friend Milo.


The fact children have to see this shit. In fact some of these degenerates even involve children for their pedophilia entertainment. Don't believe me? I can pull-up a video if your interested.

Also, If I did some of the shit they do as a straight man, I'd be fined and arrested for public indecency.

Hey guys, try this:

Search for "Richard Spencer" on Google Trends, there's a cool easter egg.


It's almost as if the slippery slope regarding sodomites isn't in fact a fallacy.

Some sodomites are better than others. I'd prefer the ones who act like the majority of straight people rather than force their bullshit on you.

He's alright. Not as cool as the older guys at AmRen but you take what you can get.

Good goy.

Search Dick Spencer moron, it's what everyone called him at AmRen.

Nice try Cenovich

Calm down, we don't even really care if he is a plant.

Thing is, if you aren't a femmy queen, people don't even know you're gay.

If they don't know you're gay, they assume that you aren't.

If they assume you're straight, they're still going to think of queens as the stereotype of every gay man.

It's a paradox.

Who is Spencer again? Never heard of him until I saw him on Sam Bee.

Have you heard of any of these people:
Andrew Anglin
Jared Taylor
Peter Brimelow
Kevin MacDonald
Matthew Heimbach


It's just gross.

Have some self respect.

you're shilling hard tonight

nobody likes this faggot, he's been DISAVOWED

MacDonald's the only one of those who is credible.

Jared Taylor, really? The guy's a total fucking Twitter celeb. Good luck with that faggot.

Answer my post

At first glance Cernovich looks like the kind of guy who would speak about the hard truths of life with a deep, slightly grizzled-sounding voice informed by years of hard-won experience and wisdom


The two statements are not mutually exclusive m8

You really come off as a faggot when you pull that kind of shit without waiting a minute.

Now apologize.

He's cute.


>borderline aspie

Literally /our goy/

>doing an agent's homework for him

>Sup Forums is in for a very rude awakening in the next couple of months.
are you a soothsayer? pray tell us, what do the goats entrails tell?

Fuck that shit. I'm not letting fucker take a hold of the wheel.

Yes. All Montanafags better vote for him if he runs.

I would, but I'm not going to until you elaborate why Jared Taylor of all people is a "Twitter celeb". Do you know the name of the site he runs? And for how many years he has been doing it?

Do you know which of Kevin MacDonald's books is more important and popular in WN circles?

He'll crater hard if he runs. He's tainted.

>ywn be a P.H.A.L.A.N.X. Neuromancer

he needs to fix that collar gap first

Yes and yes, now apologize. The whole WN community is a honeypot staffed by larpers.

Go back to the_Donald

I expected more, but then I remembered affirmative action.

>Never heard of him until I saw him on Sam Bee.

He's got my vote. I don't think he will run, but who cares about racism. We elected a racist president now.

Oh you're in for a treat!

>I don't think he will run, but who cares about racism. We elected a racist president now.
This is what I mean about shilling, it's so transparent.


Yeah he's a cuck and the pro Spencer shilling on this board is amateur.

4/5 Spencer threads call him a faggot and a cuck. Shilling is happening, but not for him. I like Spencer, but I didn't before NPI this year.


Fag defenders are enemies within.

>Shilling is happening, but not for him.
Bullshit, it's because this nobody came out of nowhere and tried to assert some leadership in this thing called the (((Alt Right))) just like Cernobitch and a couple other cucks are.

The people calling that faggot Spencer a cuck are the broad majority of board users.

They are the majority of OP's. This board is majority civic nationalist, but most of the board doesn't know enough about him to hate him.

He sure is.

I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.

>They are the majority of OP's.
I don't think so, because Spencerposting was barely a thing before he was blown up by the media, and as that happened there was a glut of pro Spencer posts every day for weeks. Perfect for convincing people this board is pro-Spencer when it's really not.

Meme conspiracies.

Fat fuck.

Spencer on David Duke's show on Monday was one of the best in recent memory.

Do you think Duke is memeing Spencer as "The Whitefish" too hard?

Did they blow each other live on the air?

Richard Spencer is basically the David Duke for today's generation. He is given a lot of hype by (((the MSM))) and exists to give 'endorsements' to things so (((they))) can then say "BREAKING: KNOWN wHiTe NaTiOnALIsT RICHARD SPENCER BELIEVES [x]" to sway the soft-minded normies against it (case study A: "Hail Trump").

Hebactually let Spencer talk instead of mic cucking the guest

The sad thing is that Duke didn't endorse Trump probably because of Isreal shit as he stated several times on his show, but don't let the media tell you that.

(((alt cuck)))

>For me, there's a difference between being gay and being a faggot. Gay people are cool as long as they don't act like degenerate, beta faggots.

You do realize that faggots used to behave themselves because they would get their shit pushed in if the acted the way they do today?

>they would get their shit pushed in

Isn't that what they want, though?

Beady-eyed kike.

his gorilla shit is hilarious

plus he complains about his skin falling off until he washed it with israeli mud no shit

To follow up on this post, consider the excerpt in this pic and what it means. Spencer, like Duke before him, exists as a publicly visible 1488 nigger gasser for the liberal media to tie people like Trump to in order to stump them (like they did with Goldwater way back when). Its an old tactic, but this time around the internet thankfully was able to counter it.

Anyway, I'm wary of Spencer. Not going to completely hate on a nigga, but still, it all seems a bit familiar

The " Day of the Rake" is coming Leafs. Prepare your anus's.

Definitely based

I highly recommend Cernovich's book "Simian Synapse"
